Randy, I have a Sears Craftsman 33 Gallon compressor, with a 2 hp motor, much like Joe Flanagans, I used line filters, just cheap ones, a gravity feed 1.4 mm tipped knock-off HVLP spray gun.
The compressor was $300, but you may be able to borrow one, the paint gun was $30, the moisture trap filters about $30.
The paint was mixed 8-4-1 that is 8 parts paint, 4 parts reducer, 1 part hardener, this is as per Tim Adams suggestion.
The paint was $40.00, the reducer $10.00, the hardener $25.00, and tape and masking paper, lacquer thinner for clean-up.
The fillers, glaze, primers (used a 2 kurethane high build primer over filler work, the base primer over bare metal was Rusty metal primer, cut with reducer (as per Tim Adams recipe), all worked well with no compatibility issues.
Hope this answers your ????..................Fred