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Everything posted by _shel_ny

  1. http://p15-d24.com/topic/38013-update-1950-dodge/
  2. Someone posted way back somewhere that if the screws did not come loose that you could bend the bracket that the screw goes through just enough to release the lock. Seems that it was also posted that the bracket could be popped off completely allowing for the lock to be held the way the newer ones(50's) are with the spring clip that slides in the slots on edge of the lock.
  3. Some have a slotted screw. Some need a hex key.
  4. ...
  5. P15, D24 was a non-pressurized system. Later car started using a pressurized system. (4 lb) Trucks likely did as well. Someone with a truck parts book may be able to expand upon that.
  6. There is should be a level, or "fill to here" line
  7. I like a little add on bling, but I find the bullet hole decals distasteful
  8. I am not taking sides here. Just an observation. Lock this thread up. It has become pointless, and strayed far from the OP's starting point. (OP has not been back since the start) It was a nice thread for a while, but has now become a waste of bandwidth, and time. Tod has provided guidelines, but apparently they are not understood. They do seem quite clear. Edit: Interesting how someone who is possibly part of the adverse situation "likes" the options posted by the Mod, but then continues in a manner that could be perceived as contrary to the suggestions.
  9. You could try signing out , and back in if you have not already tried that.
  10. I only get that problem when I try to use it when I am at some other part of the site, such as in "classifieds", "resources" ...... Have you done a problem ticket to "admin"?
  11. I believe you are dealing with a temp sending tube (not a wire), and as suggested, I would be careful handling it.
  12. Just did some business with arizonaparts. Positive experience
  13. Several threads on horn relay wiring: One of these may help to answer your question. If not, you could start a thread on your problem. Moderator Tod has moved (copied the post to start) this thread. (will OP see this thread ????) http://p15-d24.com/t...hl=+horn +relay http://p15-d24.com/t...hl= horn relay http://p15-d24.com/t...hl=+horn +relay http://p15-d24.com/t...hl=+horn +relay http://p15-d24.com/t...hl=+horn +relay
  14. Edit: moved my horn relay response to the new thread started by Tod for the question posted in this "business coupe thread"
  15. Not sure if this applies to non-qwerty uses or not.
  16. Some wiring diagrams in the "resources" section. Should be downloadable. http://p15-d24.com/files/category/1-reference-information/ You may also want to consider modifications to make all 3 red lights in the rear function as brake lights. Original set up is the center high light is the only brake light. Some socket changes (to dual contact) may be necessary if you do not currently have signal lights. This can be searched here. It has been covered a few times.
  17. Another: http://p15-d24.com/topic/34169-build-card-for-my-old-dodge/?hl=%2Bbuild+%2Bcard
  18. OK, looked so fast that I missed that space
  19. Sample card in this thread: http://p15-d24.com/topic/26107-build-card-decoding/?hl=%2Bbuild+%2Bcard Does not seem to have that info.
  20. Agree that the OP was asking for info (or was he), but we know what that leads to. My view would be that in a post, or three down the line they would be offered up by someone, then would be how much do you want?, then would be the mod saying take this to PM/email. Maybe just the mod shortening the process Obviously a grey area to some, but mods make the decisions. Still the best site going, and again: Thanks to GTK, and those assisting him. There are some forums that things do not get locked with instructions. They get deleted with warnings. Lots of forums get really fired up about things. Some places this thread would be deleted because it is not in the correct section. (OT) Some have rules such as: (probably here as well, but I don't know where they are anymore. been so long since I registered) Please post in appropriate sections and stay on topic. (we would be in big trouble, but where would the fun be if we stayed on topic?)(we had a member that became quite irritated(abusive) when anyone veered from HIS thread topic)(after his temporary ban,and realization that he did not own the site he chose not to come and play here any more)(It was not the type of forum that he was used to). Conflicts – All conflicts should be resolved in private via PM, email, or IM Quoting Images - Please do not quote pictures unless it is necessary No Spamming - No spam in PM's, emails, or signatures. It's OK to have a link back to your personal webpage in your signature but any off-topic spam will be deleted. That includes "helping people" by advertising your site/forums to them or soliciting other members. While these forums are free for you to use they cost money to run. No free advertisements - If you are the owner or employee of a company, don't mention it, or put links and phone numbers in posts or signatures. Only Supporting Vendors can use links and numbers in signatures and posts. Posting any type of link to a non supporting vendor whose company is in direct competition with supporting vendors is not allowed. If you are developing a product, you may talk about it until you have it ready and/or you are taking orders for the product. At that point you must become a Supporting Vendor to be able to promote your products.
  21. I would prefer to stay at home and live to tell about a non-event than to underestimate and die. 30-60 mile different storm track, and the results could have been much different.
  22. May or may not be needed with a new one. The reason to soak an old one is to make is pliable so that you can massage it out a bit so that it fits snugly, and actually squirts some fuel out rather than having it pass by the plunger. When old ones sit around dry the leather tends to shrink. They do not work well that way, and do not respond well to the massage. Edit: sentence structure, and punctuation
  23. Double check the position of all the rebuild pieces. Position of the rod at the front of the MC is very important as well so that the ports are covered/open at the correct times.
  24. http://p15-d24.com/topic/37897-site-outage-last-night-900-pm-to-100-am-pst/
  25. Click on "add an advert" on left side Edit: Right side, sorry, sometimes don't know left from right
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