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TravisL17 last won the day on July 9 2022

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    Anything with an engine
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Dodge Meadowbrook
    1951 B3D


  • Location
    St Paul, MN
  • Interests
    Anything with an engine

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  1. Glad you got it working! I trust you took the rest of the day off after the early morning win!
  2. To me, putting the condenser there is electrically the same as inside the distributor. I doubt the added length of wire would be noticeable for what we're doing here. My question is whether the new location offers more heat exposure to the condenser. Also, the bracket it's mounted to looks painted, so make sure the body of the condenser has a good path to ground.
  3. I attended the Big Iron Classic truck show in Kasson MN this weekend. I made it about 100 ft into the show and spotted this! I never thought I'd see one in the wild, given how few were made. My only regret is not getting more pictures or making it back to the truck for a second look before it left.
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  4. I purchased a 6v to 12v converter for my car. Simple hook up, only4 wires. Pos and neg for 6v input, pos and neg for 12v output. I can't recall if the case of the converter needed to be isolated from the vehicle chassis. Then I purchases a double socket 12v power outlet with a plastic housing. Mounted the power outlet and converter under the dash so it wasn't visible. With the housing being plastic, it's insulated from the 6v positive chassis of the car. Then you can plug in your AM/FM transmitter or cell phone charger, etc. I think the whole set up cost me around 25-30 bucks?? I ran mine off keyed power so no risk of a parasitic draw. My car doesn't have a radio, so I use a small Bluetooth speaker and my phone for music. And I can charge both items using the set up I installed. Works well for me.
  5. I like hearing stories of good customer support. So few companies now days seem to care about their customers.
  6. Nice job on the rad mounting. As for the clearance, it's close but I've worked on worse serp belt set up. Ever changed a serp belt on a Super Duty 6.7? Those are a fun time. I'm enjoying seeing the progress updates on TODD.
  7. I was fortunate enough to have folks here warn me about the pin falling out. I staked mine in, so far so good...
  8. I did the same thing kencombs recommended. Had a round magnet that I attached to the drain plug using The Right Stuff gasket maker from Permatex. It's a really strong RTV sealer. The magnet stuck to the drain plug well on its own, the RTV just gave it a little extra help.
  9. This thread made me think of this picture I saw a while back. Makes me laugh as I also have a preference on washer direction. It likely doesn't matter much, it's more of a habit and being particular.
  10. Today was a great day making memories and hitting a milestone. It's a bit of a story, so hang in there. Back in October 1996, Ed and Jane bought a 1950 Meadowbrook with around 69k miles that had spent the last 14 years in storage. It was the first classic car they owned together. Over winter and spring they put in a lot of work, bringing the car back to life. In June of 1997 the Meadowbrook attended its first Back To The 50's car show in St Paul, MN. Over the years they made a lot memories with the Meadowbrook and cataloged most of them. They took a trip to Mackinac Island that included a ride on the S.S. Badger ferry across Lake Michigan. For Ed's 50th birthday they drove it to Tulsa Oklahoma to attend the opening of the time capsule with the 57 Belvedere inside. After 22 years of ownership and declining health, it was time for them to sell. In January of 2019 my wife and I purchased the Meadowbrook with around 92k miles on it. We hit it off with Ed and Jane and formed a friendship. We've gone on a few car cruises with them and keep in touch throughout the year, sending them pictures and updates as we make family memories with the Meadowbrook. Earlier this week I realized the Meadowbrook was 68 miles from turning over 100k. Ed's house is 67 miles away, it was meant to be. I called him up and asked if he'd like to ride along for the rollover. He was in! Today was the day! With my wife and son along, we headed down to Ed and Jane's house. Busy doing math in my head, I missed a turn along the way and didn't quite make it to Ed's house before running out of odometer. So I stopped on the side of a quiet road at 99,999.0 miles and had Ed and Jane meet us. Knowing that he'd likely want to drive, I saved the last mile for him. After a few minutes waiting on the roadside they pulled up behind us. I asked Ed if he'd like to ride along or drive, of course he said "drive!". He was overflowing with excitement to have the opportunity to drive the Meadowbrook again, and for such a milestone! Ed never stopped smiling and commenting how much he's missed the Dodge and how great it drives. We stopped for a couple photo opportunities, just before and right after the rollover mark Then Ed drove back to their house. He let my son drive their Harley Davidson golf cart around their property while we hung out for a while chatting about life, cars and of course, the weather. I had also put together a small gift for Ed and Jane to mark the 25 year anniversary of the Meadowbrook attending Back To The 50's. I found the spot they parked in back in 1997 and took the same photo during this year's 50's. I framed it with the dash plaques by their respective pictures. 25 years of growth and change makes the background hardly recognizable. But I knew it was the spot because of the silos and water tower in the far distance. Out of appreciation, Ed and Jane gave me some incredible Dodge advertisements. I had secretly admired these from the first time I went to their home to look at the Meadowbrook before purchasing it. I had found similar advertisements online over the years, but none this nicely framed. Today is a day that I will always remember. I know Ed will too. I had no idea it would mean so much to Ed to be a part of hitting the 100k mile mark with the Meadowbrook. Making memories is the best part of owning a classic. Get out there and make some memories while you can!
  11. Safe travels! A friend once said to me "If it can make it around the block, it can make it around the world". Moral of the story, enjoy the drive. Don't think about the "what if" because it takes the fun away. I've driven my Meadowbrook on several long trips and it's always been memorable. Traveling in a classic is different, in a great way. Have fun!
  12. I've been thinking of you lately. We were down in your neck of the woods last weekend at the Elmer automotive and toy museum. I'm glad to see your back! Congrats to you and the family on the new baby girl. Sorry to hear about the rough times, I can't imagine what that was like. I'm looking forward to your posts and outings this season. Hopefully this summer our paths will cross.
  13. I did pistons, rings, rod bearings and deglazed the cylinders, all done in chassis. I figured if guys did that for years in service stations across America, it'd be worth doing to keep the car on the road until I can rebuild the original engine. All cylinders measured outside of spec for out of round and taper. I put about 300 miles on it last season until snow fell. I put about 500 miles on it this weekend. So far less oil consumption than before, no smoking, better power. Not an ideal repair, but worthwhile in my opinion. Especially if there are budget/time constraints.
  14. Talk about a small world! You're putting a Datsun Z powertrain in a Plymouth and I've got a 240Z in my shop getting put back together after being painted Plymouth's Sassy Grass Green! Looks like people can't be mad about your choice since these 2 projects basically balance each other out!
  15. With the front end sitting high due to no engine/trans and the front bumper being off, it screams potential gasser! But with a flathead in it. Old school speed equipment, isky cam, straight front axle etc! It wouldn't be the fastest car on the strip, but it'd be a fun challenge to see how far you could go with it.
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