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Basic problem

I have my tranny back. Went to wire it and the solenoid has no markings for the two terminals. So which is which?

Would like to finish it tonight but which wire is which. It must have been replaced as the other was marked.

Al :confused:

Basic problem

I have my tranny back. Went to wire it and the solenoid has no markings for the two terminals. So which is which?

Would like to finish it tonight but which wire is which. It must have been replaced as the other was marked.

Al :confused:

Are you sure there are no markings? On mine they are very faint but there is a "4" impressed in the metal by one terminal and a "6" impressed by the other.

Jim Yergin


If you have the wiring diagram for the OD, that will show how it is wired. I have a R 10 OD and the solenoid has two terminals. One terminal is marked with "4" and the other is marked "6". The "4" terminal is connected to the "solenoid" terminal of the OD relay. The "6" terminal is connected to the "B" side of the kickdown switch. Perhaps your solenoid is not marked and maybe there is a difference in the wiring in the R7 and R10 OD solenoids.


Guys these early R-7 transmissions are a completely different breed of OD than than the later R-10. The R-7 has a smaller/shorter SSB4001 solenoid used to cause the trans to shift out of OD.Al, On the end cap it is marked "IGN" and "SW" above the two screws. IGN to the dist. and SW is to the KD switch.


Posted (edited)
Guys these early R-7 transmissions are a completely different breed of OD than than the later R-10. The R-7 has a smaller/shorter SSB4001 solenoid used to cause the trans to shift out of OD.Al, On the end cap it is marked "IGN" and "SW" above the two screws. IGN to the dist. and SW is to the KD switch.


No markings. Even rubbed some graphite on it then cleaned hoping to get something to show. Since they are both close together if looking down from the top. terminal A is at 12:00 then terminal 2 would be 2:00 which is the IGN? If that helps?

Yep I have the wiring harness already just no way to tell which of them attach where on the Solenoid. It is an expensive part and really don't want to run the risk of burning it up.

Edited by Alshere59
Can George Asche help?

Jim Yergin


If you do a search for all the threads started by this poster on the same subject you will find that he just got this transmission returned from George Asche. I do not understand why he did not first call George with this wiring issue?


If you do a search for all the threads started by this poster on the same subject you will find that he just got this transmission returned from George Asche. I do not understand why he did not first call George with this wiring issue?

Maybe he wanted to try it himself if the fix was within his capabilities.

Posted (edited)

Here are 2 not so good pics of a R7 solenoid with the markings IGN and SW. Later today I'll get a pic of the cover off and ID the terminals for you. More pics...


Edited by Dodgeb4ya
Basic problem

I have my tranny back. Went to wire it and the solenoid has no markings for the two terminals. So which is which?

Would like to finish it tonight but which wire is which. It must have been replaced as the other was marked.

Thats not nice to swap solenoid covers--original one was marked and the replacement one was not marked..? If your original cover sent with the trans was marked and now you get trans back with a unmarked solenoid cover- I would have at least marked the terminals ID on the replacement cover for the owner. Look at all the grief and confusion it has caused all of us!


Basic problem

I have my tranny back. Went to wire it and the solenoid has no markings for the two terminals. So which is which?

Would like to finish it tonight but which wire is which. It must have been replaced as the other was marked.

Thats not nice to swap solenoid covers--original one was marked and the replacement one was not marked..? If your original cover sent with the trans was marked and now you get trans back with a unmarked solenoid cover- I would have at least marked the terminals ID on the replacement cover for the owner. Look at all the grief and confusion it has caused all of us!


I think it (The solenoid) was replaced to ensure the OD worked as advertised. He did say he replaced the overdrive section since he could not pinpoint the source. The other was faint but there. Just old and worn/pitted nothing intentional, just very good intentions.

Thank you

The picture is all I needed Thank you very much. The layout should be the same. Yes I will mark it as well. J


If you do a search for all the threads started by this poster on the same subject you will find that he just got this transmission returned from George Asche. I do not understand why he did not first call George with this wiring issue?

All the threads same subject?

R7 yes on one on how to reinstall the solenoid. That is not not the same as this problem.

The other is one labeled clutch problem as that was what it seemed to be. Kinda misleading I thought.

This seemed simple and was just an old solenoid with markings worn off. I wanted to get it off the jack stand and see if it was fixed. Not a overdrive/clutch not working issue. I also do not think Mr. Ache did anything intentional or wrong. The oposite very helpful. I don't think calling at that time of night was the thing to do.

I do not understand why you think your the forum police? If I am unclear then tell me that. You are very knowledgeable but even more arrogant.

Should we all place a sign asking WWDD?

For those that were helpful I thank you. If I created confusion I am sorry. My only intent was to finish the install as it seemed a waste to let what I thought was a simple issue be left hanging.

All the threads same subject?

R7 yes on one on how to reinstall the solenoid. That is not not the same as this problem.

The other is one labeled clutch problem as that was what it seemed to be. Kinda misleading I thought.

This seemed simple and was just an old solenoid with markings worn off. I wanted to get it off the jack stand and see if it was fixed. Not a overdrive/clutch not working issue. I also do not think Mr. Ache did anything intentional or wrong. The oposite very helpful. I don't think calling at that time of night was the thing to do.

I do not understand why you think your the forum police? If I am unclear then tell me that. You are very knowledgeable but even more arrogant.

Should we all place a sign asking WWDD?

For those that were helpful I thank you. If I created confusion I am sorry. My only intent was to finish the install as it seemed a waste to let what I thought was a simple issue be left hanging.

You are unclear.

Issue from the git go was and is the tramsmission install does not work and I believe that is the same issue being discussed here.

I am not the forum cop! I simply appriciate continunity in resolving a problem. Check the threads I have started addressing problem issues. I post all the facts and the resoloutions on the same thread. Here is an example.


Sorry I did not know your problem was of such an urgent nature that you might have had to make a middle of the night phone call to George Asche. Were you planning a middle of the night trip?

Yes I am arrogant. Call it a charactor defect if that pleases you. One arrogant thing that I do is all my homework before posting a question. Were it me I would have called George Asche (as you said he is a wealth of information and very helpfull) before asking a question that he can answer better than anyone as he is the one that rebuilt your transmission.

Should we all place a sign asking WWDD? I am not sure what WWDD means?

If my arrogant response offends anyone please place me on your ignore list.

All the threads same subject?

R7 yes on one on how to reinstall the solenoid. That is not not the same as this problem.

The other is one labeled clutch problem as that was what it seemed to be. Kinda misleading I thought.

This seemed simple and was just an old solenoid with markings worn off. I wanted to get it off the jack stand and see if it was fixed. Not a overdrive/clutch not working issue. I also do not think Mr. Ache did anything intentional or wrong. The oposite very helpful. I don't think calling at that time of night was the thing to do.

I do not understand why you think your the forum police? If I am unclear then tell me that. You are very knowledgeable but even more arrogant.

Should we all place a sign asking WWDD?

For those that were helpful I thank you. If I created confusion I am sorry. My only intent was to finish the install as it seemed a waste to let what I thought was a simple issue be left hanging.

No confusion for me-just the chance to help out. I was just joking about the confusion! You are posting just fine and getting the help you want-thats all that matters. Hope that your trans and clutch issue will be cleared up real quick too!


Posted (edited)

Thanks Bob. Second time you have helped me with the Tranny. Seems R7's are a little scarce on information, and enough differences from the R10 that it makes it a pain to work with. I bought a couple of books but they had little on this tranny any you recommend?



I guess we will both have to accept the fact that neither are willing to change. So in the interest of doing my research and posting all the information one would need here is my contribution. I hope you don't mind if I pass on your advice.


Then just copy and paste this into the box. Alshere59

Edited by Alshere59

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