Charlie, I think that is who I talked to when they had the car at the Big Bear Lake Car Show. His wife went to High School here with the wife of the president of our car club.
We went to the Tucker Convention a few years ago at the Imperial Palace Casino in Las Vegas. We had on T-shirts with a photo of our 48 P15 on it. The people with the Tucker Convention treated us like we were long lost relitaves. We meant a guy who worked for Tucker and owned one that Tucked gave him. He showed me the ar from top to bottom, he even had me crawl under the car to look at the underside. I had Prestons nephew sign a Diecast Model of a Tucker for us.
Charlie, Is that the one that the owner put in a 455 Olds engine and transaxel in it? If it is the owners wife/mother is from Barstow. It was at the Big Bear Lake Show a few years ago.
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