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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. John, It is part of the intake manifold. Dennis http://www.drautoparts.com/items/item.aspx?itemid=8620848
  2. I got up this morning and looked out to this pool, then we went to the restrant for breakfast. We had a head wind of about 40 mph all the way home. We were at the AVI Casino in Laughlin, Nv. MERRY CHRISTMAS to All. Dennis:D
  3. Hey 47heaven remember I'm in Barstow so you can give me a call if you have any problems. I should be home on New Years weekend. Sent you a PM with my phone #'s. Dennis:cool:
  4. That's great news that you had no problems. Have yourself a Happy Holiday. Dennis:cool:
  5. Bob, thank you. Dennis:D
  6. It would be nice if one of our forum members could scan the pages and post them here so the members of this forum could see it. Some of our members are not members of the POC. Dennis
  7. I drive my 48 P15 in 2 parades a year with no problems. I have the stock running gear the stock cooling system. The only problem I have is my knee and leg hurting from using the clutch in the long stop & go travel. Dennis
  8. I still have the American Flyer train set that I got when I was a kid. Dennis
  9. Thank You Allan, Great calendar again. This one will be in my Garage. Dennis:cool:
  10. Have a great time and a safe trip. Dennis
  11. A staple California Hot Rod Reunion is this cool BBQ of the Vipers Car Club. Dennis
  12. This is a 52 Willys Aero. Dennis
  13. I saw that on the news, made me happy that we always carry bottled water with us. We also carry our own travel coffee pot, cups, with coffee & tea bags. Dennis
  14. I have been running tubeless tires on my stock 48 P15 rims sense 2001 without any problems. Dennis
  15. Congrats, I put seat belts in all of our old cars so our grandkids could ride with us. Dennis
  16. Some of us remember when Pomona was a small town in a ranching area. Dennis:D
  17. He must have the clapper installed on the doors instead of his lights. Dennis
  18. That camper is coming off as soon as possible. I will keep it stored in my yard. It is made of steel and weighs a ton, 2 guys cannot lift it. Maybe I'll be able to put it on a trailer and deliver it up to the Gold Country or not. Dennis:D
  19. Thanks for the ideas guys. I plan on getting it running and then driving it while I do the body work, then a flat black home paint job. But first things first tires and brakes. 62rebelP23Thank you for the info on the engine, It gives me a place to start looking. Dennis:cool:
  20. Dennis_MN, I don't think thats for me, My wife likes a clean bed and room service. Norm's Coupe,The Mercury engine is an overhead V-8. Dennis:D
  21. Heavy Flat Head, I'm lucky, my wife loves the old cars as much as I do. She was the one who told me to buy the truck and she even wrote the check for it. She also had my 30' X 50' garage built so I have someplace to go now that I'm retired. Dennis:D
  22. Sure Greg, They can strap it to the top of the bus. The only problem is that it weighs a ton, All Steel. Dennis:eek:
  23. Went to see a friend of ours today and this followed me home, it's a 1954 Furd F100 P/U. I could not pass up the deal. It has been setting in their yard for about 17 years. (Ran when parked) It has a Unknown size Mercury V-8, and unknown auto trans, 15 inch rear and 16 inch front rims, and it looks like the rear end has been changed. The first thing that will go is the camper shell, then I'll put on some tires that will hold air. Dennis:D http://s12.photobucket.com/albums/a227/barstowoldfarts/54%20Ford%20F100/
  24. A lock only keeps an honest man honest.He is from DOWNEY, CA area. Dennis
  25. Blower King ...Don Hampton has had his 33 Phaeton and Car Trailer stolen from in front of his shop a few weeks ago here is alink with additional info ... http://www.hamptonblowers.com/stolen.html Dennis
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