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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. This is a for a 39 Desoto. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  2. :)Ok: If anyone fromt he forum is attending Hershey then here is the plan If you are there on Thursday and or Friday The Plan is to meet at 12 NOON at the base of the steps of the cross walk that goes fromt he Chocolate fields over to the Green field or also know as the GIANT Stadium field. When Looking at the steps and facing the Giant Stadium we will meet to the Left side of the main steps. If someone has a sign that they can small card board would be great. Put onthe sign P15-D24 so we can find the group. I am planning on being there. If I do not make it still have the meeting without me. Someone had to organize this informa get together. If you have any business cards with your information and names please bring to the meeting so we can share with each other. Lets pray for no rain and plenty of sunshine. Hope everyone finds those parts that they are looking for and has a safe drive to and from Hershey. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. I agree with the rest of the group. The house payment is the biggest ticket item that you have to pay. But if you are down to only three years left then you are paying more to the prinicpal then interest. As I stated I have one more payment and then I am done. I have been paying extra each month for years onthe principal to get rid of this payment. If you can payoff the house then go for it. After the house is yours then its only the taxes you owe. I can not wait to burn the mortgage. I have made a copy of it and plan to have a party and every one thats there will have a copy to place in my firepit so they can get the feeling of burning the mortgage. In todays economic times getting rid of a payment is very smart and most people never get to see that happen they dream about it. What ever you decide to do I wish you the very best. The wood is already loaded into the fire pit OH HAPPY DAYS are getting closer!!!!!! Rich HArtung:)
  4. I have an autloite book that goes to 51-52. Tell me what you are looking for in the car or truck year and model and if the information is inthe book I will verify that data. Start to look at flea markets for data on your car or truck and keep a list withyou so that you can refer to it. rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  5. Since some of the memebrs are going to Hershey, Mecca, Can we set up a time and place to try to meet up with all of the Forum members. There are several establish locations that we could meet, such as Chocolate World, At the Giant Center in the Green field Ant the stair cross over walkway between the C filed and the Green Field. These are centrally located and are easy to get to. Probably the best time is 12 noon each day on Thursday and Friday. What your take onthis idea??????? I am hoping to attend both days since I only live about 1 1/2 hours drive from Hershey. Let me know what everyones thoughts are on this. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  6. I also posted this same article onthe car side of the forum. rich Hartung
  7. Ok now that you start this whole work ethic for all of us over the winter, here is what I need to do on the 39 Desoto: Work on the driveshaft possibly new u joints Get the front floor carpet made and installed Put the car up on the lifts and adjust all four brakes, minot adjustment Take heater out to see why the fan motor is not working Have a dim front right headlight, possibly a grounding issue. Put in a pint of rust inhibitor int to the radiator. Fill that gas tank an put in fuel stableizer Check the antifeeze level and see if I need to add more Attend the AACA Convention in Phila, PA in February Continue to look for Miller tools and parts for the old car And most important is trying to get a full time job since I have been unemployed so until this happens the above list is put on the big freeze. Hope eveyone enjoys the fall and might see some people at Hershey next month. rich Hartung
  8. Since you cut away the center of the drum how do you plan on mounting the drum onthe front spindle and or rear axle. You need the hole to insure tha t the drum is centered so you can then try to adjust the shoes. Also note I do have the Ammco brake tool and i do rent the tool to the members. If you are interested then contact me. Also refer to the technical section regarding the use of the Ammco and Miller brake tools. This is from a presentation that I did at the AACA convention in Philadelphia, Pa several years ago. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. To all that read the posting regarding the e10-e15 change. I just posted the information that SEMA had sent me. I just wanted to let everyone know that the gas might be changing. I am not advocating that you write to the gov't. This is your option. Just wanted to warn everyone. Rich Hartung
  10. I just received the following from SEMA and there is a movement to increase the ethinol from E10-E15 and this is going to really affect our old cars. read the article and contact your legislators: Rich Hartung URGENT REGULATORY ALERT EPA Threatens to Raise Ethanol Content in Gasoline Under pressure from ethanol producers to raise the ethanol content in gasoline, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could issue a decision later this month allowing the use of E15 in late-model cars. It could permit the use in other cars at a later date. The SEMA Action Network (SAN) opposes the shift from E10 to E15 due to concerns that the additional content will harm automobiles of all ages, including special interest collector and historic vehicles. To date, there is a lack of conclusive information regarding E15’s effect on engines of different model years. In addition to the potential harm of E15 on engine components, the EPA has no procedure in place to ensure misfueling does not occur or any plan for ensuring regular gasoline continues to be available for older vehicles. The SAN’s concerns are shared by a number of other industry organizations. We Urge You to Ask President Obama (Contact Information Below) to Stop the EPA from Raising the Ethanol Content in Gasoline Dear Mr. President: I strongly urge you to stop the Environmental Protection Agency from raising the amount of ethanol in gasoline from today’s 10 percent (E10) to 15 percent (E15) – a 50 percent increase. The EPA is under pressure from some corporate ethanol supporters to raise the rates in order to boost sales. However, scientific studies have not yet been completed on concerns that the added content could harm auto parts of all ages. When ethanol levels are raised, engines react differently and in a potentially dangerous way. Ethanol causes engines to burn hotter which could lead to premature engine and equipment failure. For newer cars, the “check engine” light may appear unnecessarily or too late to avoid costly repairs. Ethanol also increases water formation in the fuel system, especially when the vehicle sits over a period of time. Under these conditions, formic acid is created which corrodes metals, plastics and rubber. This can lead to engine/parts failures and, potentially, safety hazards. If the EPA approves E15, it will state that the increased ethanol is only for recent model cars. However, once a new fuel mix enters the gasoline supply system, it will inevitably end up in the wrong engines. Gasoline without any ethanol may simply disappear from the marketplace for millions of Americans with older cars or special interest collector and historic vehicles. E10 has already made this a reality in many areas of the country. The EPA should wait until all of the scientific research is complete. There is no need for a rush to judgment. DON’T DELAY! Please contact President Obama at http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Thank you for your assistance.
  11. Hey Mike, Since you are going for the best coupe then did you think about having the date code that is on the lowere corners of the glass also duplicated so that the car is correct. Also note the position and location of the date code. On some windows you read the date code from the inside and on other you read it from the outside. If you want the perfect car then you need to have this done correctly. I did this on my 39 Desoto just becasue i wanted it to be correct but most of the cars that go to Herhsy that have had the glass redone are missing this little fine point so the total restorations even at Hershey are not even correct. Take note when you go to Hershey or an AACA sponsoed car show at the prewar cars. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  12. I personally seen a club from MD dothe same with a Model T. I can not remember the time limit but it is very fast. Rich Hartung
  13. Tomarrow is a sad day to remember all of the people that were lost on 9-11-01. Here isa commercial that Budwiser only did once in a salute to tis day It only lasts 30 seconds but it will get to your heart. Send this onto anyone you know, least we forget. Just beautiful. Certainly is done with class. A great tribute to that tragic day! This Budweiser commercial regarding the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States of America only aired ONCE! This is the commercial spot Budweiser produced after the attack on our Country. They only aired it once so as not to benefit financially from it - they just wanted to acknowledge the tragic event to all of us who care or lost people. This is so consistent with a company who always does things with a ton of class!! Can you imagine what the production cost was for this short segment (air fare, cameras, crews, etc)? Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words! I hope you like it too. Budweisercommercialabout9-11.asf paste this in your brower Rich HArtung
  14. I had an Ac single wire fuel pump for 10 years. This worked fine and then the rubber diaphram just fell apart into small pieces. I replaced it with the newer Airtex double wire 6v pump. You should have the pump wired to a toggle switch so you can turn it off an on and the switch is wired to the ignition switch so that the power to the pump can only be activatd when the key is turned on for the car. If you do a hot feed then there is a good possibility that the battery could be drained and that the pump would pump gas tot he carb when you have the car in the garage a very dangerous situation. I still run my single carb and have ample fuel pressure and ample gas I can not comment on the dual carb setup. Most of the owners use the electric as a backup pump to help prime the carb after the car has sat for several days and also as a backup incase there is a vapor lock or the mechanical pump fails. rich hartung desoto19392aol.com
  15. The Chrysler Museum and Corp did provide a service at a cost inwhich they could provide for you the build sheet information regarding the mopars. I was told it include who they truck was originally shipped to the dealer and the accessory items that were delivered witht he truck or car. Do a search on the Museum and you might beable to find the link. Rich Hartung
  16. You stated that you put a magnetic inthe MC to catch the fine metal parts. There should not have been any metal inthe res. There still might be some metal inthe MC that is clogging the two relief holes. Clean the mag and then insert to catch any metal rich Hartung
  17. On my 39 Desoto the MC has a proportioning value at the end of the body of the reservour. You might have the value installed backwards. This allow the fluid to retract. Also check that the two releif holes in the MC are open. There should be two 1 behind the piston and one after the pist. I had a factory installed original MC and had a problem. When I tookthe MC out of the car I founf that one of the weep holes was not completely tapped open. Sticke a small wire inthe holes to see if they are clear. You might have to retap one of these holes. Hope this helps. rich hartung
  18. Attached is the picture of the fluid drive socket tool to remove and install the bolt on the FD unit. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com Miller Catalog DPCD 35-41 p 55.PDF
  19. Miller Tools that were produced for the Mopar delaers had a special extractor just for this purpose. The tool was magnatised to hold the bolt when uou took it out and also when you put it backinto the housing. I collect Miller Tools but do not have this tool since my 39 desoto is not fluid drive. I will post a picture of the tool and the tool number I also have several Miller tool catalogs that I have copied over to PDF format. The two catalogs covers the years from 1935 to early 50 and they are very informative and have great descriptions about the tools and how they are used. If you are interested contact me at Desoto1939@aol.com Rich Hartung
  20. Right after Carilse is the AACA Hershey meet at Hershey park in Hershey PA. There will be approx 5-8000 car vendors attending. Plan on comeing for several days like Wed, Thursday and Friday. Saturday is the carshow and most of the vendors are shutdown by Saturday and even late Friday night I think the date in 10-6,7,8 it arounf the weekend just after carisle. Do a search on AACA for the hershey event. This is the big mecca of car shows and swap meets. Rich Hartung
  21. I have used Rhode Island wiring for several sections on my 39 Desoto. I have even asked then to do some custom work for me and everying has been done ask asked and documented very well on there parts and wiring diagrams. They are a good company to work with. Also the wire that they use has plastic covering and then the cloth covering is pulled or installed over the plastic. This is a better wire then what was the original and only had the cloth covering. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  22. I have had a electric fuel pump on my 39 Desoto for over 15 years along witht he mechanical AC588 fuel pump. I only runthe electric pump as a priming pump or incase the car had a vapor lock or the mechancial pump failed. I have never had a problem and use my car alot. The mechanical pump is not putting any strain on the electric pump. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  23. I installed the headline on my 39 desoto with the help of the guy that painted my car. First unfold the unit from the box so you can determine the front and rear parts of the liner. Let it sit our to get the wrinkles and folds to decrease. There should be headliner bows determine the porper order for the bows. Before puting inthe bows check for any need repairs and then also prime and repaint them. Insert them inthe proper slots inthe headliner and then attach the bows into the roof. On the side of the roof there shoudl be some metal that would have teeth like a saw you need to tuck the meterial into these. Start at the back and work foward tying to keep the material as tight as possible. You should have two people to work the material in to the hooks. use a flat bladed putty knife that has a dull edge or blut end. Take you time do not rush the job when you get frustrated then stop and come back to the job work slowly. rich Hartung
  24. The marine grease is used for boat trailers to help seal the wheel bearing when the trailer are put into the water to load and unload the boats. They sell it at Walmart or any good auto supply store. Do not use regular grease as this will wash away with time. rich Hartung
  25. The wires on this unit are not a problem. i am currently using this same 6v electric fuel pump without any issues. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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