Well I don't know if I found the hole or it found me but I did manage to get whatever was blocking it cleared. I bought a small roll of the smallest spring wire Ace Hardware sold and went home to see what I could do. Re- adjusted the pedal to 1/4 inch free play and took about half of the brake fluid out of the Master Cylinder. I began to poke around in the back hole but wasn't able to see or feel the small hole at all. So, I decided to pump the brake pedal while probing for the vent. Suddenly there was a shot of brake fluid about 1 inch or so above the top of the master cylinder. I looked into the fill hole and low and behold there was this perfect tiny little hole. I carefully pushed the wire into the hole and moved it around a little. Then moved the pedal again. Up shot the stream of fluid.. Success!!!. Of course I now have to re-adjust at least the rear brakes because I had thought the problem was there. Oh well, that is not a big deal. Thanks to all who helped on this.