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Everything posted by Flatie46

  1. True, that's how I feel. I told my son when I started there 25yrs ago I could go back to any job I've ever had and they would welcome me back. I'm really proud after all these years I can still honestly make that statement.
  2. That's exactly how I felt. You don't know how much I kicked it around in my head before I commited. My old company don't want to loose me. They have made several offers, some really hard to walk away from. The best offer I got though was that if it didn't work out I could step back in without loosing my seniority, benefits or vacation. So it still seems too good to be true.
  3. I hope this turns out the same for me, thanks!
  4. Well after careful consideration and evaluation I have accepted a new job offer. I have been at my present job for 25years as a maintenance tech. I really hate to leave but the opportunity just seems too good. At my old job overtime was always the norm. It had become overwhelming in the last few years. Been wearing me down. I had almost become apathetic tword my 46 Plymouth project and a few others. The new job will be a weekend days shift. I will be working three 12 hour days and getting paid for 40hrs. I will have 4days a week off with the new job among other perks such as a very significant raise that will almost equal the overtime pay I was receiving. Other perks are a much shorter drive, profit sharing and a it's very solid company. I've been so excited about it all. My youngest daughter who still lives at home is also excited. We have lots of plans for the summer. Fishing, camping and bike riding just to name a few. It's kinda scary making a change after so long. I will loose my comfort zone but I think the potential benefits outweigh the risk. Wish me luck guys!
  5. A friend and neighbor I grew up with had a 55 Pontiac 2dr siting in his yard. I walked by this car nearly everyday on my way to school or loafing in the summer. I always thought it was cool. It had sat for years, me and my friend one day decided to fool with the old car. We were probably 14 and 15 and had limited knowledge on getting an old car going. we aired the tires up with a bicycle pump. Tinkered around under the hood but we didn't know what we were doing, eventually walked away. We must have sparked some interest with another neighbor as it was sold a couple weeks later. An old man came over and spent about 20min under the hood and had it running. Shortly thereafter it pulled out of the yard under it's own power. I had a grudge against that man for a long time as he had possibly bought my first car ( in my fantasies ) right out from under me for the large sum of $400 bucks. (50 to 60 yards worth of mowing in the neighborhood at the time). Never see one of these cars without thinking of that car. Good luck with it, I hope it's a great project for you.
  6. Nuts! can't make it!
  7. Love me some swap meets..., yard sales and flea mkts! Good luck!
  8. Kit car?
  9. I bought a 47 Plymouth 4dr parts car from a guy a few years ago. He had a 42 Plymouth 2dr sedan. He had robbed the front clip from the 4dr for the 42 as it was missing. He was putting a 318 in it and rodding it. I hated the fact it wasn't going to be put back original but all the special things about the car being a '42 were long gone so I understood. He had no idea how rare the car was and frankly didn't care. At least it was saved. I think it was anyway.
  10. As rare as those are i would definitely go back original. Really a cool car. Odds would be in your favor you wouldn't run into another one at a car show, cruise in....most anywhere really. That's something that makes it cool in itself.
  11. Yea I like the WC-3 myself. Welcome to the forum.
  12. Irony; The opposite of wrinkly??
  13. Gotta have the freeze protection in my area. It's also nice to "squirt and wipe" the frost off on cold mornings. The scrap yards in this area pay around $5.00 bucks a piece for batteries, they recycle them for the lead. Recycle centers should be glad to get the oil, the get paid for it, do here anyway.
  14. But what happens to it after it cleans your windshield?
  15. I had always heard this. A guy I work with said unfortunately he knew from experience it is true.
  16. Yep and the heater core. I've run straight water at times when working thru problems or testing but I hated to leave it in or use it very long because antifreeze has corrosion inhibitors and helps fight rust. We know what happens with straight water and metal. Also I was afraid I would forget about it. I wish ya luck with your repair. Now I must ask, do you have a certification in the JB Welding Process?
  17. Looking pretty racey with your Vette Don, win any triple dog dares with it?
  18. Didn't know they made any such thing as a tall frame bike. I'm 6'4" and use to everything being too darned small. I like the idea of it.
  19. I have a box elder and stink bug problem. I really, really hate to use any form of pesticide but its down to me or them. What is the name of the box elder stuff?
  20. Sharp ride, I would be proud of it!
  21. Seems like Roaddog was slant 6 powered. I read an article about it in Walnecks Cycle Trader years ago. I think it had hydraulic jacks that help hold it up. It was also on the American Pickers show . They told a bit about Wild Bill's life story. One of the better picker episodes.
  22. Loved it! Thanks!
  23. Hope all's well there, I will not complain bout the weather here anymore. PS: Usually when I hear the Sheriff just left it means it's a rockin' party is going on.
  24. You could sell the Chevy motor and trans and put the proceeds tword the flatie rebuild. Just another option. Imagine how much you will save in the fab work? Good luck with it.
  25. The 113" and 117" S&S evo based engines seem to hold up well under abuse. They were offered as the standard engine in a lot of the hot rod choppers like the Ultra ground pounders. Even offered with a warranty. I've known people that have abused the 113" engines. The engine itself never give any problem it was the clutch, primary and further down the drive line that would have issues from the beating. I have been told the bigger strokers will beat dents In the bearings if you lug them. I do understand how your interest and point of view on the Shovel's, nothing beats the sound or feel. They are my favorite. I think that engine is where the statement " if I have to explain, you wouldn't understand " comes from.
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