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chris 48 P15

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Everything posted by chris 48 P15

  1. on my car it has a chrome blank cover 1948 p-15
  2. try ynzyesterdaysparts.com or riwire.com
  3. look at thread about oil additives before adding anything to oil
  4. i found this tool worked better for me at adjusting the brakes also refacing the drums will do a lot to improve braking
  5. was the car originally wired with one brake light in the middle can this have something to do with this issue
  6. looks like heat gun is enough to solder?
  7. for me the best way is to correctly solder
  8. the tools are as cool as the cars i used to collect stamps cant use them to fix anything
  9. those numbers are good the best thing to do to help save engine is to change oil frequently the new oils have detergents in them they help to keep the inside clean the additives wont fix a problem if there is one
  10. this is a picture of what it may have looked like before jb weld 1948 Plymouth p-15 flat 6 its easy to say if it aint broke leave it alone but what if it lets go while on road trip.. maybe just rotten freeze plug ez fix cracked block not so easy there is freeze plug and pet cock valve behind breather tube
  11. my master is from 48 p-15 there are small holes on the inside that maybe clogged when you bleed the system the master may run out of fluid also check brake lines
  12. bought two used ammco brake lathes at auction one for disk brakes one for drum brakes here i am using the drum lathe better braking!
  13. thanks also
  14. Plymouthy can you explain i was planning on installing radials in spring
  15. yes i see 6-52-12 in the book i left that side alone is ok the other side was missing the split nylon bearing no clip for my application i like the bolt solution of using a bolt to add pressure
  16. d-35 torpedo i don't see a clip illustrated can you clarify i replaced on 48 p-15 seem to be held in buy force {there is not enough movement to allow bearing half's to fall out}
  17. then and now auto has fuel pump kits and a book section check it out
  18. call moparpro talk with mike? he dismantles cars has many parts not listed there are skeptics about this co.
  19. then and now website should have this rebuild kit it also will come with the rocker pin correction uses c clips or e clips to hold pin in place
  20. then and now automotive website has a huge selection of pump rebuild kits i removed my fuel pump and was able to match up the main gasket with pictures and rest of written description. on my pump there is a flaw that is corrected in the new kit.
  21. also some info in tech tips section under technical heading
  22. tube from ab is flared at open end if not yet installed maybe you can adjust your tube
  23. here are some pages from book for p-15 hope it helps
  24. i to am looking for new tires there is info on this in the tech section on top of this page look at coker tire website for info sniper beet me to the punch
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