Kustom52Mopar Posted April 25, 2009 Report Posted April 25, 2009 http://stlouis.craigslist.org/pts/1138843298.html Was just posted this afternoon, thought I'd spread the word. Cheap for a complete car, wish we had a house already so I could snag it. Quote
Frank Elder Posted April 25, 2009 Report Posted April 25, 2009 I like this guy! Don't ask stupid questions it's a $300 dollar car:D Quote
P15Mike Posted April 25, 2009 Report Posted April 25, 2009 I'm surprised Bob T didn't find this first ..... Quote
RobertKB Posted April 25, 2009 Report Posted April 25, 2009 Someone should jump all over that. Lots of great parts. You could make some money and help others with some much needed parts. Quote
Jim Saraceno Posted April 25, 2009 Report Posted April 25, 2009 At the Easter Car show, I talked to a couple who bought a 37 Dodge from someone up in Troy for $300. I wonder if it's the same guy? I'm surprised Bob T didn't find this first ..... Bob lives pretty far away. I'm thinking a couple hundred miles... Quote
JerseyHarold Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 I wonder what the seller wants for the '66 Sport Fury parked next to it. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 now this guy is indeed down to earth on old car prices...this should be gone before long...honesty itself will sell it... Quote
steveplym Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 Man, if I only had three things. 1. A trailer. 2. The $300 bucks. 3. A wife that would believe me when I said that I needed it, or I could fix it up and sell it for much more than I paid for it. Then I could bring it home. Pretty straight old car and I could really use those rear fenders. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 I have the trailer..the 300 but little desire to drive from Ga to Mo to grab it..I have been know to leave on a 987 miles one way trip withing 8 hours of getting the word the car was mine and be back in under 48 hours...had it been anywhere close this would be posted a most recent transaction...for sure plenty to work with and though we do not have a close up of the doors..they appear decnet enough...ask some nothern boys...they tell ya... Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 I have the trailer..the 300 but little desire to drive from Ga to Mo to grab it..I have been know to leave on a 987 miles one way trip withing 8 hours of getting the word the car was mine and be back in under 48 hours...had it been anywhere close this would be posted a most recent transaction...for sure plenty to work with and though we do not have a close up of the doors..they appear decnet enough...ask some nothern boys...they tell ya... Kick, Kick. Really Tim, what would you do with that car if you had it? Put it in that new shelter you built last year? How many cars do you have in there now to work on. I know you say they are future projects. But........you're also doing extensive remodeling on your house, plus working on the 1940 Dodge or Plymouth, and at the same time keeping up with your daily drivers, plus ordinary work around the house like mowing etc, and working full time. With all that to do, even if you worked yourself to the bone for the rest of your life, you'll probably never get all the cars you have now up and running, and looking good. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 yeah...but at least I have a life that extends beyond the driveway... in all seriousness Norm..lots of truth in what you say but I have never been one to sell myself short and saying that...you only live life once..today I blew off everything and spent the day at Calloway Gardens in north Georgia...just a simple little place that exists today because someone else did not just want to sit back and watch life go by..so if my having all these cars, and my shop and the storage area to place these vehicles bothers you..then yes Norm, I apologize... Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 Tim, you have nothing to apologize to me about. The yellow brick road we each follow is up to us as individuals. That road also changes for most of us as life goes by. Sometimes it's a change in the road we do ourselves, and sometimes that road changes due to circumstances beyond our control. I've seen it happen to a lot of people I know. Then they are stuck having to get rid of all the things they spent years accumulating so they'd have something to do when they retired. Not necessarily old cars, but other things they had intended to do for fun. As for sitting around and watching life go by, I don't do that either. Besides traveling with the wife, doing shows (live theater), socializing etc., the wife and I have several other hobbies and interest. About 30 of us got together just last night for a fish fry dinner at the Elks Club and had a great time. One of those 30 is also interested in old cars. He ask if I had the Plymouth out yet this year. Just so happened I did have it out yesterday afternoon for a ride since it was about 80 degrees and sunny. Then another woman that I've known for about 25 to 30 years said she didn't know I had an old car. Like I said I've known her and her husband for at least that long. We were both very active back then helping the kids with running the 4-H group, with another couple that we were also active in being cub scout, boy scouts, brownie and girl leaders. Said her father had a pair of the odd shaped old car headlights on each side of the garage side door as regular lights wired to house current. But.........they sold that house, and did keep the lights, but the wiring looks too bad to use. So........told her to give them to me and I'd see if they could be rewired. She wants to put them on their garage. Then, we got off the subject of old cars. There's lots more interesting stuff to talk about, especially when not around old car people. That's probably why some people we've known for years that live nearby don't even know I have an old car. That woman, another one and my wife all take walks together at least twice a week. I just don't talk about my hobbies with other people, unless the subject comes up and neither does my wife. Anyway, that's my yellow brick road for now. Of course, with time, there may be a detour I'll need to take for some reason beyond my control, or that I may change on my own. I've always had a motto of being flexible, both at work and play. By doing so with the hobbies, I don't want to over supply myself with stuff one particular hobby, then get stuck trying to unload that stuff. Quote
Don Coatney Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 Norm; If you ever do travel to the end of your yeller brick road and find the Wizzard (doubtful that you do as you must leave your driveway to find him) he will not be able to fix all of your problems. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted April 26, 2009 Report Posted April 26, 2009 Norm..your words truly do strike true...and I was a bit harsh is saying you watch time go by...and I also know thee is a bit of age difference between yourself and me and on top of that I know about health reason limit folks abiltiy and forces acceptance to the fact they cannot continue doing some of the things they so want to do...and if graced to live long enough I am certain as life itsself that I also will have to tailor my life to age and health. You are at the point where you know some of your limitations and have moved on to other hobbies and interest..some of my goals I aknow point blank are not ever going to be achieved in my lifetime..and all these cars here were never bought with the intentions of myself personally finishing up..these are limited to just a handful..the rest..well, I hope to sell off a bit here and there over time so as to keep me liquid in my shop and enjoy a few things in my retirement..I am probably as much a realist as yourself..and could go to the great reward at any minute..I guess secretly I am still hedging bet in the other direct..not to do so would sorta like surrendering long before the battle even starts. Beside...this will be payback to the kids..I could never get them to clean their rooms growing up...imagine them going through this stuff when I am gone..dad's last laugh Quote
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