Agree that the OP was asking for info (or was he), but we know what that leads to.
My view would be that in a post, or three down the line they would be offered up by someone, then would be how much do you want?, then would be the mod saying take this to PM/email.
Maybe just the mod shortening the process Obviously a grey area to some, but mods make the decisions.
Still the best site going, and again:
Thanks to GTK, and those assisting him.
There are some forums that things do not get locked with instructions. They get deleted with warnings. Lots of forums get really fired up about things. Some places this thread would be deleted because it is not in the correct section. (OT)
Some have rules such as: (probably here as well, but I don't know where they are anymore. been so long since I registered)
Please post in appropriate sections and stay on topic. (we would be in big trouble, but where would the fun be if we stayed on topic?)(we had a member that became quite irritated(abusive) when anyone veered from HIS thread topic)(after his temporary ban,and realization that he did not own the site he chose not to come and play here any more)(It was not the type of forum that he was used to).
Conflicts – All conflicts should be resolved in private via PM, email, or IM
Quoting Images - Please do not quote pictures unless it is necessary
No Spamming - No spam in PM's, emails, or signatures. It's OK to have a link back to your personal webpage in your signature but any off-topic spam will be deleted. That includes "helping people" by advertising your site/forums to them or soliciting other members. While these forums are free for you to use they cost money to run.
No free advertisements - If you are the owner or employee of a company, don't mention it, or put links and phone numbers in posts or signatures. Only Supporting Vendors can use links and numbers in signatures and posts. Posting any type of link to a non supporting vendor whose company is in direct competition with supporting vendors is not allowed. If you are developing a product, you may talk about it until you have it ready and/or you are taking orders for the product. At that point you must become a Supporting Vendor to be able to promote your products.