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I dunno, your getting a few things with it, some new items too, by the sounds of it.

Canadian prices will be higher, but someone who wants or needs this  set-up, may feel it's not a bad deal. I am not expert on the value of this, but like most vendors they want the most they can get for an item, even if they think they can get it...


Not putting it down, believe me I love those HEMI's.  They will probably get what they are asking.

Not too worry, did not take it the wrong way...


...too much for a long bell 331, and the extension causes install issues in alot of cars.


he will get his asking  price no problem,,,, and you can machine the extended bell off use an adapter plate


Yeah anything is possible, but cutting off the extension is simply not practical from any view point.


The 51-53 extension is cut off more than you think now days to be able to use these engines.


Tom, You are right-it's probably not cost effective to cut the extension off but it has been done. The early 331's are seemingly to be avoided at any cost for a custom hemi build. As you know the price of a bare extended 331 block will be half the value of a regular shorter 331 block- and thats if it even sells



So if you can pick up the core much cheaper maybe spending the bucks on some machine work would be worth it in the end. Is the cast in bellhousing piece the only diff or are there other reasons people avoid them?


Many folks avoid the 51-53 mostly due to the available trans options. There are plenty of manual adapters on the market, there aren't any automatic packages...yet...stay tuned for late breaking news...

Second issue is all of the heresay crap on the internet that says the small port small valve heads are useless. Chrysler didn't think so when they built the K-310 engine. Well over 300 hp on 1952 gasoline and 1952 technology. C/R on that 'beast' was a whopping 8.5 IIRC.

For the hot-rod crowd the lack of decent intake manifolds for the small-ish heads is a deal breaker and the high cost of old-timey Edmunds manifolds is sometimes crazy money. Someone in the foundry business could make some decent money on this one item.


Also,keep in mind that the 51-53 crank is different than 54-58. If you swap them you will have starter/flywheel engagement issues on oem blocks.


Now, back to your block......Assume that you can get an early block into your milling machine and you remove the extension, then what?

You do not have anything freshly cut that is remotely close to where you will need trans bolts and the 'ring' that is left showing is marginally suited for D&T.

So, now what? "Hell, I'll just weld on a new plate that looks like the trans pattern". Now the block is distorted from the furnace pre-heat that will be required and you will be machining everything to try and get it back to some sembalance of square. How many hours of machine time will that consume?



remove extension, est 3 hours (includes set-up)

buy and cut plate for new weldment,  $20...todays bargain

furnace pre heat, est 3 hours

plate welding, est 2 hours

furnace post heat and controlled cooling, 12 hours

machine time to drill new pattern in welded plate, est 3 hours (includes set-up)

machine time to restore decks, pan rail, block face, cam line bore and main line bore. est...days.....


Any machining to the cam bores will require fat bearings that do not exist....


Even if all you do is whack off the extension and drill some new pattern in the back you are still likely in the 5-6 machine hours (I would guess it would closer to 6-8) and around here that runs $60-$80 per hour. $300 on the low end and, more likely, $600 or so at the top.


If you really think that you can accomplish your goal for less than the cost of a later engine then please get busy and prove me wrong. I really wouldn't mind even being waaay off base, since there are plenty of 51-53 331 engines out there in hot-rod land.





I'm totally content with my52 331  FT drive and M-6. Works great for an old guy past the 1/2 century mark!



A few weeks ago I saw one of those motors in a '52 Imperial, complete with carb.   It might be possible to shorten the block but I see them on the HAMB with the original length.   In some cars the length might work out okay.  I wouldn't know who to go to locally that I'd trust to remove the b/h.  


I heard that this shop can shorten the b/h, might be wrong about that.  Love the shipping costs!


TROY'S ENGINE MANUFACTURING. 166 N. Yellowstone Hwy, Rigby,Idaho 83442-5657. Phone is 208-745-7347

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