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Everything posted by 46BulldogDodge

  1. Here's a link to Phil's Archives in the Dodge Power Wagon forum with info on new windshield regulators being produced by a mom & pop operation. https://www.dodgepowerwagon.com/classifieds/thisolecoupe-110617-winshield-regulator.php That forum has a wealth of info related to the 39-47 Dodge half-tons. Also, the PIF in the header section of the forum page has parts interchange and techniques. Worth checking. Dick Hultman Western PA 1946 WC and 1957 FFPW
  2. My hydraulic lift is rated 2 ton at the shortest arm extension and 1 ton at the farthest. It handled a 331 Hemi with auto transmission attached. I didn't roll my truck away but turned the hoist 90 degrees and got the engine/trans on the ground quickly. Right now it's on two wheel skates if I need to shuffle it around the garage. If you buy,borrow, or rent a lift, get a reliable one...avoiding 'horrible fright' types. Used ones are not expensive, maybe $100-150. Likewise for engine stands, they run $40-60. Dick Hultman Pittsburgh, PA 46 WC & 57 FFPW
  3. I think I have that same heater for the cooling system! It came in a box of stuff removed from a 48 or 49 Dodge sedan. Wasn't sure at the time but had my suspicions it was for winter use, at night, to prevent freezing. Dick Hultman Pgh, PA 46 WC & 57 FFPW
  4. Check out the Powerwagons Forum at dodgepowerwagon.com. Find the Phil's Archives tab and search there for 'build card' or posts by Kevin Clause. He understands the build cards. Dick Hultman Pittsburgh, PA 46 WC & 57 FFPW
  5. A couple possibilities. First is dried up lube in the track. Second is worn out 'felt' window channel. Third is one end of the scissor regulator is out of it's track. Something is binding. Try looking down the window opening with a strong light, otherwise remove handles and the door card to inspect. Once inside, handling the parts is fiddily. Dick Hultman Pittsburgh, PA 46 WC and 57 FFPW
  6. Check out www.vintagepowerwagons.com Go to 'Shopping' and choose 'Online Parts Catalog'. Click on Group 7 Transmissions. Scroll to p. 46 for exploded view and individual parts are on p. 47-49. If you call them...1-641-472-4665...talk to Jenns. Dick Hultman Pittsburgh, PA 46 WC and 57 FFPW
  7. Check 'hornedata' on eBay. He's in Poland. ~$25-30.
  8. The best tutorial is in the section called Phil's Archives on the Dodge Powerwagons Forum. Good luck with it! Temperature http://www.ply33.com/Repair/tempgauge with a little hint at more: http://p15-d24.com/topic/17617-temp-gauge-revisited/
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