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plymouthcranbrook last won the day on June 25 2023

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431 Excellent


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  • Gender
  • Location
    NE Illinois
  • My Project Cars
    1980 Plymouth Volare, 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook


  • Location
    Northeast Illinois
  • Interests
    These darn Plymouths

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  • Occupation
    Nuttin now

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  1. I counter with $.25 per day. No minimum. And you ship it first class.
  2. Well, I don’t know about Europe but here in ‘Merica free delivery means you bring it and come and get it when I am done. And I haven’t agreed to the price either. I will allow that you can ship it next day air if you want. After all, it’s silly to have you personally fly it over and then come back so you can inspect it for damage.
  3. Maybe a episodic rental agreement with free delivery and pickup? Then all we would have to do is dicker over the price.
  4. For use in 1979. Such literalists around here. 😹
  5. All I can add in 1978 I completely worn out a snow new snow shovel and had to buy a new one for 1979.
  6. Darned modern art.
  7. The Chicago area was just announced as having had the least amount of annual snowfall in 88 years. To me this is wonderful news. Winters here are getting generally warmer but with enough cold thrown in so you don’t forget what it’s like. I have never liked cold, ice, or snow so at my age a temporary warm cycle could easily be forever. Bring on Summer!
  8. It certainly is possible to have the wrong cap and rotor. Ignition parts need to be ordered by distributor number to help insure they are correct. And I am sure you already know the failure rate out of the box for new parts is high.
  9. A large percentage of humans live day to day with no concern about the climate except what the local weather is today and will be tomorrow. Even if they wanted to try to change the climate they do not have the time or power to do so. Everything will either be ok or it won’t. Not a lot most of us can do about it. But driving an old Plymouth now, that I can control.
  10. I am almost tired of looking at them. Almost…
  11. If you google cylinder leak down tester adapter you should get lots of information
  12. I had bought a couple of front bumper guards for my 52 Plymouth around 2007 or so. They looked ok but a bit surface rusted and although not damaged rather sad looking. I looked into various options and after pricing some I just went ahead and removed all the surface rust. Then I primed them and just sprayed chrome paint on them. They came out acceptable to me and look good to this day probably 15 years later.
  13. When I read threads like this one on chrome plating costs I thank that person back in the distant past who replaced almost all the chrome on my 52 Cranbrook with what appears to have been NOS items. The windshield divider was the only part that looked a bit sketchy with pits. And I found a replacement that had been rechromed on E-Bay back before it went to pot. In the 22 years I have owned the car the finish hasn’t diminished a bit. The front bumper guards I bought at Iola 15 years ago weren’t so hot but chrome spray paint looks ok and has held up for quite a while now.
  14. You don’t have to have the car running to check. With it off just open the throttle quickly while looking down the carb. You should see a good short stream of fuel each time you do that until the bowl is empty. What has been suggested is good and if it runs well you might be over thinking the issue. The main purpose of the accelerator pump is to stop flat spots when the throttle is opened. Short term problem, short term cure.
  15. I have driven by The Last Detail shop many times but knew it would not be a good idea to stop. Flat wallet syndrome. Nice to see the Chrysler pics. Airflows are one of the few preWWII cars I really like.
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