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Everything posted by DJK

  1. I have found Bars Leak liquid aluminum works very well with no harm to the heater core or radiator.
  2. On my 52 Cranbrook I painted the bumpers and all other trim pieces(other than the stainless), with Silver Argent wheel paint followed with clear coat. Has held up great after 5 yrs., driver quality.
  3. Be sure it is rated GL-1
  4. 45 years of turning wrenches and building many engines, I have never heard of not cleaning a used camshaft due to the solvent removing soaked in oil. Guess I was lucky. As far as the coolant system rust, on my 52 the coolant overflow tube is open to atmosphere which allows O2 to be drawn into the system. I fabricated an overflow container to prevent this.
  5. This is from the machine shop last summer. Parts came out to $1000 from Andy Bernbaum and a few other sources.
  6. I went to a pick a part yard and removed the dome lite switch from the passenger door hinge and installed on my drivers door hinge , wired it up, works great.
  7. It took me 2 months of draining and flushing on a 1959 John Deere 830 diesel tractor to get it running after the flood of 2011 in upstate NY, it was completely submerged. The pony motor started with little effort after cleaning the magneto and carb, diesel engine needed a shot of either to start it, been starting fine ever since. The tractor only gets used once a year for the Labor Day parade. The secret is to get the water and sediment out immediately.
  8. On my 52 Cranbrook, I used a Honda 9104-HB3-004 seal for the speedo pinion.
  9. Sam, I installed a switch to shut the pump off to drain the carb of fuel, this works very well for me. I also run electric, Carter P4259, full time, no manual pump.
  10. My 500 mile trip consisted of all 2 lane roads in upstate NY.
  11. tire plugs in your tool kit also. 50/50 c00lant is much more effective for cooling than just water.
  12. I did 500 miles participating in the P 15 Picnic in Sept. up in Cooperstown with my 52 Cranbrook. The only failure was the Chinese bluetooth amplifier that I use to play music through my phone. I did carry spare ignition parts, fuel filters, tools, flashlite, coolant, duct tape, etc.
  13. check Dorman products, I used a 5/8" socket for the dash lites on my 52 Cranbrook.
  14. Had mine rebuilt by Autoinstruments 47 Ford Street Martinsville, Va.24112 276-647-5550 Or you can check Hemmings Motor News, there are companies advertising in there that repair them.
  15. DJK

    P 15 picnic

    As for myself and my wife, had a great time in Cooperstown. Total of 500 miles on the 52 Cranbrook, only issue was with the bluetooth amplifier failure, suspect the power cord is not making a good connection.
  16. Technically there is gear oil on one side and grease on the other.
  17. I have had great results with my Carter P4259 for the last 5 yrs.
  18. I suggest also using a modern neoprene seal instead of a NOS seal.
  19. DJK

    Great Race

    I was going to post some pictures from Binghamton, but my phone is dieing and I wouldn't want to get Plymouthy Adams all upset.😀
  20. Not to mention his prices!!!!!
  21. DJK

    Great Race

    Weather is not looking good as of now, hope it changes.
  22. DJK

    Great Race

    Greg, let me know if you decide to go.
  23. DJK

    Great Race

    Calling for only 88 and thunderstorms, hope that forecast changes.
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