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Grdpa's 50 Dodge

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Everything posted by Grdpa's 50 Dodge

  1. Okay, yes I mis -spoke. I AM interested in doing the very best job I can. A fender all beat to crap and dimpled from hammer tracks is not what I want, NO WAY. I want it like the best of the best would do it. A sniff of bondo if that. Has anyone ever heard of NOS rear fenders available?
  2. It is my understanding that Car Quest was bought out by Advance. At least here it was, and Car Quest store is now vacant.
  3. I have looked at Googled pics, searched my parts books, searched my shop Manuel and still confused whether ALL rear fenders from 49-52 are alike? Is there a difference between 2 doors and four doors? Different models the same? I I have my original fender on the car with a sharp kink below the taillight where it is very rounded(on a 2 dr.) A parts 4 dr car with a sideswipe hickey down half its length. OR a member here offering to sell me a pretty straight fender with minor dents and dings to repair. Me being a body repair first timer is it easier to straighten things with the fender OFF, and try to get it under a press, or lay it on a flat surface and tap from back side. Thinking of heating the original fender cherry red to make sharp kink shrink. OR do I buy the dingy fender and fill the dings or tap them out. (I did buy a basic kit with body hammer and dollies) Which is easiest route?
  4. Lots and Lots of beans at the BBQ and the mileage will be terrific!!!
  5. Greg and all others, I see they have found a NEW way to determine if you had a stroke. Better with someone than alone but a mirror helps if alone. You stick your tongue straight out of your mouth as far as possible. If it slants to the left or right get help asap . Like time to call 911. I had both hands surgically fixed for carpal tunnel 6 weeks apart. You can tell how endeared your wife is when she drops you off at the door of surgery center on FEBR 14 and says call me when your done and ready to go home. (I am single now for last 18 years). I will say it helped some issues but not all. Several months after surgery I told surgeon my hands were hurting like crazy. He told me all in your mind, nothing in their to hurt THAT way.. Few months later my chiro said your hands and wrists were like no other, thought had to have a problem. I told him to put a grease zerk in my hands. He didnt think that very funny. Long story short went to ortho surgeon as a referral from chiro and he took the FIRST x-ray of both hands. His jaw hit the floor and he stared at the pics for 15 minutes. Ever see a doc look at an xray over half minute or two? He said I was in a world of trouble because I had exactly ZERO cartilage between any of my bones in hand. Only bone spurs and cysts where the good stuff should be. I am feared same thing has now afflicted my neck because steroids, nerve ablation, nor anything like phys therapy, surgery denied by 2 different docs. Result is a cluster headache of migraine proportions that has NOT quit for 24/7/365 for 4 years. Nothing helps that either. Chiro says its just a tip of the iceberg compared to my future. I have so much on my bucket list.
  6. Finnaly some help. I see I lost spell check. BUT Chrome fixed my too wide issue and a friend fixed the no sound issue. All is well in the homeland. ONLY problem is I WILL have more issues, just dont know them yet. THANKS all, -don-
  7. windows 10
  8. I apologize if this is not the right place. If not move or delete it My computer is smarter than I am by far. It updated for an hour the other day and NOW it is spread out so wide that an inch or two of print on every line on every post is cut off. Cant see the side scroll bar and the bottom scroll doesn't work for side to side. Sometimes not even there like the side one. My other issue is some of the videos wont play, some play but all have no sound. Nothing seems to help Cant see the form very well this way. I am not good running these things.
  9. K and others, Knuckle Harley had an excellent suggestion of using new washers and nuts. Just wondering, with all the slop on roads and usual rust and corrosion,,,would it be prudant to use brass nuts and washers?
  10. I see that ad on TV all the time. Wondering if it had merit? Costs? It was basically a sand blaster that they dump 5 gallons of water in it and a certain load of glass beads (I think). I am assuming an agitator in the bin. It blasts paint primer and rust down to bare metal REALLY fast. It takes a fraction of the time the DA does with ZERO dust. Appreciate ANY feedback you can send my way!! Thanks in advance
  11. Gas over the carb is a dangerous BAD deal. One little backfire as they always do and the vapors lead to the can and it explodes faster than a short fuse firecracker. THAT has injured more friends than I can count. And they were seriously hurt and burned I have no idea why WD 40 burns so well yet doesn't flash back because is pressurized.
  12. Do those solar chargers work for battery maintainers when vehicle is driven seldom and short distance? I inherited one and know nothing about it. Call me Sgt. Schulz if you want to, I am a slow learner. . (~; b
  13. "I Think" the proof is in the viewers Times I have viewed Simpsons-"0" Times I have viewed 'Gun smoke"- Thousands if not more That's all I got to say about that!!
  14. Go back as soon as you can and wave 5 hundreds and see if maybe her tune will change on whether its for sale. If you seriously want it you would still be ahead of the game if you had five more Grants in your other pocket to add to the interest check. And throw in any extras like removing other junk they want gone. Sometimes the desire for a good new home for it is more important than anything.
  15. I like to use WD-40 instead of Ether starting fluid. With 'dry' ether you will lock up engines. With WD-40 it lubes some and never locks it up. Big motors such as cars etc but even better in small engines, , lawnmowers blowers and chain saws. They will run on that before they fire up on gas.
  16. so the dashpots you describe, were they made specific for Mopar like Dodge, some for Chevies, some for Fords etc. Or were they made specifically for each brand of carb, like Carter, Rochester etc?
  17. I was on the OLD form about6-8 years ago. Sure enjoyed it then and hope now is the same. My car is back in storage shed covered under, cant even get to it after my parents both passed away. Since my health has taken a dive. Still hope some medical guru would wave a magic wand and cure my 24/7/365 mind slamming headache that hasn't quit in 4 years. But anyway so far being on the right side of the grass all I can do without a garage is to 'think' about it. I recognized a lot of names from before. Have we lost a lot of old members?
  18. Another fuel issue is I had a fuel hose before the pump collapse on the inside. Or have heard of a clog inside the tank. The electrical issues talked about above would be a great thing to check also.
  19. I realize this is quite a dumb question but hard to get it right just by looking. I NEED to find a house to buy and wanted a large garage. They dont have many here,,,and the city doesnt allow much extra garage building. Thought if I put a lift for working on a car in part of it I can double my parking space. Saw that done once and was a neat way of doubling garage parking. They lifted one and drove another under it When your looking at a garage its hard to visualize how much head room you need. i HAD a garage once that would have worked fine,very tall headroom,,,not many around these days. So if you have a D-24 fully up on a lift so you can work under it,,,what ceiling height does that take???
  20. I have a HUGE problem. I thought I was going to get some work done on my car so I put it on jack stands in my mom;s garage where I was living with her so a nursing home was not needed. Between helping her, taking care of the house, and a few other house remodels in progress,,didnt get done. Fast forward to today,,,mom passed away a while back and the house is getting sold. EXTREME pressure to get that hunk of junk out of there. Where I live now no garage,,,no hope of building one here,,,lot too small. Thought for last year I will just buy a small house with a big garage. Very few houses for sale here, overpriced by half because of that, just nothing with a 2,3, 4, or 5 car garage. MOST have model T one cars, or no garage at all. Might have to load on a car trailer and 1. rent another storage garage 2, leave on trailer and buy a good car cover outside. What do I need to do to get it rolling? All four wheels are off and so it drums. Driver side till has wheel cyl and brake pads on. Pass side has none as well as backing plate etc. Putting the rear drum on loosely prevent having to pull them again? Need to roll it about 20 feet ahead then roll on trailer and back off maybe. Engine and trans not in the car,,,has to be hauled separately. And stored where? Engine just overhauled and ready for install, (after cleaning and painting it and under hood) I will just get it all moved and a house with garage will pop up for sale. So much to do,,,so little time to get-er-done
  21. This stainless NOS fender molding popped up on the bay. Seller 'says' it fits 49-50-51 Dodge front fender and he says its 54" long. So I contact him and ask which front fender it is for? And I asked if he had a part number which I didnt think was unusual given its NOS? He writes back and must think I am an idiot(we wont tell him how close he may be). Says well it fits "EITHER" side and no part number. I measure mine and it measures 55" long so red flag here,,,look in my book and their are seperate part numbers for 50's right and left fenders and all the rest. My luck is If I would buy it it might turn out to be a rear fender mold. I think I will pass ,,,whatcathink???
  22. on the plastic barrels issue,,,,no way I would spend that. In the midwest we can get them for free. or 5-10 bucks if advertised. A farm chem dealer a good source,,also here a ice cream maker has them also. Big plant they get supplies and make ice cream. I will bet if you keep an eye out for a while you may see exactly what your looking for. I HAD several and had trouble giving them away
  23. First thing first. You said I connected to positive ,,,,(of battery). Dont ask how I know but 50 year ago when I thought i knew something and didnt,,,I learned,,,6 volt battery in backward will crank engine backward. No fire heard but probably was there tho backward. SO do you still have a 6Volt system? Ground strap on positive and negative to starter solenoid . Backward of what we are used to and common use today. You said your tester was connected to positive,,,,in this system negative is hot. If turned around results may switch in a hurry.
  24. I have the EXACT same car. We should stay in touch and maybe share excess parts and info. Good luck on your project,,,sounds good to stay original in this era car. If it was good enough then,it good enough today. After all the muscle car era had yet to be born.
  25. maybe I AM mistaken but in that far back shot it looks like the desoto started way back on other side of power pole and van pushed it arond pole,guy wires and across all grass and the next driveway and then thru the overhead sign laying on it and under it. Is that what your seeing?? my eye sight is suspect tho. If correct its a long slide sideways, Would be interesting to get estimate of speed vs limit in that area
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