Rodney, The bag on front of my car is called a desert water bag and as the water evaperates it helps cool the raditor. I remember my dad allways had one on the front of our cars as we traveled to Las Vegas from Los Angles.
The Riverside Casino in Laughlin has a car musuem and sales and The Imperial Palace Casino in Las Vegas also has a auto museum and car sales.
Just returned from the River Cruisers Spring Hot Rods & Harleys Car Show at the AVI Resort & Casino in Laughlin, Nv. We had a great time and great weather (temp was in the 90's) on the way home we had 46 MPH winds. We had the only P-15 at the show. There were 225 cars at the show.
Don, I belong to Just Cruisin' 4 Fun the Car Club that put on the show at Calico and we get a list of shows from the High Desert Car Club Council. I also check out some web sites that have car shows listed. Here are a few that I check.
For the water pump on my 48 P-15 I went to my local Auto Value/Bumper to Bumper store and they ordered one for me, it was in the store the next day.
Calico is a neat place, this was the first time we had our show there and we had 60 cars entered in the show, with only minor complaints, so we are working to have our April 2009 Car Show there.
Next weekend for the car show at the AVI Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nv the temp should be in the high 80's to low 90's. I have to pack my swim suit for weekend, so if you hear about a beached whale in the Colorado River that will be me.LOL.
The Pool at the AVI.
We had a car show today on the streets of Calico Ghost Town, Calico, Ca. we had 60 Vehicles enter the show. We only had 2 Plymouths show up a 49 stock car and a panel rat rod. The best of show was a 2008 Mustang Shelby. The rest of the photos will be on some time next week.
Now we get ready to go to the AVI Casino in Laughlin Nv next weekend for the Hot Rods and Harleys Show, we are taking the 48 P15 to that show.
I'm sorry, I have always liked the 55-56 Chevy dash. The wife's car has a Dakota Digitial conversion.
If I have to keep to Plymouth's I have to say the P-15 dash gets my vote, like the photo I borrowed from David Maxwell.
You could try the Plymouth Doctor, I don't know what year vehicle you have so I could not look it up.
The teardrop get together at Lake Perris in Riverside County, California.
The MOPARS at the Strip was at the Las Vegas Motor Speadway, Drag Strip in Lost Wages, Nevada.
They were two different get togeathers on the same weekend.
Allan, I posted that Boyd passed away the day it happened. They had services at his shop.
Here is a 1958 CHEVROLET DEL RAY For only $95,000 at the Imperial Palace Auto Collection in Las Vegas. If you look close you can see the crossed flags of a fuel injected engine.
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