My point was not that the government gets too much in the way of tax money on gas sales. The point I was trying to make is that politicians (who place the taxes on the sales), the media and therefore the public in general who accept most anything shown on the 6 O'clock news as gospel rant about the profits of the "oil companies" without having complete information.
What I would like to know is exactly when profits became a bad thing. Isn't that what most companies are in business to do is earn a profit? Unless the oil company execs put the profits in a tin can buried in the back yard those profits go back into the economy when they spend it. Not to mention that just about anyone who owns shares in a mutual fund or 401K owns "oil company" stock. So when the start talking about limiting profits, siezing "excess" profits or passing windfall profit taxes we are the ones limited, siezed or taxed.