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Everything posted by Conn47D24

  1. Thanks, it would still help if you could snap a pix. I'll look for the location too.
  2. Does anyone have a photo of a " Muffler Heat Shield " ? Part # 1127173 None of my books address it. My car hasn't had one during my ownership. I found a used one and ordered it. Waiting for it to arrive. If someone can help me with installation by showing me a photo it would be great . Thanks in advance ! Clay
  3. Did you ever get photos of these? I could use them as well for my D24 1947 Club coupe. Usually the parts book is great but is light on this area. I have several rusted out, and most are not bolted to anything !
  4. That one on top of the water pump is holding a fuel line ? The one I'm chasing was attached to my Speedo cable, and a little different. Just have to wait to see where it passes the bell & trans. :-)
  5. As I look closer at this photo, taken after the engine and trans removed. It appears that this bracket may well have been attached to the bell housing or trans. Once all back in I'll make some sense out of it. Thanks again all.
  6. Don, I added it to the original post at top .
  7. Mystery Solved ! Speedo cable bracket is correct. Located on frame, under passenger side toe kick floor pan. Took a while to dig through all the photos I've taken. Thanks again all. Clay
  8. Thank you all for info and photos. I'll see how it lines up with the speedo cable. :-)
  9. 1947 D24 Club Coupe
  10. A little help please. My " before " photos missed this piece before removal. I've been working on the firewall / engine compartment area. Can someone tell me ( photo helpful) where this belongs ? Appreciate and / all help. Thanks ! Clay
  11. Great day in the garage today ! WOW. Hung the reconditioned gas tank. Finished installing new inner fenders. Cleaned & painted firewall . Started putting firewall hardware back together. ( see before and after ) It's a GOOD tired and aches today :-) Clay
  12. Looks like a great time Rich ! I went to those museums as a kids with family in Maryland. Amazing machines. Can't wait till my D24 is up for these trips! Clay
  13. ThanKS Guys. They are identical so in practice it's all the same. Just curious since several parts books don't show these #'s. Who knows the history of these cars. Before they were collected, they were just cars. Parts must have been swapped .
  14. I need help please searching part #'s . My D24 parts Book show the correct radiator # to be: 973695 ( or 976211 high altitude ) The one in my car is # 947825 I pick up a spare recently, # 899092 None of my parts books, or online searches tell me what the #'s are from. Were they superseded #'s ?? Anyone with a deeper resource library would you take a look and see what I have here? Thank you
  15. Good stuff guys. Thank you all. All this time cleaning and gathering new parts I want to get it together correctly. Clay
  16. Photos attached for this question folks. The recess in the center of the backing plate ( where spindle sits center ) surrounds the inside center " cone" of the drum ( where the inside bearing is). Deep breath. Is there anything that is installed here around the cone grooves , or in the recess? I remember cleaning out lots of grease from the backing plate. There is a seal in the drum over the inside bearing. Anything else here I'm missing?? Thanks in advance for any help. Clay
  17. Feel better Mopar Man !
  18. Old car owners are Mother's of Invention! Thanks
  19. Shop manual calls for " pre-loading" the bearing. Show a special tool and gauge which I wouldn't know how to use if I had it. I'll work on the cotter pin idea though ! :-)
  20. A little help ( again ) please all. I rebuilt the rear axel this winter. Bearings, seals, etc. All set to install on new springs, and forgot I never finished one thing. The Nut on the Flange needs a cotter pin. However this nut and pin are set in the reccess of the flange. 1. How tight do I set this nut? 2. HOW DO I GET A COTTER PIN IN THERE? Thanks in advance. Clay 1947 Dodge Club Coupe
  21. My D24 Clutch looks very different. Nice detail on these pix though.
  22. My D24 Parts book shows a Baffle in the exploded view of the clutch / PP. Neither of mine had a baffle when I opened them up. Still a mystery, but I am moving forward without it. Did you ever learn more about the baffle?
  23. Any luck on this James? I'm at the same place. Rebuilt my PP and with otu the " special " tool " in the service manual I'm guessing on how to adjust the three nuts on the fingers.
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