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we had a storm roll through..wife and I went to town after getting the yard work done..big angry clouds...grabbed a couple items at w-world and headed home...Elko Road was a disaster..trees down everywhere..about 16 was estimated to be across the power line..short delay while they cleared the road...got home no power..few small sticks in the yard..big tree right of the house that has been threatening my house for a couple years (nephew was supposed to cut it for me) well..its down and not in my yard or any damage done ..got a mess to clean tomorrow withthe chainsaw..see it as a big plus..danger gone and firewood to boot..we were spared again...am very thankful. I ran the generator about 40 minutes before they had the power restored...

Glad you and Sal are safe and sound. Is it my imagination or are the spring storms more severe this year than they have been in the past?


Don't know about this year, but I heard that last year was worst in years so far. Maybe this year is trying to beat that out.

Tim, good to hear you and yours are ok, and no real damage done.


careful with that chainsaw. A little know study says that more people are injured in cleanups than through the storms themselves. Glad you escaped damage. Can't remember folks talking tornados in Ga for a long while.


thanks Greg, will do..I have not had to fire up my chainsaw in some time now..will go out service that, sharpen the blade if needed..trying to force a saw to cut with a dull blade is as you said is very dangerous as you can lose footing easily..small twisters spin off storm in this area a lot they are fairly small and localized...however this is two Mother's day in a row this area has suffered tornados...


Hi Tim,

Had to chuckle when you said you would have to sharpen the chain before cleaning up the tree that fell. My chainsaw is just a small one because I only use it for small trim work. Anything else I call I contractor. But.........I do use it for cutting roots out of the ground, so the chain is usually dull.

A few weeks ago my son was cutting down a couple of 50 foot spruce trees in his yard. Of course he was using a regular size chainsaw for that, but wanted to borrow mine for the guy helping him to cut the smaller branches after the tree was down. So lent it to him. Next day I get a call from him asking how all the dirt got in the saw, and the blade was dull.:D:D Told him that's what happens when you are cutting roots out of the ground.;) Said now he'd have to clean it and sharpen the chain. Then I told him how I sharpen the chain. Since I don't use it that often, when the chain gets too dull to cut, I simply buy a new one.;) He sharpened the chain and used it. When he returned it he said it works good now that he cleaned and sharpened it. Told him great, I have some more roots to cut out of the ground. He then said I wasn't supposed to do that. Then I reminded him. It's my saw so I can cut them if I want.:D:D


As is my nature I hopped up my chain saw several years back. I modified it from a 12 inch cut to a 16 inch cut. Unlike driveway Norm I use an axe or hatchet to cut roots. But like Norm I dont do much of the chainsaw, hatchet, or axe work these days. I post a sign in my yard that says free firewood for the cutting and complete removal. Works every time.

Funny story. Last very early fall my neighbor was planting flowers below a tree in his yard. He cut several roots and killed the tree. I mentioned to him that his tree wad dead. He said "no it just dropped its leaves early". So this spring I mentioned that his tree must be special as it not only drops leaves early but also blooms late. :D It is dead as a doornail. It is fun to stir the soup


Don here is deep south the average yokel is so lazy that if you left a sign free firewood for the taking..it would lay there till the termite slowly eat it away..however if you put a for sale sign say of 50.00 on it, it will be stolen as if a trophy of some kind..guaranteed..I have had to resort to that in the past...

sharpened the chainsaw, 4 tanks of gas later.....the deed is done, Sal and I cut up the oak tree..all the small limbs etc neatly piled for county landfill to pickup..the trunk and limbs of size I will keep for firewood..the pile is about 4 foor high, 3-4 foot deep and about 15 feet long..it was hot and nasty and I kept telling the wife that if we get it all this evening..she will thank me tomorrow..


yeah Norm..I will split the wood myself with an axe..the axe I have is not the same as my hammer..the head is still original and it is so original I knew the man who made it. Hand forged in his workshop...Damon Sawyer..he has long since passed..his blacksmith shop burnt for some reason, the old house is still there and his daughter lives there today.



Have to give it to ya if you split the logs too. I did that once using the axe maul like Ed shows. Swore I would not do that again. Last tree I had cut down by a contractor, he ask if I wanted to keep the wood for the fireplace. (I order my firewood from the same contractor all the time). Told him no, take it with him and when I need wood I'll call him, and he can deliver it already split and stack it for me.:D;)


Ed..I have one of those plus a 4 way splitting wedge..only get that stuff out for the tough ugly wood..you know the section that have knots and knurls..this oak ought to split easy as I kept only good straigth lengths of the trunk..but as you say, if it starts getting tough..I will have to get mean..


I've been doing some pine with mine. Pine is some nasty stuff at times. I'd rather do oak. But I use the mall at all times. Axes are for chopping down trees

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