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B1B Keven

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Everything posted by B1B Keven

  1. Don't forget about our forum supporters!!
  2. Welcome!! Pics of the truck please. Use the search function for Cherokee rear axle. A lot of guys are using them. What part of CA?
  3. Welcome!! Nice C series. Keep us updated.
  4. Wow. Another cool story!! Welcome. More pics if ya can. Fuel tank: http://dodgecentralmi.biz/ocart/f-537-fuel-tank-reproduction.html?filter_name=fuel
  5. Ah....... Let me see if I can find the right nose for ya.
  6. Welcome! The truck should come with the correct nose. I think Jerry (JerryBrown) gave him one. Was the previous owners name Mark? Seems like I talked to him.
  7. Nah.
  8. Husker, don't you also need outside door handles? A Harley might get out performed by a smaller CC bike, but nothing has the 'cool' factor that a Harley or Indian have.
  9. So why is the truck for sale? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1951-Dodge-Truck-/301161393356?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item461e9e2ccc
  10. Welcome! Nice '56. 318 or 360?
  11. Mark, Whadya think of Old Sac?
  12. I'm out. Had to replace the clutch fan and radiator in my '84. Just don't have the money.
  13. Rent a car trailer and come to the BBQ.
  14. The 3:55 ratio axle would come out of a Cherokee with the 4.0 litre 6 cylinder and automatic. Are the axle shafts the same in the B and C series trucks?
  15. Welcome!! Good lookin' truck.
  16. No, it's different. I have the correct one for your truck. Needs to be straightened a bit.
  17. Do you need the money now Mark?
  18. Outside to outside 50 1/2" inside lip to inside lip 48 9/16" lip to raised area 1 7/16"
  19. Get my money back!
  20. Wow, that grill looks awesome!
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