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capt den

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  • Gender
  • My Project Cars
    1954 chrysler windsor deluxe convertible

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  • Biography
    old hippie
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  • Interests
    old cars, fishing gardening

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  1. if fulton is still in business try a call to them. capt den
  2. my jeweler had a guy that could work on small parts. they can solder tiny stuff and work with snall parts. worth a try. capt den
  3. synthetic oil just burned thru my engine a little faster than the old conventional oil. the manual for my car [54 windsor] calls for oil changes at 5000 miles. i do it more often. the old filter is a mess to change and the filters have gotten costly. chrysler did not even put a drain plug on the cannister. why the heck not? i use 10w 30. capt den
  4. if new to these cars remember the left side lug bolts are left hand threads. good not to let a tire shop try to remove them as they do not know this and will cause damage. good luck with the car. capt den
  5. when i had mine done i think .060 was the limit. i had mine milled only .010 as i just wanted to have a flat surface. i have also taken heads off and put them back on with no milling.just check for a good flat surface. capt den
  7. going thru alot of these posts. sad to see don coatney he was a fountain of info for us all. i have some decent tools but nothing like what some of you guys have.when i learn how to post pictures i will post my homemade water dist tube puller. capt den
  8. my 54 windsor is 4.5x5 for the rim. i have a 51 plymouth rim for my spare and it fits. also, the 235/75 tires will rub on the tie rod ends on the front. i had to use 225x15 to avoid that. capt den
  9. dorman makes a core plug that you put on with a wrench and a socket. part # 568-010. they are about $5 each at any parts store. you may have to order them, or look online. they are supposed to be temporary, but mine have been in my 265 block about 8 years. easy to install with the engine in the car.
  10. i know tis is an old post, but i have done business with them. i recommend them. good people, fair prices. they actually call you back. capt den
  11. i stumble when i accelerate, too.
  12. not sure if they ever had a visor for my 54 windsor convertible. dennis
  13. i have settled for the blind spot mirrors. tried others, like the swan necks but could never get one to be useful. i have spots on my 06 chevy truck, and on my wifes honda.they do the job and make driving safer. dennis
  14. Bob, not finding your old emails.i am not good on the computer.send me another one with the info. thanks, dennis
  15. plymouthy i think i sent you a PM. let me know. dennis
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