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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, I could not resist, after working on the 47 for a while, decided to start it up and go for a ride. It is -8 right now, the car ran and drove very well, took a couple of miles and some time for the engine to warm up. It had been in the garage at 30 degrees inside, so I did not start the car in -8 temperature. The gravel road was dry, went for about a 3 mile ride, the engine ran great, car road very well:p .......................Fred
  2. That is basically it, the modem on my computer is not any faster, but woth this program running,evrything downolads a lot faster. Even on webpages I have never been to for a while, appears quite a bit faster than before. Wiofe who works for the srvice provider, and hates dial-up, is somewhat impressed byt the accelerator feature....................Fred
  3. It is that far from Calgary to the Okanagan Valley, I always thought it was closer, something like 400 miles...........Fred
  4. Rodney, sure sounds like a great shop and of course the shop owner makes the shop. Unfortunately too many of these establishments are ghosts of the past. BTW the 72 Demon was a cool car,in 1980 I had a 72 Duster Twister, with a 340 4 speed, headers, holley 650 dble pumper, mallory dual point ignition, went like stink..........Fred
  5. Yes they did, but this one is a freebie, and seems to work well, I am running at 628.2kbps on this posting.............Fred
  6. Hi Bob, it is part of my service provider's system, don't think it would work on another system. I am sure most of the dial-up service providers will have this soon, this is new for ours. They still cater mostly to the High speed crowd............Fred
  7. I also remember the days before cable too Ed, we had only 4 or 5 TV channels back then..............Fred
  8. Very Funny, there Pilgrim. We have it all, we have the digital fibre-optic TV , but that is in the city. I Live in the country, just outside of the Highspeed and Digital TV service area, all the towns and cities in this province have cable, we had cable back in the late 60s or early 70s when I was a kid. I can also get satellite Internet service, but don't want to pay the set-up costs. This accelerator, is for us country bumpkins, just outside of the high speed service zone................Fred
  9. Shel with the accelerator, it now runs 4 to 20 times faster, even at 4 times its around the 200 kbp mark................Fred
  10. Hi all, here is the test data, my system on dial-up runs about 48 kbps, with the accelerator program, it is running anywhere from 173 kbps, and has peaked at over 900 kbps. Its running from 4 to 10 times faster than normal, it is quite a dramatic difference.........Fred
  11. Test pic upload for the Dial-up accelerator
  12. Bob is this from Rock Auto............Fred
  13. Hi all, just downloaded a free acceleration program from our service provider. It seems to make a big difference, it was a 2.64 mb file. Although it is not speedy like DSL highspeed, it sure is a lot better than regular dial-up. Without this program pics used to come down in portions sometimes very slowly, now it comes on much faster. I would not have this crappy dial -up, but I am 2 miles outside of the high speed area..........Fred
  14. No that shouldn't be a problem they are both clean as a whistle
  15. Hi all, noticed my engine is leaking a bit of oil, 6 inch pattern over a couple of weeks. Its coming from the back of the engine, will rear main seal leak when the engine is not running, or would this be more of an oil pan leak. I have never taken the oil pan off this engine yet, it might be a good thing to remove and clean, also I want to pull the manifolds to fix the heat riser valve, would that be a good time to replace the valve cover gaskets, is it wise to clean up the valve galleys at that time too. I will need to do something with this summer, the diff is leaking a slight bit out of the pinion seal too.......................fred
  16. Looks mighty fine there Good Buddy, giving me ideas of building one here someday, winter in Georgia looks like fall in Manitoba..........Fred
  17. Hi Bob, what is the one in the pic from? I am looking for the OEM type as in the pic on the link Shel posted. The one I have now does not mount nicely, I am looking for the stock type, would appreciate it if anyone has one they could spare to sell me.
  18. Does anyone happen to have an extra they could live without, I would be happy to buy it.........Fred
  19. Hi Shel, I think 15 to 20 amps to be adequate for these 2 items. Actually on the heater motor circuit, I accidentally installed a 3 amp fuse, it did not blow, but it was only on a few seconds for a test, after some time, it would no doubt blow.................Fred ps 80 klicks, I do believe that your speaking in Metric:D
  20. Hi all, last night I rewired my front headlights and tailights. I have some type of late model dimmer switch for my headlights. It has to be surface mounted from the insdie of the car, which is not the best as the plug and wires for it leave a lump on the floor, which eventually when carpeted would be noticeable. The Stock OEM type dimmer switch, does it mount under the floor, allowing only the button to come through the floor hole. How do the wires attach, with ring terminals or some type of screw tightening on the wires. Can anyone let me know, as I want to get one of these switches, even my partscar dimmer switch was missing..............Fred
  21. Tim, never mnid the hammer, go and get an airnailer from the discount tool store. If I was close by I would bring mine and come over and give you a hand, as I am off this week myself, but the 2000 miles is a little too far. Today I bought the combination Brad Air Nailer and Stapler, take nails up to 2 1/4 inch long and staples to 1 1/2 inches long. It was from the Offshore Dicount store Princess Auto, bought it for $29.99 regular $59.99. Tried it out, works great, for the amount I will use it, should serve my purpose. Today I was also picking up MDF baseboards, had 14 footers on my Ranger truck, me and the 5 YO son went o Winnipeg to get them. On the way back the wind caught about 5 pieces and snapped them in half, still can use all of those pieces. Ity was about -35 or so in the Windchill today at noon, not sure why I picked a day like this to go get baseboards. But you know what Winnipeg City was a like a madhouse, people and traffic all over, evn in 30 below weather....................Fred
  22. Wesley to email any of us, unless the member disabled the feature, just click on any name or handle, then click on email the person...............Fred
  23. Hi all, bought wire from NAPA yesterday, it was to my surprise made in the USA, bought some more wire at Princess Auto today, it was made In Canada, again surprised, because these were house brand primary wire. It doesn't seem to matter what you buy these days, it seems to have Made In C and ends with A:rolleyes: , so when I see made in the USA or Canada, it makes me happy. The house brand ring terminals from Princess Auto were made in Taiwan, they are no where near as good as the NAPA ring terminals, made in the USA. Some day we won't make much in our 2 countries:mad: , we will be markets for off-shore junk.................Fred
  24. Installed in-line fuses heavy duty 12 gauge wire types on the wiper curcuit, the heater motor circuit. I only had 7.5 amp fuses, both the heater motor and wipers still worked , did not blow the 7.5 amp fuses, but I think the 20 to 30 amp range might be best for these 2 items. I also re-wired the circuit for the headlamps, new 12 gauge wire from light switch to the dimmer switch, new wires from the dimmer switch to the terminal contact under the hood infront of the rad, and new wires to the headlamps. I used 12 gauge for the high beam circuit and 14 gauge for the low beam circuit and 16 gauge for the high beam marker light. Before this was the following, all 16 or 18 gauge wire running to all of the lights, with the heavier wire, I would swear the front lights are way brighter. I also cleaned up all the connections, re-routed some wire and ran a few new wires for the rear tail lights. I also changed the connection on my right rear pigtail socket, as soon as I did that, my signal lights started working great, and they do on both sides and fronts work good too. My signal light indicator light on the dash now works, for both directions, even though it is a 1 light on the dash type, it works as it should, when the signals are used in either direction, this was not the case before...............Fred
  25. Hi all, I want to install on the following circuits, in-line fuses, one on the heater motor circuit and one for the wiper motor circuit. I have an in-line fuse for the clock, will also install one for the radio, when I get a working radio. I also have circuit breakers on the lights and ignition, these are 30 amp, I believe. I figure 15 to 20 amp fuses should be fine for the heater motor and the wiper motor, am I figuring right. My electrical system is a 6 volt basically stock, but I have replaced 90 % of the wiring..............Fred
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