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I've been very busy for the last week, what with clearing debris from downed trees, etc, and haven't given much thought to Halloween goodies for the neighborhood urchins that will be flocking to our door this evening. I still have a list of things to do today so there won't be a lot of time available to bake stuff and then it struck me; I can combine several tasks and shorten my list considerably. Foremost is I need to buy an axe for trimming branches before I move them too far and if I were to fore go the candy and simply apply the axe judiciously at the sound of the doorbell I could not only take care of that obligation for this Halloween but perhaps next year and generations to come.

How are you planning on appeasing the little crumb-grabbers this year?



the old ladies in the area has killed Halloween in our areas...preaching that he kids if they associate with this festival of the season will grow up to be serial killers and make animal sacrafices..I am problably the only holdout in the community..though we do not normally get trick or treaters, I have the treats on hand should they show up..I could probably still go to jail for some of the stuff I did Hoalloween as a younth..though I was a bit mischievious..we never harmed man nor beast...sure po'ed a many though...lol


I'll put the "haunted Terraplane" out in the front yard, again. Cobwebs everywhere, smoke machine underneath, black drapes behind the driver's seat, a skeleton "driving" it, creepy music playing from the back seat, and a strobelight under the dash. (The Terraplane is a dark color, so it's got better "eerieness" than the D24.) Due to my house being on a busy state road with no sidewalks, we haven't had trick-or-treaters since we moved here. At least I don't think its the spooky old car......:rolleyes:

Really I mean it...


Still a mess left over from the storm, not safe for kids to be on the roads round these parts...

Would they postpone New Years if the power was out? Not safe for anyone to be out on new years with or without power:D

Would they postpone election day if the power was out?:eek:

pictures of the "haunted Terraplane" PLEASE

Phooey! Couldn't get it to run well enough to drive from the back garage to the front yard, I think my "whack-a-mole stuck valve fix" (A-la Greg G) 10 years ago is finally catching up with me :eek:. BUT, here's a photo from a few years ago, and one of the stand-in "haunted Falcon" (Daughter's 63 Futura hardtop - since you can't tell what the car is in the photo).



Thanks Dan' date=' I appreciate the photos.

My Dad had a new '62 Falcon[/quote']

My family had Falcons as far back as I can remember. My uncle would come stateside from Vietnam and come visit in his powder blue one, (don't know the year). Then once he ETSed out of the Navy he'd drive from Illinois to Dallas to pick me and my brother up for our annual summer stay with the grandparents. He had that car forever and I can remember him bragging about the 30 mpg he'd get. My mom drove a red 61 Falcon forever, too. After a while, it was mine and my brother's "job" to look out the back window every time we crossed railroad tracks to see if something fell off. This one fell in our lap right when we were looking for our daughters first car - good excuse to buy it, anyway.

Posted (edited)

I've got a secret love of the little falcons. Joe and I have talked about them a couple times. None in the fleet right now but Dad owned these 2 plus a blue 62 4dr that I don't have a picture of. The first shot of the green one is when Dad owned it. Thats me and sis next to it. The next shot of it is the same car spotted at a car show a couple summers ago. Its still nice and is up to I think 32,000 miles.




Edited by Young Ed

I always like the '60-63 Falcons, Dad never really liked his, he said it was under powered with the six and three speed on the column, but I know I did like to drive it. I wouldn't mind having a '62 Falcon, but there aren't any around here. I do have a photo of all of us standing by it, I'll see if I can find it

I always like the '60-63 Falcons' date=' Dad never really liked his, he said it was under powered with the six and three speed on the column, but I know I did like to drive it. I wouldn't mind having a '62 Falcon, but there aren't any around here. I do have a photo of all of us standing by it, I'll see if I can find it[/quote']

The little green one is an automatic which I've never driven but Dad said it was ok for power. The white convert is a 4spd. POS. Horrible shift linkage always was falling apart binding up etc. So I'm hoping for a 3 on the tree or an automatic.


Ed..is that the infamous T10 tranny you referring to in the convertible..I am glad at least one of my Tigers has the toploader...I am thinking that the MkI has this T10 tranny...however..it does have the short hypodermic shifter same as my toploader..this is the shifter that the 62 Ford was known for..its a short shift for sure..also what makes these a high dollar item to find..

Ed..is that the infamous T10 tranny you referring to in the convertible..I am glad at least one of my Tigers has the toploader...I am thinking that the MkI has this T10 tranny...however..it does have the short hypodermic shifter same as my toploader..this is the shifter that the 62 Ford was known for..its a short shift for sure..also what makes these a high dollar item to find..

The 4spd in the Falcon was sourced from France I believe Dagenham. Not sure what model it was. We had aftermarket hurst linkage which was supposedly an improvement over the stock Ford stuff but you still had to shift it very carefully. Mostly when going to or from reverse.


"My" 63 has the two speed Fordomatic behind the 170cid 6-banger. That combo is good for an "every day" car, and perfect for a kid's first car. Not enough "oomph" to even think about racing, but it won't get run over, and it'll get off the railroad tracks before the train hits it. I like that green on the 60 - "meadowvale green"? I'm painting my daughter's car in the next couple of weeks, and that's gonna be its new color.

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