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About dhrandy

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Occupation
    Engineering Technician

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Concord, NC
  • Interests
    Play Guitar
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe Coupe


  • Location
    Concord, NC
  • Interests
    Guitars, Computers, HTML

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  1. Exactly why I stay around Concord, NC. If the car show is in Charlotte or further out I don't go.
  2. Nice, the only advantage of mine is I can take the speaker out. You're probably running 12 volts too, I'm still on 6.
  3. I don't have a radio at all, I just mounted a JBL portable Bluetooth speaker holder underneath.
  4. Finally got new tires put on the ole girl due to a leaky valve stem, hadn't driven her since the end of last summer. I do start her up every once in a while. Found out the previous tires were made in 2000, which puts them at 21 years old. Went with similar white stripe Cooper Trendsetter and stuck with the 215/75R15. I also finally found a set of tail light lenses that wasn't $100 each on Ebay, it was $100 for a set. I snatched them up real quick. I did end up installing a new front emblem last year. We still don't have many car shows around the Concord, NC area. Cars and Coffee is starting back up this month, but I'll be on a camping trip. I'll start scheduling my trips around them. Hopefully some of the others come back. Added the updates to the first post.
  5. I don't believe you pay anymore. Here's the information from their website. Historical Services: Due to the high volume of requests, Historical Services requests that all inquiries be submitted by mail or fax. With all requests, please provide your name, contact information and specific request. A confirmation email or letter will not be sent. Address: Historical Services 12501 Chrysler Freeway CIMS: 410-11-21 Detroit, MI 48288 USA Fax: 313-252-2928 https://www.fcagroup.com/en-us/footer/pages/contacts.aspx
  6. That's pretty cool!
  7. I know this goes without say, but have fire extinguisher nearby.
  8. In my state you can search about any counties court documents and find tax information on cars because it's public information. But you have to know the person name, can't search by car.
  9. Yes, dual master is safer. To answer your question, nothing. I replaced my leaky single reservoir master cylinder with another one. I started down the road and had no brakes, pulled into a parking lot and called my wife to bring me some brake fluid. I have an emergency brake that works, so I was able to stop. I also replaced the rubber lines. As long as you check your fluid regularly you should be OK. Usually if it leaks, its slow. If you have a puddle, then it's fast.
  10. Welcome to the forum, very nice car you have there!
  11. I had replaced all 8 wheel cylinders, all the rubber brake lines, all the brake pads and still had a spongy pedal. For me it turned out my master cylinder was leaking. When I replaced that I had to replace the 2 main brake lines. Now mine is perfect. But you said you replaced the master cylinder and bench bled it. With bleeding I started with the back right, then back left. Next was front right top, front right bottom, then front left top, front left bottom. I had the wife pumping the brakes. My self bleeder pump seemed to be sucking in air from somewhere.
  12. dhrandy

    Door glass

  13. dhrandy

    Door glass

    ? It's blank.
  14. Maybe the same owner "repaired" our cars, lol. I have metal on one side with sheet metal screws shot straight through the floor, which really sucked when I went to replace the master cylinder. The other side has some kind of cardboard type material, maybe made of the same stuff as pegboard. I think this winter I'll tackle wiring and next year I'll tackle the floorboards and rocker panel.
  15. Exactly! I knew this when I starting looking for an older car. In my price range they weren't going to be rust free.
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