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Dennis Hemingway

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Everything posted by Dennis Hemingway

  1. Ouch!!!! Dennis:eek:
  2. Happy Birthday. You young Whippersnapper. Dennis
  3. That is why I particapate in all of the local Toys 4 Tots Car Shows. Dennis:D My 48 Ply at a Toys 4 Tots Show. My Truck full of toys at a Toys 4 Tots Show.
  4. You can check here. http://www.plymouthdoctor.com/ Dennis
  5. I wish I would have had this information last week, I would of stopped by the shop in Vegas to see the truck. Dennis:mad:
  6. This is the information on Carnut. Dennis:cool: Death Row Products, aka Butch's Rod Shop, 330 Industry Drive P.O. Box 8208 Carlisle, OH. 45005, 513-746-1113 fax 513-746-2421 ...
  7. I was hopeing that they will help me keep my garage clean, You move sand the same way that you move snow, No snow for me. Dennis:D
  8. Thanks, I'll watch out for them. Dennis:D
  9. Don, Norm is only thinking about us out west, It is only 65 here today so the grass is still growing, heck my wife picked bell peppers from the garden this morning. Dennis:D
  10. Brrrrrr, That looks COLD!!!!! Dennis:D
  11. Thanks guys, When we got married our parents gave us 2 years at the most. I guess we showed them. Bob, The Bass Pro-Shop had a great sale and we stayed at the Siverton Resort Casino that is attached to the Bass Pro-Shop so they got most of our money. We had our 4 year old grandson stay with us so we didn't get to put too much money in the one armed bandits. Normspeed, We had 75 vehicles enter the show, the next Toys 4 Tots Car Show that we plan on going to is on Dec 1 in Ridgecrest, Ca. Dennis:cool:
  12. Here are some photos I took at the 19th Annual Toys 4 Tots Car Show at the Tanger Outlet Mall in Barstow, California on November 18, 2007. With the temperature in the 70's it was a great day for a car show. Sorry they are late but we just got home from Las Vegas where we spent our 40th Anniversary on Tuesday. Dennis http://www.hotrodhotline.com/feature/2007show/07toysfortotsdennis/
  13. You can also check with David Maxwell, I think he is doing woodgraining. Dennis
  14. Looks like someone has been smoking too much Wacky Tobacky. Dennis
  15. Lee, It sounds like you'll be ok. Trucks can be replaced, you can't be replaced. Dennis
  16. Thank You. Dennis:cool:
  17. It's_Heaven_in_a_47, Do you have a name & contact info on place that sells antique Ford parts? I am looking for stainless rear fender welting for my P15. Dennis
  18. Here is a price list from Kanter's Dennis http://www.kanter.com/p24-mon.html#mo1 Here is the VPW Site. http://www.vintagepowerwagons.com/
  19. I use Castrol SAE 20W-50 in my 48 P15. Dennis http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=5841&highlight=Castrol
  20. U.S.Navy 1965-1969, USS Hornet CVS 12 Member, Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, Apollo 11 Recovery Ship. Dennis
  21. Congrats Don. 2 more and you will catch up with me. Dennis:D
  22. When I did mine I could only slip a coat hanger in about half way the rest was pluged. Dennis
  23. jaguarsurfer, You can go to main web site and look at the Technical Tips section. The water distribution tube section is about in the center of the section. The water distribution tube provides a vital function in cooling your engine. Dennis http://www40.addr.com/~merc583/mopar/framesets/techtipframeset.html
  24. When you pull the water pump make sure that you check the water distrubition tube. Dennis
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