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Everything posted by Conn47D24

  1. Frank, Parts book term for the Temp. Gauge Sounds cooler!
  2. Frank, Parts book term for the Temp. Gauge Sounds cooler!
  3. Yes. Thank you. I will put a meter on it and check. This is a new unit. Not NOS. Could be Chinese crap. I did try a ground wire today. Mounting screw to body of trunk. Now the needle shows full. Only 2-3 gallons in the tank.
  4. Yes. Thank you. I will put a meter on it and check. This is a new unit. Not NOS. Could be Chinese crap. I did try a ground wire today. Mounting screw to body of trunk. Now the needle shows full. Only 2-3 gallons in the tank.
  5. Marcel, 2 wire fuel guage / sending unit. I just noticed one picture the guage is on E and the other about 1/2. That's the slow movement happening while running.
  6. Back at it this New Year. Dash is in. Today was the first start with the dash starter Button. Another milestone. Still need to connect radimeter. And oil gauge line. Few gremlins too. Fuel gauge, it goes up half, and back down. Slowly up and down, never stops. Anyone seen this?
  7. Was not sure if it was used in addition to the solenoid. Had never heard of it till a recent ebay post. I have the HL relay installed. Still connecting all of my dash connections, and hope to test all soon. Thanks Rich
  8. Are starter relay an recommended addition to our 6v systems? I've read here often ( and added mine ) about headlight relays. Starter relay is something I'm seeing only recently. Any thoughts for my D24 ?
  9. I have been trying to contact them for 3 weeks as well. No response. I'm moving on
  10. RI for sure. Excellent company. The detailed charts they provide will be invaluable to your build.
  11. Yes, fresh air box and linkage is a bear to get back in right. Heaters will come off without that.
  12. That just sucks. Post a list of missing parts so we can all watch ebay, etc.
  13. Passenger side, 53, has two studs through the firewall. See the two nuts on the wall between the inlet and outlet hoses on the engine compartment. Under the heater there is a bracket on the interior firewall with one bolt. Driverside , 54, has just the interior bracket / bolt under. BOTH have clamps (2) on top that hold to the fresh air box. Ill look in my D24 parts book for a Diagram.
  14. Good exchange here. Thanks. I've been searching and found several options. I'll update this post if it works out.
  15. That could work, I thought it was cloth though. Certainly seems that the frame will hold it in place. Anyone else replace this item?
  16. Is it a model 53, passenger side?
  17. I'm close to getting the dash installed. Windshield will be close behind . Help please on this part. Is this trim between the dash & the windshield frame also called " Windlace " ?? Any direction for where it can be purchased and how does it install ? Thanks in advance.
  18. Spotted a D24 in the movie. Merry Christmas
  19. Busy coupe Is that a spring rig holding the oil gauge tube? A stock set up?
  20. Excellent! Thank you for the photo!!!
  21. As I approach reinstalling my dash I am at a loss as to the use, purpose if this bracket. Welded to the cowl, with welded nut. Little help please. Thanks in advance.
  22. FYI, On ebay http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=233702012146&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111
  23. I've been happy with quality of Wayne's work. Far better than others out there, and more products. Be patient !
  24. Thankful for all the help received here from all.. Enjoy the day
  25. Pointed washer in the slot first, then 2nd same washer under the slot, then spring, then nut. Point the washers, both, at the elbow of the window, front.
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