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Frank Blackstone

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Everything posted by Frank Blackstone

  1. I think some of you guys are pretty thin skinned and I would advise you to stay out of the International Rotary. I was in it for 10 years and every meeting there were insults thrown at and by everyone. It was a mark of maturity and masculinity to take it all in stride and not to lose your composure. 3 years after joining they made me president mostly because they could not rattle me with their jabs. Doonesbury comic strip even did a whole Sunday strip on how brutal the Rotarians were to each other. Anyway I am glad you all talked things out with any swearing or gun play and I hope well all stay as contributing members.
  2. Bring it on. I am inside for the Winter after spending every day last Winter wrenchin'. I am going to set by the fire and drink hot chocolate ,cudled up with Carol. Well I don't know about Coatney. First he bugged out of his homestead of Indian and it was bad enough he went to Temped Tenn. Now it is worse that he went to FLORDIA. It serves him right that he had to turn on the heat.
  3. I think MSAWDEY44 work for CSI and wants to be anomoyus as there is no info in the profile. Sounds like they know something about shutterbugging. I know more about jitterbugging than shutterbugging.
  4. My condolences to Mary, Norm's family and all of you who grieve Norm's passing. Sometimes the only measure of a man's life is how much he will be missed by others. Here on the Forum we do make friend and connection through the brotherhood of the love of wrenching on old cars. Some would call us crazy or out of touch but we know the joy we get and the camaraderie we share across the miles know others have experienced the same joys and frustrations. When a valued member like Norm passes it is a big loss even for us who never met him and a bigger loss for you who knew him well and still valued his friendship. Norm was always an inspiration to me for the frequency and details of his posts. At least we have that pleasure to draw on in the future when a situation will arise and we can ask ourselves. What would Norm have said. Maybe by doing that he will not have left use completely.
  5. I remember when Coatney took his neighbor for a ride and made her sit in the back seat AND made her take pictures. What's wrong with that?
  6. Good article Keith I am always looking for ways to bend metal. If there are more articles in Street Rodder as mentioned in the article I may have to subscribe to yet another car mag. The pile of mags is getting unmanageable and one New Years resolution is to clip the info and pass on the mag to non subscribers.
  7. Tim I got the same results with a torch and wet rag on my roof that had been oil caned. Basic physics I guess but almost magical. Better than beating as I have done before.
  8. On my 72 Poncho recently I had to remove the O ring that is around the shaft. I picked it out with a small bladed screw driver and destroyed it in the process. Anyway it is recommended that a new one be installed .
  9. I have made connections that first have a good physical (fitting) connection, then have a good electrical(shiney) connection then I cover them with a protectant. Wurth makes a spray that foams and dries to an invisible coating. I have also used the antioxidant(grey goop) that has to be brushed on to work. I had an electrical department employee at Home Depot said he had used a green goop that was liquid enough to dip the wires into before attaching. I have not been able to find it or anyone else who has used it. He said it was easier to apply than having to brush on the grey goop. That's all I know, Frank
  10. Rodney, I have a concrete floor in my garage and I lay roofing tar paper on the floor. I heard this is necessary as moisture can atomise up from the floor. Looks nice and neat and clean, Cheap at Home Depot, even heavy guage . Easily replaced. Happy New Year, Frank
  11. Is there information on this man and what his motivation, education, and training were to be able to do this degree of detailed work of art. Maybe he is a watchmaker or eye surgeon. I could not see the tools or machines in , I hesitate to call it , the workshop. It is more like a laboratory. I would need and electron microscope and one of those monster robots they use for prostate surgery. Seeing artestry like that I am inspired to do better. Fumble Fingers, Frank
  12. I think you have Gremlins, but that is just me not knowing what else it could be. I am replying to get you back at the head of the list of topics so some of the wiser members, yes there are a few, can give you some better answers. If you can't be handsome at least be handy, Frank
  13. Welcome Buford, I am your neighbor over here near Dayton, Ohio. I have pretty much shut down wrenchin' for the Winter but maybe you have a warmer place than me to work.
  14. In the 50"s(?) version on War of the Worlds the is a P-15(?) convertable or a police car. My memory is getting foggy as I have not seen the movie in many years. I don't know about that other alien movie.
  15. Rodney If it was real Ostrich it would be the most expensive part of the car. My Dad sold shoes and had a customer that he sold 5 pairs of real Ostrich shoes in 5 diffferent colors at 1000.00 (0ne thousand)each. I have the pair he had for himself and they have a grain with a point where each of the feathers were attached. Very unique looking.
  16. I'll bet you know who______________ could go farther than anyone . http://spectrum.ieee.org/.
  17. Welcome Abord Tyler. I think your ride and the work you do on it will survive better in AZ than what I have to deal with here in the Rust Belt. I have a gunsmithing friend who lived in AZ, FLA, TEX who says OHIO is the worst he has seen for rust.
  18. I got a Eveready Sealed Beam Lamp for a had latern No 4546 maximum 6,000 candlepower for 99 cents at the thrift store. I figure for the difference in price I can make a gold plated holder for it and have someting more unique. But that is just me being different.
  19. How about that mopar muscle mag? Has anyone read it?
  20. Good Idea. I thought about doing that maybe through the newspaper writer. It seems he needs help fixing the radio and that little dab of rust on his quarter panel.
  21. Again the now orphaned Plymouth makes headlines in the New York Times . At least the editors have the good sense to recognize a enduring classic. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/06/automobiles/collectibles/06EGO.html?emc=eta1
  22. Robin I will at least ask my paint guys if they have any or a manufacturers sample we call paint chip. Do you have a manufacturer?
  23. I vaguely remember a small chrome shade or rain shield over at least the rear windows on our brand new 48 Plymouth from when I was a kid. They were not that tacky but they were certainly small than the ones pictured.
  24. I line the garage floor with tar paper every couple of years. When it gets worn or dirty I replace it. Cheap at Home Depot and it lays down nice. I agree that a lot of moisture comes up through even a concrete floor.
  25. Glad your are back among the fold Alla, I thought of you and your knowledge of paint this Summer. I did block sanding , primer spraying and a little metallic color spraying for the first time. It is an art which I imagine takes time to master. There is a lot of chemistry involved.
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