Hi Bob, pulled the drums, had a look at the brakes, looks like even ware, arrows pointing in right direction, on both front and back brakes.
Looks like I gave the major adjusters a bit of outward adjustment to compensate for the drums being slighly oversized.
I did see on 1 of the drums, a measurement that was painted on it,.022 over, was machined a bit, not much to clean them up, no doubt were machined a bit before too.
I then adjusted the minor adjusters, so they just barely touched the drums, and cleaned everything out with compressed air.
The MC was full, no leakages detected.
The brakes are very good, pedal high , and very responsive.
I am not sure they are right where they should be for heel and toe, will check this again, when I get a device to check them out.
Thanx Bob, and all for the good advice and ideas.............Fred