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Mark D

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Everything posted by Mark D

  1. Got mine from Roberts, but haven't installed it yet. Will likely wait for a planned respray in 2013. The product I received was very acceptable and comparable in all aspects to the original installed on the car.
  2. This company is not too far from my home. If needed I'd be happy to make a site visit or gather any other info. I think these folks will handle orders individually once the items been created. http://www.obrientruckers.com/custom_products.html
  3. Thanks Gents - Completed the transplant night before last. Removing the bolts that held the front pipe to the manifold was the hardest part and quite frankly took the longest. I ended up sourcing the gasket from the local muffler shop, and got the clamps at the local auto parts store. The front pipe exhaust stem that fits into the manifold needed a little "forming" with a hammer before it would slip into place, but that was about it for obstacles. I ended up getting replacement SS bolt/but assemblies from the local hardware store, a $6- investment. Here's a video of the running results. I think it sounds pretty good. Much throatier than I anticipated for a "stock" exhaust setup. Sorry about the dark video, it was late when I finished up.
  4. Nice photo...
  5. Beautiful car Darren! Hope to see it in person some day. Ever get to Columbus? I'm out there about 6 times a year and hope to overlap a trip out during the next goodguys show this year. (July 6-8) The guys that work for me out there tell me its always a great show.
  6. But honey - it's not a hearse, its a 1948 SUV...
  7. Cars certainly got some nice lines... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&_rdc=1&item=390395083819&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%3A80%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm570.l2736%26_nkw%3D390395083819%26_fvi%3D1
  8. Done it... but thankfully no fire. Chet, you only do it once (in your case) or maybe twice (in my case) before you become obsessive about your check list before departure... Thankfully you and the car are ok.
  9. Just reregistered my p15 with a YOM plate last week, but have the same Grundy insurance I had before I got the new plate. Grundy restricts travel for antinque autos to travel for exhibition or educational purposes. Cost for agreed value insurance was real real real reasonable comparded to my other daily vehicles. I shopped all the big insurance houses and they where all comparable. There is no restriction in Mass for # of miles traveled in a year.
  10. Exactly what I did... but would love to know there's a perfect fit out there on a shelf waiting for me.
  11. Hey Moose - how about a road trip? SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2012 26th ANNUAL SPRING TY-RODS AUTOMOTIVE SWAP MEET - CALL (860)-649-3697 FOR MORE INFO
  12. For the suggestions, and it just dawned on me I think I'm going need a gasket as well. It's not on the parts list from the supplier in PA, so I'll stop my muffler shop first and worst case grab everything at NAPA while I'm there. These look like 5/16" to me anyone got a parts book handy?
  13. My new exhaust arrives this week and I plan to make the transplant this weekend. I mail ordered the new system (aluminized steel front pipe, tail pipe & muffler) from Classic Car Exhaust in PA. Was under the car last night checking hangers etc., all seems ok and acceptable for reuse except I am going to need a couple new bolt/nut assemblies to connect the front pipe to the exhaust manifold, and I dont think these ship with the new exhaust. Photo attached shows same soaking in penetrating oil... I did not install the prior system and it appears that the bolts (whats left of them) are rusted in place. I'm guessing these are going to break or have to be cut off. Question is what should I put in its place? Was thinking of grabbing a couple of stainless assemblies (bolt/center lock nut). Any one know the size off hand?
  14. Tim - Give us some insight as to how you made the harnesses. I've seen folks do the layout on plywood, followed by laying in the wires, then wrapping them up with tape and terminating. Was wondering if anyones ever created a fullsize autocad drawing for the layout. Might be something worth doing? Is there a document that exists which describes the individual wires lengths?
  15. I tackled this project last June and posted pictures. Check post #6 in the following link. It was a simple mod, and I beleive the air she breaths is a little cleaner now. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=27022&highlight=cleaner
  16. I'm game... Good to have some thing to look forward to.
  17. Check out the following thread for a couple of examples of which post #22 is the one that I provided last summer. The lining I installed was provided by Roberts Motor Parts and it arrived with the required rivets. You will need to drill and countersink holes in the new band to correspond with your brake backing and then install and peen the rivets. One hour job tops, simple hand tools required. Note: I doubt this device would add much "emergency" stopping power, however it suffices well as a device to keep your car "parked" in the spot where you last left it.
  18. http://www.archive.org/details/SailingAlong Not sure this has been posted yet. Got this from one of the guys on the p15 facebook page. Love the technical descriptions towards the end of the film. Enjoy
  19. Cold here in central Massachusetts, but alas still no snow. Last good amount occurred on Halloween.
  20. Love that color on a two door.
  21. Click on the link below for search results from Ebay... P15 coupe headliner Also found this site with a quick google from ebay: WLS Headliners
  22. The following was posted yesterday on bringatrailer.com http://bringatrailer.com/2012/02/12/1948-plymouth-special-deluxe-business-coupe/ and here's a post from earlier last year. http://bringatrailer.com/2010/01/25/bat-exclusive-1947-plymouth-special-deluxe/ Got a chuckle out of this comment listed under the coupe, "Mopars of this era are stodgy cars, reliable as a rock, but fuddy duddy-ish." To know one, is to love one.
  23. Lovely looking coupe. Pains me to see those headers sitting still, especially when they'd look so good under my hood. thanks for sharing the pictures. It's great inspiration.
  24. Fortunately, my car came to me equipped with the kit installed. But it's a simple device to fab. An old flashlight and 5' of copper is really all that's needed. Lost count of the amount of people who comment on the hood ornament on cruise nights. I recommend that you keep the bulb at the back of the plastic and keep the watts low. Looks better with a mellow glow, and it won't melt an expensive piece to replace.
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