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A Woman, a Mattress, and a Car

A Woman ran over a mattress on the highway,

And decided not to worry -- and kept on driving.

The ensuing jumble finally whipped around enough

To tear a hole in the fuel tank.

The Subsequent Lack Of Fuel Is What Finally

Brought Her Vehicle To Its Knees.

She Had Still Managed To Drive 30 More Miles

With A 60-Pound Tangle of Stuff Wrapped Around Her Drive shaft.

She Had it Towed To Her Dealership And Complained

That The Vehicle Had A "Sort Of Shimmy"

When She Was Driving At High Speeds.

Below Are The Photos Of What They

Found At Her Dealership....................

The Last Photo Is By Far The Best.

"Sort Of A Shimmy" -- I'll Bet It Did!





This was posted on a truck forum a year or so ago. The truck is a Ford Superduty. It took the better part of three hours to remove the mess and replace the fuel tank.


reminds me of an incident back in the late 60's, I was working at a small Chevy dealer on second shift. Woman drives in complaining of a loud screem when she turned corners:confused:, I was there with the service writer, so I looked at it, poped the hood, she turned the steering wheel, and a gawd awfull scream from a little tiny kitten hanging on the steering column:eek:. every time she would turn the wheel the kitten would rotate with the column rod. took kitty home and had a very nice pet for many years.:D


When I read this I thought what are the chances of this ever happening to someone? I can remember way back when a friend of mine and I took his sisters AMC spirit four wheeling and ran over a matress which got caught up in the drive shaft. We spent many hours wallowing in the mud cutting the daggone thing out. Ah yes to be young and stupid again:o


I wrapped what seemed like a half-mile of barbed wire around the driveshaft of my Service Bronco several years ago in the desert above Ft. Hancock, TX. In the middle of nowhere, not enough units working to call for help (all they woulda done would be to "supervise" and make off-color comments, anyway). All I had to remove it with was a Leatherman tool and a handy list of expletives. The underside of that Bronco being the only shade for miles enticed a couple rattlesnakes to come oberve and make their own comments in their unique fashion. After a few hours and "weaving a tapestry of obscenities that still hangs over the area to this day", (which also seemed to chase the aforementioned snakes away, they're probably still in therapy), I happily, and very "dirty-ly" went about the rest of my day.

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