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Everything posted by PatS....

  1. I've never heard of "six light", but it does make sense because the factory calls the rear "window" the "backlight" As for body styles, my dad used to correct me when I called a two door sedan, a sedan...he said it was a coach, sedans have 4 doors, coaches have two. Some of my research has proved him correct but times do change.
  2. WOW, Joe...you done good!!!!!! What's next?
  3. Don't forget that originally, when the headlights went on, the park lights went out, then operating only as turn signals. Sounds like bad connections/bad grounds. Maybe a bad dimmer switch as well.
  4. Fred, glad you got the old Chrysler out for a jaunt...sound like fun. We drove out to Cochrane yesterday for some McKays ice cream, but I'm afraid they would MELT if left out too long...+12 (about 55f) there yesterday in the bright Alberta sun. Sat on the bench looking at those beautiful snow covered Rockies to the west...a great day, just missing MY old Chrysler. http://www.mackaysicecream.com/history.html
  5. No battle but a bit of a crush...well alot of a crush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DncRBXm-Oo&feature=related
  6. Don, What the heck is a money processing machine? I process money fairly well without a machine!
  7. Well, I have a rare vintage "F/VF" 1950 DeSoto and I can't GIVE parts away and these guys have prices like that? I see it all the time. Does this overpriced Barrett-Jackson stuff sell? Do people pay $199 for a comic? I have several hunks of old dusty paper and altogether there isn't $199 worth. I need a coffee, this makes my head hurt...or maybe its the neck belt on my 97 Chrysler:eek:
  8. Not aware of a neutral switch on a standard or M6 old Mopar.
  9. My 49 Chrysler had a full one piece rubber mat in front and carpet in the back and trunk
  10. You need the kickdown switch and the dashpot for the M6 transmission to shift properly. If you have a 3 speed transmission and not the M6, you can use your spare carb.
  11. Never realized eBay had so many vintage pics. http://search.stores.ebay.com/Darrins-Photoclique_wreck_W0QQfcdZ2QQfciZ1QQfclZ3QQfrtsZ0QQfsnZDarrinsQ20PhotocliqueQQfsooZ2QQfsopZ2QQfsubZ2QQftsZ2QQsaselZ2216221QQsofpZ0
  12. More questions than answers on this one, I think. Taking kids to a 3am illegal street race is one of them.
  13. Welcome, I too have a '49 Chrysler, although it's far from driveable Yours looks very nice. I'm putting discs on the front from Rustyhope.
  14. Humor is the reason. No-one in thier right mind would hold something that happened hundreds of years ago against anyone!!! Humor, plain and simple...which was the only reason I posted. I'm Canadian, can't vote there so again, just for a chuckle nothing deeper.
  15. Damn!!!
  16. 6 volt bulbs are also available at VW dealers and repair shops.
  17. The first thing you will hear is the tired old, what about liability and insurance? That kills these kind of solutions all the time, sadly. Government is quick to come up with millions to buy art and sculpture and money for opera and other arts and sports causes and there's nothing wrong with that but at the same time the LACK of those things won't kill people. The lack of motorsports facilities does. How about a little help from government and it doesn't have to be money, just some rule relaxations and zoning breaks and maybe some legislation limiting liability for the operators of these places.
  18. Whether you are for or against Hillary, this is too funny not to share with all of you! :D Judy Wallman, a professional genealogical researcher, discovered that Hillary Clinton's great-great uncle, Remus Rodham, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows. On the back of the picture is this inscription: 'Remus Rodham; horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889. Judy e-mailed Hillary Clinton for comments. Hillary's staff of professional image adjusters sent back the following biographical sketch: 'Remus Rodham was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.'
  19. Too many kids died then from street racing THEN and way too many die NOW. Not to mention the ones maimed and crippled for life. I'm no saint, I've done it and I hate rules and gov. interference, but it seems to be getting worse...or are we just hearing about more with the 24 hour news?
  20. Welcome to the forum!!! Nice fleet you have there. Soon, us Canadians will be able to take over this place:D I THINK, in Canada, they are bolts as well...at least I have never seen studs on that era Mopar. (and I'm never wrong! ) As for brakes from the DeSoto, if you swap the backing plates as well as the rest, they should fit. As far as other mechanical stuff, it all should interchange except the transmission which will be Fluid Drive IF the DeSoto is Canadian as well:)
  21. He won't even get a BID. I wonder if they take into account that eBay is an auction site? What auction STARTS at a sky high amount? That's what reserves are for...
  22. I agree, it was a terrible tragedy. It shouldn't have happened. My thoughts are with the families right now. From what I understand the spectators were standing in the middle of an operating highway at 3am amid the smoke from a burnout and the driver didn't see them, and a semi was right behind and didn't see them either. "If I spend thousands of dollars on something I need to have a place to test it." Rodney, I'm not sure I agree with that because of the fact that there was no place for the people to test out the race car BEFORE they spent the money on it. It also seems that many of the street racers don't support the legitimate facilities, at least here in this neck of the woods. In this particular case, why did they have to be standing in the middle of the road? I really feel for those left behind to figure it all out.
  23. Now them darn revenuers will know what the hideout looks like!!!!!! And they'll make an ID on the ringleader!!!!!
  24. The main point is that everyone walked away. The car is just a pile of metal. The passengers are the important part. Now, the car doesn't really look that bad, certainly repairable, although not as easily in Sweden, but you should be able to save it. Again, glad everyone's OK
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