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Everything posted by T120

  1. Thanks for posting this
  2. Hi Fred -Went to Princess Auto today in Lethbridge,picked up two.I've been there before,never noticed them.Thanks,Ralph
  3. Also saw the movie,Gran Torino,Monday night -good movie.Hope you enjoy it.
  4. Hi Fred,Where did you get the battery hold down clamp? - looks good -I could use one. Ralph
  5. Hi Dennis,Nice cars.Also I like your toy box.Did you build the shop yourself?
  6. 1956 Plymouth Fury..Of course I would also need extra garage space as well, as I wouldn't be parting with my 48 Dodge coupe,nor the 46 Plymouth,nor the 1976 Dodge D100 Adventurer SE.
  7. Looks like they clear the road in front of your place better than they do here in the city.Are you on a school bus route?Looking good
  8. Those photos turned out well,much better than the ones I take.I was hoping to see a break in the weather,-as I was clearing my driveway a week or so back,outside thermometer at -20 F,I was wondering where Al Gore was spending the winter?
  9. Hi Robert,You guessed right, Ralph d25cpe aka Ralph Turner.With this winter weather I feel in danger of becoming a "reclusive tinkerer" although I've spent more time shovelling snow than I have in the garage.I'm beginning to think those who head south in the winter along with the ducks and geese have the right idea.I'm lookig forward to the early bird swap meet in Feb.Thanks for posting photos of my coupe-in the sun.It's looking somewhat frigid at the moment.
  10. I should have omitted the last sentence in my comment.Just trying to be nice;)
  11. Looks like it would clean up nicely.A great car for someone.Interesting, the cars that are still out there in really nice original condition.
  12. It's nice to be nice- and I will try in 2009
  13. You mentioned the engine runs fine using gravity feed.From reading your posts,the mechanical fuel pump you replaced seems to be the common denominator-possibly a faulty pump?
  14. Don,Glad to hear someone is out there is driving their old car today.We're waiting for a "Chinook" here in southern Alberta to rid us of the snow.The roads here at the moment aren't in the best of shape for driving. Ralph
  15. I just watched the video clips and trailer on, Yahoo!Movies,Eastwood at his best.I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.
  16. Nice photo.Looks like good family fun.
  17. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year-and Brendan,I suppose you'll be toasting the New Year with a "muffled screech"
  18. Darin,excellent photos-I'm looking forward to another "road trip"
  19. as per this post - points don't open = no spark
  20. ....he said,as he cast his line out into the placid pool;)
  21. This gave me a chuckle.In addition to the 48 coupe,which I couldn't place in a category,I have a mid eighties Capri RS which would attract a 10.Reminded me of a song by Confederate Railroad.
  22. At Least we don't have to store our jeans in the refrigerator in this weather;)
  23. Hi,Sorry I didn't contact you.It was my first time through the area.I hadn't travelled south on I 15 further than Pocatello, Id in the past and this time of year I feel rather lucky that that the weather was okay other than passing through Montana on the return trip when it got quite nasty.The nice thing about I 15 in Montana is there generally isn't much traffic.A few cars had slid off the highway,but nothing serious.My wife passed on making the trip(probably has more sense).I'd love to head back that way - in the summer.The scenery is stunning through Utah.
  24. I passed through Barstow on Dec 1,hauling a car back from southern California.-stopped in Barstow for a burger at Del Taco - other than some nasty weather passing through the mountain passes in Montana,I had a great trip.Just lucky I guess.
  25. The car I owned when married was a 1948 Dodge D25 coupe.The Dodge was a great car but was eventually sold.I now own a 1948 dodge D25 coupe-same model ,different car.We all have our reasons for harbouring a "passion" for these old cars-some members of the forum are certainly more mechanically proficient than others.It's nice to see that most are helpful to those that feel a connection with the cars-nice to see the cars on the road.IMHO.
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