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There was a 1 hour special on Dish net today, in HD, called Classic American Cars of Cuba. Amazing how many pre 1960 cars are still in use there. The show did close ups of something called dollar taxis, which are American 50's cars that run regular routes like a bus, and collect a 50 cent fare for pick up and drop off anywhere along the route. They also showed the American Car Club of Havana on a 500 mile run. Everything from an Edsel convert to a 39 Ford coupe to a 49 Dodge, a 55 Plymouth, a 53-54 Chrysler and about 30 more. They showed how people swap parts from nearly anything just to keep these old beauties on the road. A mechanic mentioned using Russian pistons in Chevy motors. One guy was rebuilding a 57 Chrysler from the ground up, and installing a four cylinder motor with a top shifter trans. Another guy mentioned that brake fluid is pretty much unavailable there, so they make their own using shampoo, oil and dish soap! And he says yes, it works!. Many of these rides are old taxis so they are 4 doors. Did not see any P15s but did see one D24. An iinteresting show, as well as a candid look at modern day Cuba. Seems like there, like here, there is a lot of fond nostalgia for the good old days.

Posted (edited)

Another one showing all the american cars and how the Cubans fixed/restored them was called "Yank Tanks". It has interviews of the people and their cars. One guy makes brake linings from used ground up brake shoe lining material! All by hand too!


Edited by Dodgeb4ya
Another one showing all the american cars and how the Cubans fixed/restored them was called "Yank Tanks". It has interviews of the people and their cars. One guy makes brake linings from used ground up brake shoe lining material! All by hand too!


I have seen this documentary and it is a great! they have so little to go by and they invent so much! I really dig this documentary....:)


I have a very good friend who has seen this first hand when on a visit to Cuba. It's unbelievable. Although I'm told that many of the cars are very worn out and not as sharp as those shown in the film. Especially in the countryside.

Many of them drive at night with no lights of any kind...they've been burned out since 1974, etc. There are also a ton of old Soviet cars...I think they are called Lada? And many new Daewoo, Hyundai, etc. for tourists only.

Driving past one of the few factories, one may see a parking lot loaded with pre-59 cars...I have to imagine that it would look like the factory where my grandfather worked in the heyday of American manufacturing.

The oldest car my friend saw driving around was a lat 20s Ford delivering ice blocks. The ice man owned it!

Thanks for pointing up this film.


A couple of the Guys at work go to Cuba a lot. Tons of old cars, lot are used as Taxi's too, My Friends say some are in great shape, lots are rough.

Engines could be whatever, even heard of Diesel engines installed in some of the Old Cars.....


I read somewhere that they passed a law down there forbidding any exportation of these vehicles out of the country. Apparently, they regard them as national treasure and want to make sure that if trade relations between Cuba and the US ever warm up, we cant go down there and buy them all up to bring back to use for parts, restoration, etc. Pretty good thinking on their part since I think a lot of Americans would love to go down there on a "shopping trip". I know I would!


George..on that line of thinking....I am not sure that these would be restoration candidates, rod and custom platforms maybe..after decades of jery rigging with what they could find, swap, make etc..one would not really know what is or is not on the these cars..

it is an interesting history behind these cars and I also feel that they should remain in place..


I don't understand why we are persecuting Cuba. I'm old enough to remember the bay of pigs. As I recall we supported Castro. When he didn't march to the beat of our drum we punished all the people. I really feel like it's the Cubans in Florida who are pushing this agenda.

Sorry - this has been an annoying theme for me. I've seen the cars - what a treasure for us - a burden for them. They have been suffering for 40 years. There are people who don't know anything else.

what day....what channel # ?


Bill I did a search and didn't come up with any future airings on Dish Network, in the near future. It was on channel 362, HDNET.

I think the 4 banger and top loader they were putting in the big Chrysler was a LADA.

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