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Would any after market cigar lighter sold nowadays at any auto store work in my 47 Plymouth? Since my car is a 6 volt system, are the new lighters compatible with it? I'm thinking of using it for my GPS. Thanks for any info, Ed


I am not an electrician.......

But the wiring on 6v (positive ground) car is a heavier gauge wire. Thicker then the wiring on a 12 volt car.

I thought you could boost a 6v car with a 12v battery but not the other way around. A 6 volt battery will fry 12 volt wiring(?)

It might make more sense to carry a 12 volt small battery (motorcycle, atv, etc.) to run your 12 volt GPS........just a thought.


The 12v lighter socket will work just fine w/ 6v. The only problem will be in getting correct power to your GPS. While they are low amperage, and low voltage, the DC power cords for these units are developed for 12v cars. You will either need to step up the voltage to the lighter socket and use a standard power cord or build a power cord that will step your 6v down to the voltage your GPS requires. IMHO, more convenient to boost your 6v to 12v for the power tap. I have a 12v lighter output to run a GPS or charge an mp3 player.


Thanks gentelemen for the the info. So, I'm assuming I can use the newer cigar lighters in my car if I just want to use it as a cigarette lighter. but I might have a problem if I plug in my GPS.

If I did plug in the GPS, what exactly do you think will happen? Would anything show up on the screen? Or nothing? The charger has a fuse in it, so would that do to protect the unit?

I've yet to buy the lighter, but when I do, I'll experiment with the GPS, and see what happens. Ed


I have a 39 Desoto 6 v pos ground and had puchased about 12-15 years ago a convertor box that converted the 6v pos to 12 v neg and then hooked up a cigar lighter to the unit and then I could make my olc CB work in my car. We did this whne our local club was taking long trip so we could stay intouch with each other.

Do a search to see if these still exist and this would be the easy way to solve your situation.

Rich Hartung



Yes, far as I know, the old original lighter should fit into the new model

recepticle. I don't think the diameter or depth of those items has

changed over the years. Just what gets plugged into them nowadays.

Do you own a late model car with a lighter or charger recepticle?

Make sure the power to the plugin is off, then insert old lighter to

see if it fits.

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