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My brother is a service manager for the local Honda dealer. He had a situations whee all his techs refused to work on a car due to its condition. NY has a law similar to Ontario.

Thie car arrived with the inside of the windows looking like they were tinted brown, the ash tray had a pyramid of buts over flowing from it ad flowing out and over the center counsol, and onto the rugs and mats. The passenger side foot well was nearly filled with styro and paper cups full of butts and either coffee or maybe chaw spittle.

the car had an electrical problem so the counsol and dash were going to have to be removed to do the repair.

Non of the tech would accept the job based on the smell, the trash and the smoke residue that covered everything inside the car.

So my brother had to cal the customer and tell him that if e wanted to have his car repaired, he would need ot clean it out and have the interior detailed before any one in his shop would work on it, and basically the smoke free work place law backed up the employees position.

And I get a bit annoyed when I see State and local dpw guys smoking in their trucks. After they are smoking in my vehicals, and each and every one of them has a no smoking sticker paid for with tax dollars affixed to the dashboard.

I know this could end up like a political discussion by among the smokers and the non smokers, but I am in support of the smoking ban in public places.


I love th idea of smoke free public places and push to have kids banned next...so..public places..yes...non public owned vehicles..that will be the call of the fleet manager of any private organization IF the driver is sole occupant..private vehicles, nothing draws a line here saying you can smoke in your own truck..what if he was owner operator with his name on the door of the truck?...nothing says he wasn't.....

where will it end..what is next to get axed? that was the reason of the post..and yeah..it could get political..folks visit me..smoke em if you got them..out of doors please....I have a dry facility for your puffing enjoyment..I never have had to say a word when they show up as there are ash trays only on the front porch..if the garage doors are up..no biggy smoking in the garage (away from open flamables) as the welding fumes normally in there are bad enough if not worse...get real people...what's next, filtered butt plugs..


Yep you are gonna have to have an EPA aproval sticker sewn onto your jeans to be able to go out in public or use an elevator.............

Just recently all of our local hospitals institutes a 200 foot rule. No butts with in 200 feet of and entrance or exit. There is something about having to walk through a cloud of smoke from all the employees hanging out by the front door on their breaks.

Guess it the old deal where your rright to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.


here at work they have purchased a number of the portable metal carports..these are set outside away from the entrances and are for smokers with non-smoker carports set away from these..both are furnished with nice chairs/tables.

it is much nicer to walk up on damp wet days and not get smacked in the face with cigarette smoke or see butts being washed away by rainwater..It has always amazed me that smokers have the right to throw their trash on the ground..you see them daily emptying their car ash trays at traffic lights..oh, it not litter..its just a cigarettte butt (times thousands) but that is another subject for yet another soap box...man its tough when it rains..

I love th idea of smoke free public places and push to have kids banned next...so..public places..yes...non public owned vehicles..that will be the call of the fleet manager of any private organization IF the driver is sole occupant..private vehicles, nothing draws a line here saying you can smoke in your own truck..what if he was owner operator with his name on the door of the truck?...nothing says he wasn't.....

where will it end..what is next to get axed? that was the reason of the post..and yeah..it could get political..folks visit me..smoke em if you got them..out of doors please....I have a dry facility for your puffing enjoyment..I never have had to say a word when they show up as there are ash trays only on the front porch..if the garage doors are up..no biggy smoking in the garage (away from open flamables) as the welding fumes normally in there are bad enough if not worse...get real people...what's next, filtered butt plugs..

Well said Tim.......

I'm a smoker, but.........I don't smoke in anyone's house or car if they aren't a smoker also, even if they say it's OK. Now, I do smoke in my own home and my cars. After all, it's my home. If a non smoker comes to the house or rides in the car, they just have to put up with it, or don't ride in my car or come in the house. It's up to them, I don't care either way.

As far as just smelling the odor of smoking (without someone actually smoking), that's just an odor. The odor isn't going to hurt anyone. Personally, I can't stand the odor of most perfumes or cologne's. Gives me a terrible headache and stops up my nose. So........they aught to ban some of those too. As far as Greg's comment about the mechanic not working on the car due to it smelling like smoke. If I was the owner of that shop, I'd tell him to take a hike. If the law said I couldn't fire him for that, I'd find some other excuse. If nothing else, I needed to cut down on the payroll. After all, there are more dangerous fumes that mechanic gets every day from solvents, gas, etc. than that small amount of smoke smell. If people are smoking outside in the open air, that smoke isn't going to hurt anyone either.

Bottom line. People are going to smell some odor they don't like all the time from something. So..........I say we all need to just get over what smells we smell that are made by someone else and just enjoy life, and their company.

By the way...........Everyone seems to enjoy the smell of a new car when they buy it. But.........do you realize there are more harmful fumes from all that new plastic and vinyl that's inside the car. The EPA should run a test on the air quality inside of a closed car on a hot summer day with the windows up. It would probably be way over the top from those fumes escaping from the plastic and vinyl.

I don't think second hand smoke is any worse than second hand drinking. I'll bet if they ran a study, second hand drinking would kill or injure more people than smoking could ever do. Check out the deaths and injuries caused by drunk drivers sometime. So.........maybe they should ban drinking in public also. Just making a point. I don't agree with banning either. For the record, I don't drink.



I didn't watch or load the whole video because I'm on dialup, and would take too long. But.......from the little I read and heard, it sounds like they were against government bans too.

All this reminds me of a few years ago when my wife's brother and his wife and my wife and I went out to dinner together. They are both non smokers and so is my wife. So........we sat in a non smoking part of the restaurant, which is fine with me. But.......after dinner the ladies went to the washroom. Since the bill was paid and we were going to leave I told them I'd meet them outside, so I could take a smoke before getting into the car. Was a cold winter night, but my brother in law joined me outside to keep me company. He ask why I didn't just go into the bar to smoke where it was warm. Told him it was too smoky in there and the smoke was enough to gag even a smoker.:D

Now, that's the problem with having special area's set up for smoking. Then you have everyone smoking and the air is just one big cloud. You can smoke without smoking. I will agree, that's enough to gag anyone, even a smoker.:D So.....the point here is, it's much better to spread the smokers out in a building than having that one area. I could even gag on that smoke coming from the bar standing in the foyer of the restaurant that night. I never use those special rooms. I just wait until I leave that place.

Actually, what most people smell in the car or home when the smoker isn't smoking in it, is not the smoke. It's the dirty ashtray. Especially in a car that is closed up all the time. So........I use a portable ashtray in our cars now with a lid on it. Don't even have to put the cigarette out. Just drop it in the cup, close the lid and it kills the fire. Also keeps all the smell inside the cup. What smoke that does get in the car while smoking blows away. My wife's 02 Kia is a good example of that, even though I smoked in it ever since we've had it. It still has the new car smell today. Use the same thing in my new car that I bought a couple of months ago. I don't use the ashtrays in the car. Thinking about buying another one for the house. Even I don't like the smell of a dirty ashtray.


Well....I'm as mad as hell about this issue. This year when I went to the local Fair I saw signs posted everywhere that smoking is prohibited. WHAT ????? This is out doors !!!!:mad:

A few months ago I pulled up to the drive up window at the dumps to pay for my load and the attendant ,in a very rude manner, told me to extinguish my cigarette. He pointed to a tiny type written notice recently posted near the window stating "no smoking within 25' of his window".:mad::mad:

Here in California smoking has been banned in bars for years. I got chewed out once for taking my drink outside to have a smoke at a restaurant/bar. I had to leave the drink at my table when I went outside. :mad::mad::mad:


quite the opposite here Reg..I went to the landfill to rid myself of some C & D...get to the window..out shoots the pay window..fumes could knock you over...smoers delight inside that government run building with NO Smoking signs displayed..it is all in where and who you are...guess the entire staff be smokers and voted their own rendition of the rules..

as for your no smoking in the bars...that is being fought out hot and heavy in charleston WV right now with many establishments tell the health board to basically take a hike...its gonna get nasty there yet..big racing and gambling concerns are taking it on the chin with the ban...



I have to agree, that is dumb when they pass laws about smoking outside. I knew about the law California had passed a few years ago. They passed a law this year here that takes effect sometime next year. That law prohibits smoking within 200 feet of a government building. It also will make all bars, etc. smoke free. A lot of the bar owners didn't like that at all, since most people who sit in bars to drink are also smokers. But.........after that law was passed, a lot of bars and restaurants started building outside patios, so their customers can smoke. Next thing we know, they'll be passing laws that say you can't do something because you parted your hair on the wrong side, or you are bald.:rolleyes: People need to get a life instead of worrying about what other people do.

That's one reason I stopped going to ball games too. Can't smoke there either. But........they don't say anything when everyone's spilling beer all over you.:rolleyes:



Don't know about down there, but gambling casinos are also exempt from the smoking laws up here too. They do have smokers and non smoking area's set up though, which is fine. But........they really don't have to do that and stay within the laws. That's because the casinos are not governed by state and Federal laws, since they are owned by some Indian tribe. Once they buy the land, it becomes part of their reservation, and they make their own laws on the reservation. That's how they get away with that.

I know this is a tad out of line here for the forum..but what the heck is this...The article did not say if this was a truck that was used on 3 shifts and rotating drivers, second occupant etc etc..


I just read about this a couple days ago. As I recall they said that the law is written so that it's illegal to smoke in an enclosed workplace or public area. And since the truck he was driving is a work vehicle it is considered an enclosed workplace, hence the fine. Seems a bit ridiculous to me too

As for smoking bans, I don't like having government tell us how we should behave, but as an ex-smoker I like the thought of going into a restaurant or bar and not coming out smelling like an ash tray. I believe the new Wisconsin law, which goes into effect next summer, bans smoking in any public building which includes bars and restaurants. Several communities have already adopted similar policies, but now it will be state wide.


  • 2 weeks later...

I gave up smoking fags (see the picture below before making comments) a few years ago and switched to a pipe. I now get many comments from all kinds of folks telling me how good my pipe tobacco smells. I was sitting in a bar/eatery in Virginia last year where smoking was allowed. The place reeked of stinky cigarette smoke. I lit my pipe and was quickly told that I was not allowed to smoke my pipe there. I got up and left without paying even though I had ordered a meal.



[quote I got up and left without paying even though I had ordered a meal.


Good on ya Don !

I hope you ordered the lobster dinner and they knew why you left.


Our smoking laws here are the same as Ontario.

No smoking in a workplace...enclosed or not. You can't smoke on an outdoor patio of a restaurant, and you can't smoke in a commercial vehicle even if you OWN it and are always alone.

You can't smoke at an outdoor bus stop.

Prisoners in prison can't smoke, not even outside. I'll bet THAT keeps things calm in a rough place to start with.

Paranoia gone amok. (I'm a non-smoker and some of this stuff is ridiculous)

This swine flu hype is the same...gone amok.

I gave up smoking fags (see the picture below before making comments) a few years ago and switched to a pipe. I now get many comments from all kinds of folks telling me how good my pipe tobacco smells. I was sitting in a bar/eatery in Virginia last year where smoking was allowed. The place reeked of stinky cigarette smoke. I lit my pipe and was quickly told that I was not allowed to smoke my pipe there. I got up and left without paying even though I had ordered a meal.


So, cigarettes are allowed but not pipes??? Is that a law or just the restaurant rule???

Nutty either way :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Well folks..........it's not as the old Daffy Duck cartoons at the movies used to say when they said, "That's, That's All Folks!". Not only are they trying to control smokers, but..........now it's drinking.:rolleyes:

Don't know which town or city it is as I did not see the full story on the news. But.........there is one town or city here in Wisconsin that evidently passed a new law to control drinking.:rolleyes:

All this reminds me of the old suffrage movement of the 1800's and of probation of the 20's. Where's it going to end?


Even years ago before there were any laws about smoking in public places, you could not smoke a pipe or cigars on a plane. Only cigarettes.

Edited by Norm's Coupe
Well folks..........it's not as the old Daffy Duck cartoons at the movies used to say when they said' date=' "That's, That's All Folks!". Not only are they trying to control smokers, but..........now it's drinking.:rolleyes:

Don't know which town or city it is as I did not see the full story on the news. But.........there is one town or city here in Wisconsin that evidently passed a new law to control drinking.:rolleyes:

All this reminds me of the old suffrage movement of the 1800's and of probation of the 20's. Where's it going to end?


Even years ago before there were any laws about smoking in public places, you could not smoke a pipe or cigars on a plane. Only cigarettes.[/quote']

I neither smoke nor drink, but I do not support government regulations on either. I know very few smokers that aren't aware of the risks involved with smoking. However, I am not so naieve to not realise that there are also benefits to smoking.

However, I think any business can set standards on what they allow on their premises. If an employee doesn't want to work at a smokey bar then a) they should have never applied to work there and B) they should quit and work some where else. The flip-side, of course, is that an employer can refuse a job to some one because they are a smoker or even if they are a non-smoker.

Same holds true that a business can refuse service and even forcibly remove some one who wants to smoke on their premises. Big Brother, however, should not be telling any one how to run their private business. The market can best determine what is best, and niches can form to meet people's preferences. There is just as much room as a smoker's only business as there is for smoking prohibited.


I believe it was Proky Pig that the Thats all Folks saying belongs to (Mel Blanc actually)

We in NY just passed a no smoking within 100 feet of a hospital or health care center entry.

Personally I hated walkig through a haze of second hand smoke to get into the hospital when i worked in one. Also it moves the butts and other leavings further from the door so that make it better also.

We went to a presentation at a Natioinal Seashore many years ago and the Rangers talk covered the degradation of stuff that washes ashore or is left by people as the use or in some cases abuse the resource. He metioned that the celulose in cigaret filters will still be intact 5000 years into the future. The plastic containers we love so much will only last 50 years or so due to ultra violate breakdown. Wouldn't it be great if people had enough respect for others and nature to pick up their crap and take it back with them for proper disposal. Seems to me everywhere man goes he leaves ugly behind him.

This now leads me to wonder what the half life is of all the dog poop being encased in plastic bags and deposited in landfills instead being able to brake down in it usual environment.



It's nice to hear a non smoker say what you just said. That's what I've always said too. If you don't like the smoke someplace, just don't go there or work there. A few years ago I was looking for a secretary. Had a woman come in for an interview. I was not smoking during the interview, but........I did smoke in the office and anywhere else in the building. After talking to her for a few minutes she must have started smelling the stale smoke. Then she made the comment that she smelled cigarette smoke. Said she didn't like cigarette smoke. Went on to say it was against the rules at the city office she use to work for. Explained this wasn't a city office, it was mine. Then told her she should go back to work for the city because she wouldn't be happy working at mine, where smoking would always be allowed.

There are many odors that some people don't like, or makes them ill, etc. About a year or so ago before I decided to trade my van in, I went to a body shop to get an estimate for repainting the roof of the van. We looked at the van so he could see what it needed. Then said lets go in the office to write up a quote. Well.........was a good warm day out, and the office didn't have the A/C on. I was sitting there waiting while he wrote the quote and started getting a headache from the paint fumes. Told the guy I can't take anymore of the fumes. When you get the quote written up, bring it outside and we'll discuss it there. Then got up and walked outside to wait for him. So.........like you say, we have a choice.


Greg..I hear ya loud and clear and I wish but the same..world peace my ***..lets just get the litter picked up..!

I went on a 6.5 mile hike in the mountains this past Sunday morning..very pretty and only one or two plastic bottles about the trail...I carry a plastic bag with me in my back pack..I carry it in..I carry it out..that simple..


I do pretty much what Tim said he does with his garbage. I just hang onto to it until I can dispose of it properly. That includes cigarette butts. Even have an ashtray in my garage so when outside I can use it. Don't smoke in a non smokers house. But........sometimes I will smoke outside their house if we spend a lot of time out there. However, I don't just toss the butt in the yard. I have a cup designed to put lit cigarettes into, close the lid and it puts the cigarette out that I normally use for those times. Also use that in my own car instead of the ashtray. Other times when I don't have the cup handy, I'll just knock off the burning part of the cigarette when done, then keep flicking it with my finger until all remaining tobacco falls out, then just carry the butt with the filter until I come to a garbage can to dump it into. I don't like litter either.


I do the exact same thing with my butts Norm. When I'm on a hike or at a camp or picnic site where the previous inhabitants have left their beer,coke,water,and wine bottles or cans.....or even the killer cigarette butts I pick them all up and take it to the nearest trash can or recycling center.

I do feel guilty though about killing everyone else with my second hand smoke. NOT !.....It's BS.

I say we make it illegal for anyone to drink a soda,or beer,or anything in any sort of container outside of their own home. As a child there were several occasions when I stepped on a broken bottle or the sharp edge of a can which resulted in a laceration to the bottom of my foot that could have gotten infected and killed me.:rolleyes:

As a child there were several occasions when I stepped on a broken bottle or the sharp edge of a can which resulted in a laceration to the bottom of my foot that could have gotten infected and killed me.:rolleyes:


It did not kill you but it did infect you with Moparphobianimphomania and there is no known cure for this afflexiation.

When I did smoke fags I never tossed my butts in anyones back yard except my own. It looked like a fag filter plantation behind my deck but it was my house, my back yard, my deck, and nobodys business except my own. I have not tossed a butt behind my deck in over 3 years and there are no remenents to be found today. So the theory that filters do not de-generate is hog wash based on my scientific study.

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