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Everything posted by steveplym

  1. Yeah Tim, just like a tax holiday. They don't want you to spend the money, they want to spend the money for you.
  2. Well here in So. Ill. where Ameren continues to jack up rates I'm running about $212 a month on budget billing. I have electric heat which causes some of it, but electric in this area is outrageous. There looking at another rate hike too, so it's probably not going to go down anytime soon. Guess I'll just have to keep unplugging things and turning off lights.
  3. It is probably not going to end, until the American people stand up and say enough. These people in office keep going after ways to take more power away from the people and I'm getting tired of it. Our forefathers fought the revolutionary war to fight taxation and government control. Seems were heading in the opposite direction, as we have been for some time.
  4. It's okay to have your car judged Tod. I just don't have any interest in winning any trophies. I have enough sitting around the garage collecting dust. It's always nice to get recognized for the work you put into your car. I judge car shows for the local car club I belong to. It can be fun at times, but people take it way to seriously. Sure I'm fair when I judge a car. I examine the paint, body, engine compartment, interior, and overall appearance. Some people though think they have to win every time or it is no fun for them. That is why I try to avoid the big day shows as much as possible. Just go to the local Saturday or Friday night cruise. I also try to go to events farther away that have large car cruises or rod runs. It's fun just to pull your car in there and sit with your friends. Plus if it is a large show you park for free and get to park in the show. In my experience drivers, show cars, or whatever if you are going out to shows and worried about who wins and loses don't go, because it doesn't matter. Okay, I'm off my soapbox now.
  5. I"ve been looking to either get my vacuum motor rebuilt or switch over to a 12v electric one. Anyone purchsed the 12v motor out there? How is it working for you? I know others have been happy with their factory wiper motor rebuild from wiperman.com and I may do that, but I was just looking at other possibilities.
  6. I primed all my suspension parts with a good Rust-Oleum primer. That stuff works really good on frames and other rusty areas. It neutralizes it and gets it ready for paint. You can get a quart can and brush it on, or I think they make an aerosol can of it too. Then I just used rust-oleum black on the parts. If you want to have super shiny and detailed susp/frame you would need to paint it with basecoat/clearcoat or a single stage enamel. I assume you're just looking to neutralize the rust, protect the metal, and make it look decent.
  7. Neat addition to your car Aero. Gotta have accessories to go with your car.
  8. Another option is to sign up for on a photo site such as photobucket or webshots. Then you can upload your photos to that site and link them directly to any forum thread. It is really easy to do. You can also e-mail me the pics and I can post them for you if you want.
  9. It was about 65 here today. Been in the 60's all week, but now it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I might be able to get the car out and drive on Sunday, but it is only supposed to get up to 53.
  10. You know what they say Rodney, no problems, no fun with old cars. Sometimes I just wish I could have more fun without the problems. I agree with Don removing skirts is another subject for another forum. I like, and I assume Don agrees, that the skirts be removed. I'll stop there.
  11. Have you posted some pics of your car? Sounds like a nice project. I pretty much did the same thing you did. I added seat belts, 12 volt, new wiring, rebuilt motor, rebuilt brakes and new brake lines. Fixed the fuel gauge and turn signals. Plus I repainted the car and redid some of the previous bodywork. What is important is that you have fun with the car, whether that is the local sonic cruise, downtown show, or going to a buddy's house. Like you said get 'em out and drive 'em. They don't need to sit in the driveway all the time...... Sorry Norm.
  12. That is when you'll have the most fun with the car. When a guy wants to give you a phone number for some other parts you need and you can write it on the fender. Had a guy do that once. Actually he wrote all over the car.
  13. I heard that on the radio yesterday. That is really crazy. I hear they are going to replace the color with so dark brown. I think the law only applies to new cars built, but who knows why would they stop there.
  14. I don't really feel there are status's per say. I've got an old car. Two to be exact. They look nice. Will I ever have a trailer queen that is just as nice on top as it is on the bottom? No, and I would not want one. If the only fun I could have is loading it up on a trailer and the unloading it here and there it wouldn't be much fun to me. I build my cars to drive, and that is what I enjoy. When I first got into this hobby I wanted to win a trophy at every show. That was my goal. I would spend countless hours cleaning, repainting, spending money on new parts, and trying to make things better to win. Then I realized I could spend that time driving my car to cruise nights, etc and have fun with friends. Not worry about what I was going to place in a show. It is your car and you should be proud of it no matter what. Especially with how hard you have worked on it. What is rewarding is the people that will walk up to your car, at a cruise night, at a parking lot at a restaurant or where ever, and they tell you "Man, that is a nice car!" You get asked questions and hear stories. In my opinion that is what it is all about. Make it look as nice as you want it, and can afford. Then drive it and have fun. Don't shortcut things you know will bug you if you don't do them, as it will be harder to do them later. Keep in mind though, if it looks great to you that is all you need to know.
  15. Having a P-15 woody would be neat, but like Capt neon said, I'd be scared of what it would take to fix that. I can do bodywork and paint on metal parts, but wood I don't know. For that kind of money I probably could live with just buying the convert.
  16. They didn't give me a part #, but at the time I asked them I told them I was running 12v negative ground. So maybe that is why they told me there was one available. I think there are a few others here that may have used petronix on 6v pos ground.
  17. Sent you a pm.
  18. Do you need one?
  19. Interesting story about that car Rodney. Sounds like trying to restore this car may take some work. Every time someone tries something bad happens to them. Sounds like a car from the movie Christine. Anyway, that is a really neat car and would be a really nice car to build as it is so solid. Where are you going to put them all Rodney?
  20. I have used petronix too Bill and agree those ignitor kits are great. I just decided why spend the $150-$200 for petronix and have to use my current distributor. I just decided to switch, but if you have 6v that may be the way to go. I know I called them and all they needed was the # off of my autolite distributor and they said they could find me a kit.
  21. Thanks Ed, I wondered what it was off of. Now I just need to decide if I want to put it on ebay or what.
  22. Does your friend have any pics of it Joel. Shelbyville is about 2 1/2 hrs north of me. Might have some friends who might be interested.
  23. If you get me a picture claybill I'll see if I have one. I found a few extra carburetor parts this evening.
  24. The HEI is only available for 12 volt negative applications. For the entire distributor and the coil it is $185. That includes all the electronics, dist cap, vac advance, and coil. http://www.stoveboltengineco.com/acartpro/product.asp?productid=126
  25. I've been going through my grandfathers garage this evening and found several old Plymouth parts. I found this overdrive cable with a handle. Does anyone know what it goes to?
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