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Everything posted by casper50

  1. Dave here are the photos. If these don't have what you want just ask and direct. I will take more.
  2. Now have the underside, inside of the body and front fenders and doors in primer/sealer. Will get the rest into sealer within the next 2 days. I just noticed that my lens as dirty and cleaned it. Better photos next time.
  3. no. they look like the photo on the right in #6 on this thread. My local bolt and supply is going to try and order some since I found the place that has them but only sells wholesale. They said that I might have to buy a whole box, so if anyone needs some let me know.
  4. Bingster I emailed them yesterday no answer back yet. If you make contact please let me know. Thanks. This is on the next page when you click on photos above on their site. 3/8 0.384 0.398 1.365 1.385 0.062 21.73 DMTP-0375-22-01 4620-22-01 This is the closest size wise that I've found.
  5. Dave I'll take some photos tomorrow afternoon and post them for you.
  6. I've found the door screws and studs locally. Need the domed washer now.
  7. MC has no domed washers. No reply back from WLC yet.
  8. found some. https://www.wclco.com/lock-washers/toothed-lock-washers/ the photo for toothed lock washers on the right is an exact match but the photo when you click on that section isn't an exact match but it's real close. at WCL # DMTP-0375-22-01
  9. Anyone know anyone that carries the door hinge screws and front fender to body studs, nuts and washers?
  10. nice
  11. Got this off of FB. Really nice.
  12. there are lots of those switches on ebay. cheap http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=door+light+switch&_ftrt=901&_sop=10&_sadis=200&_dmd=1&_geositeid=0&_osacat=0&LH_SALE_CURRENCY=0&_ftrv=1&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xantique+dome+light+switch.TRS0&_nkw=antique+dome+light+switch&_sacat=0 http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=antique+dome+light+switch&_ftrt=901&_sop=10&_sadis=200&_geositeid=0&_dmd=1&_osacat=0&LH_SALE_CURRENCY=0&_ftrv=1&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xvintage+dome+light+switch.TRS0&_nkw=vintage+dome+light+switch&_sacat=0
  13. looks pretty slick but will the end stand up to some heavy pounding? Looks a bit flimsy to me. I had to use a 5lb sledge on the passenger side to remove it.
  14. not mine but for those keeping the stock rear end might be a good investment https://www.facebook.com/scott.sperling.9/videos/10206038571191561/
  15. dang got the wrong photos.
  16. here's a photo of them.
  17. I might have one off of my 47 Bob. One of my rear drums I stripped a couple of studs off trying to get the hub off, but I believe it was the right one. I'll check when I get home this morning. Shipping is all it will cost you but I do live in Alaska.
  18. looking good Paul. Keep at it.
  19. straight just like scotch or whiskey. Obviously his auto prefers no ice or mixers.
  20. I'm sitting here slowly typing this with my toes as my arms are worn down to nubs from sanding and sanding and sanding. Put the guide coat on and everything is now sanded to 400 grit. I'm surprised so far at how straight the body has come out. Of course the proof is when the paint is on. All flaws become visible then. I've used a leaf blower to blow out my shop today for over an hour. Will do the same for the next few days until I get most/all of the dust out. Then the primer/sealer coat goes on. Getting close to some color soon. Exciting times a coming. Have decided to use a tintable bedliner on the underside of the body. http://www.amazon.com/U-POL-Tintable-TRUCK-LINER-COATING-Bedliner/dp/B002M0S9AE Not sure about the inside of the fenders as of yet. I'm leaning towards no though. Will tint it the same as the body color.
  21. my 47 dodge has a stromberg BXVD
  22. Very nice.
  23. welcome Ken. Someone will be along shortly to answer your question. I think a dodge with an original 25" block would have been made in Canada.
  24. Got it. Thanks a bunch Clay.
  25. Can anyone else get this download? i keep getting "no permission".
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