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1950 b2 cranks but wont start...help!!!

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Ok I have a 1950 dodge B2B truck the engine cranks but wont start. It sometimes shoots fireballs out of the carb or puffs of smoke...lol... but it wont start? I checked the wires to make sure they were on the right plugs and they were correct. Any and all suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I really want to get this truck running again...


2-second burst of ether starting fluid down the carb, pull the choke all the way out, crank again and see what happens...if you're timing is off, that'll be real loud POP out of the carb


when I revived the '49 a few weeks ago, that's all it would do at first was pop fireballs from ether injection. I figgered out that the fuel pump was malfunctioning as one of the internal check valves had become un-seated. I fixed that, the pump was able to supply fresh gas up to the carb, and the ether burst was then used to get the engine to fire on its own to clean off the fuel, oil, etc on the spark plugs. If you pull the air horn off of the carb and there's no fuel in the reservoir, then you've got a fuel supply problem.


It doesnt currently have a gas tank. I recently ordered one and was trying just to get it to fire up with a bit of gas in the carb. I know if I open the carb all the way I can see the gas sitting down in the base. Is there another way to supply fuel while I am awaiting my tank?


for testing, a temporary fuel tank can be made by using an old lawnmower gas tank or a gas can with a fuel line running from the spout to the fuel pump, but exercise caution and practice safety by keeping a fire extinguisher handy and an escape route clear. If your fuel pump is working, you'll need to pump the carb accelerator a couple of times when cranking to deliver some fuel into the manifold for startup.


Thanks for all of the info. I will try that when I get back from dinner tonight... If its working I should be able to see gas in the glass bowls as well correct? Thanks again for the info


I hooked up a test fuel system and fuel pump works great immediately pulled gas up through the lines filled he glass bowls in the fuel pump and the fuel filter. It was popping and smoking aas I was cranking it but it still wouldn't start? I think I flooded it as well... but it still wouldn't start?


Do a compression test. All need to be even, preferably 100lbs or higher.


recheck the plug wires. If its Fahrting out the carb, its firing on an intake stroke. Chances are even though you think you have the order correct you could be one tower off on the dist. Do a thorough static timing procedure then assure that number one plug alligns with the exact rotor position. happened to me after I installed my rebuilt engine.


Along with the other tests mentioned, check your distributor cap inside for carbon tracks. This can cause misfiring along with backfiring because spark plugs are firing when they are not supposed to be. Good luck to you.

John R

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