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After installing new plugs, points, condensor, rebuilt carb,etc. and getting the static timing set (I think), pressed starter button, engine turrns over slowly, then there are puffs of smoke popping out of carb occasionally. That's it. What happened? Ed P.


could be you have your spark plug wires mis indexed on the diz cap. When I did mine I had them one tower off. Drove me nuts. Started at the beginning with static time to #1 TDC and re did it. Fired up so quickly after it scared me.

When you say turns over slowly, do you menan in comparison to 12 V or compared to other 6 V systems???

After installing new plugs, points, condensor, rebuilt carb,etc. and getting the static timing set (I think), pressed starter button, engine turrns over slowly, then there are puffs of smoke popping out of carb occasionally. That's it. What happened? Ed P.


Did you do what I recommended in the other thread about this same subject?


To Greg, Compared to 12-volt it turns over slower. Is that a quirk of the 6-volt system? And to Don, yep, I followed instructions, but a point was made that I could be 180 degrees off. I'm going to change the location of the rotor this time and see what happens. Ed P.


That's been a running joke amungst myself and one of my co-workers. It seems that any time we install a distributor we get it in 180 degrees off. We laugh that when we put a distributor in, we should just automatically pull it out and turn it 180 first, before attempting to start the engine.

It a pretty easy mistake to make. Good to hear that you got it running.



it is always best to trace number one spark plug wire to its orientation on the cap prior then ensure that TDC is also correct with rotor pointing to the plug wire now identified on the cap as #1....ENSURE..that while the distributor is out for rreplacement of points and condensor the ennine is not rotated by hand or by the starter..this way you will always be CLOSE enough to start when reinserted..

I use the word orientation as over the years sometimes people install the oil pump out of time with the cam thus making the proper 7 oc'clock orientation of the distributor impossible to obtain.

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