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Everything posted by JBNeal

  1. NOSpart: 1195802 Drag Link found on eBay years ago ?
  2. JBNeal


    From the album: DODGE Parts

  3. additional information - partial bed removal
  4. additional information - DeLuxe Oil Filters
  5. additional information - interiors additional information - interior products that last
  6. At one time, a contact kit could be sourced that contained the input lug and the switch contact plate, as they were common wear items like what you have shown here. The contact on the starter motor could also be sourced for the same reason. I have seen these available as vintage Autolite parts on eBay over the years, but did not have much luck locating one this morning; VPW also did not appear to have any available. My suggestion would be to talk to your local starter rebuilder or industrial equipment repair shop about the starter motor contact, maybe remove your old one and see if they have something close or equivalent, or could source you the parts you need to repair what you have. I am not so sure soldering on that worn contact would yield positive long term results as the solder might try to mush out with use. However, it might do the trick if no replacement part is available...could be an annual maintenance opportunity in the future: the springtime starter reconditioning extravaganza
  7. the canister inlet will have an orifice that restricts pressurized flow to the element. additional information - DeLuxe Products Corporation Filters
  8. I started a new job this month with a 1+ hr commute one way, and though the QuadCab can make the journey, the traffic can be tricky. So after 4 years of my elderly neighbor offering to sell me his 2015 Ram 1500 that he cannot drive anymore, we worked out a deal, as that truck does way better on the highway than the QuadCab in ride quality and fuel economy (26mpg!!)...did I mention the AC seats? This Laramie Longhorn is about to turn 33k, so it's got a lot of life left in it...the QuadCab, with 233k, gets to wander around on the weekends, as it needs to exercise or its brakes might start sticking again.
  9. VINTAGEPIC: Route Van spotted on the FB
  10. JBNeal


    From the album: Vintage Pictures

  11. My guess is that the B4 crossmember was cheaper to form than previous iterations, as well as providing a parallel flange to the rearward crossmember for the redesigned fuel tank, which eliminated a mounting bracket.
  12. I think those little sleeves are supposed to pinch the rubber so the gasket won't shift around so much when the vent window frame is being opened or closed.
  13. additional information - 3spd transmission speedometer cable pinion seal
  14. some pictures of your specific situation may yield more helpful solutions...
  15. additional information - modifications for hot starting performance improvements
  16. additional information - 3spd top interchangeability
  17. B-4 has a lower cost arrangement: redesigned frame crossmember with hole for hooking spring extension; spring takes place of cotter pin at clevis
  18. Reading old books by knowledgeable ppl is fun !
  19. that information has been posted earlier in this thread
  20. that is the last part number that I was trying to verify the thread pitch...chasing 3/8-27 threads onto 3/8-24 ferrules appears to be the most direct approach to leak-free ferrule replacement ?
  21. I have been trying to get some follow-up on this with several manufacturers since this issue came up again a few weeks ago. I compared the McMaster ferrule to an original that I had pulled several months ago and verified that the thread pitches were dissimilar. So far, I have part numbers from 4 different sources that are confirmed as 3/8-24, not the 3/8-27 that should fit in the oil pressure gauge. I have one source that is still trying to get their factory in Mexico to supply the thread pitch information, but after 4 weeks, I'm not holding my breath on this. So as to not burden Ed with being the sole source for this fitting, I am leaning towards following David A.'s approach that should work as I have found just as many 3/8-27 die sources as 3/8-24 breakaway ferrule sources. Once I get some kind of confirmation from the 5th ferrule part number on my list, I plan on following up on this with a comparison either way.
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