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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. My Dad had a new 1959 Ford, with Fords reilable 6 cyl, it went to like 160 k, before it started knocking in 1967, my uncle then bought it, it spun a bearing shortly after, but he was warned. My Dad bought a new 1968 Olds Vista Cruiser, owned it until 1975, it then had well over a 100000 miles on it, he sold it, and the new owners drove it for a few years after that, and it was sold again. My Dad tend to rack up the miles quickly, both sets of Grandparents lived out of town, summer holidays, and cottage at the lake so miles added up fast. My personal best is about 100k in about year and a half, when I was a Salesman on the road, some years back. One of my Supervisors at work has about a 10 year old Honda Civic, it has like 300000 on it.................Fred
  2. Yah, these need to be pulled for a thorough cleaning, just to let you know, a lot of them up here in Canada were brass, as mine was, so clean it and re-use again. I do not think Joe missed this on his rebuild, as he mentioned about a possible "air pocket", would allow for a real hot spot, that is for sure. Even after a very well orchestated re-build, things can and will go wrong, in Joe's case, he is gonna correct this and move forward. This has been a bit of a bad omen for Joe, getting her going at the beginning, oil pressure worries, then spinning a bearing, I hope all is sorted out, and put back together, and hopefully Joe will put a 100000 miles on it
  3. Thanx Bob, the way you present your car, and yourself at shows, is a real inspiration for all of us........Fred
  4. Hi Merle, wish it were that easy, and maybe next year it will. I have these corrections to make yet, u-joints, leaking diff pinion seal, leaky front and rear window rubber, bit of an exhaust leak along the line somewhere, new tires. Now besides a tune-up,oil change and lube of all key areas, the unknown, should carry, voltage regulator,fuel pump,coil,just in case. Now my engine has miles on her, exact amount unknown, so have vsions of blowing an engine or soem other darn thing, sorry I am a bit of a pessimist. I sincerely admire, Don Coatney, Young Ed, Greg, and especially Bamfordsgarage, for his driving his 47 Dodge with unrebuilt engine all the way from Edmonton ,Alberta to San Fran ,California. He is also planning to be at Hershey this year, and he is driving the car again, this Man is truely a brave soul, wish I had what he had for Guts....Fred
  5. Hi Ed, expect to see myself there too, I really wonder what I need to do to get my car ready for the journey....Fred
  6. Ihave rolled Rustoleum ona test project a few years back with fairly decent success, I did thin the paint close to 50%, roll 2 coats wetsand 600, roll 2 coats wetsand 600, roll 2 more coats wetsand 1000, roll 2 final coats(8coats), then wetsand 1500. After this you can use a polsih, buffer, and bring to a brilliant shine, this is follwed by a wax. I dida 48 Chrysler metal dash it was as smooth as a baby's you-know-what, and shiny, this was a small test piece, so a a whole car or bigger sections becomes more challenging, but can be done. I have a recipe and pics from a Guy from another forum that uses urethane paints, for the tip and roll method, he is a boat painter, his work is awesome.......Fred PS the pic is the dash I roller painted with Rust paint, it was not cut and polished yet, I only used a little Turtle Polish by hand, after the final wetsand, it still need to be buffed out, it was still shiny and smooth, no peel, blisters, fisheyes nothing.......
  7. Did you oil the speedo drive on the back of the speedo itself? Did you pll the speedo cable out of it's sheath and lube the cable? Is the speedo now on the bench? Yes there are still speedo places that can and will work on the vintage type speedo, hopefully someone will chime in and suggest some outfit near your location. Maybe you can clean and oil it and re-install, hopefully someone like Tim Adams can walk you through this.....Fred
  8. Very Cool Joel, hope to get down and see it sometime........Fred
  9. Randy, did not take this a negative, Manitoba is still mostly sparsely populated, this little village Petersfield is 25 miles north of Winnipeg in the St Andrews RM, the Winnipeg Capital region is around 850000 people, so not huge by no means, ask Aero 3113, He was here in June, must a looked tiny to a New Yorker. The nearest and biggest Car show venue is the, "Back to the 50s" Show In St Paul Mn, which is 450 miles southeast of Winnipeg.......Fred
  10. Hey Rodney I luv Rods, primered cars, old cars restos you name it. I saw the owner of a "23" Studebaker roadster, at the General Store on the way to the show, but he didn't bring the old car down this year.
  11. Secrets of trick photography:cool:, she is only a #3 driver at best;), hey a #3 dressed up as #9:eek:
  12. Well this is Cottage/bedroom communities, near a major western Canadian city, so there are tons of car shows and events, every week. The big shows will have 2 thousand cars
  13. Few more pics, a few drag race cars, including a rail were there...... I missed on taking a pic of a 1950 Pontiac, club coupe, old school resto, how I missed I don't know, very nice owner too, he was definately into old skool mods.
  14. More pics, this isa small show, usually about 70 to 80 cars, there were a lot less so far today, because of the severe T/storms coming.
  15. Hey all, went with the 47 to the Lily Pad Cruisers Show and Shine in Petersfiled Manitoba. It was rained on like crazy, been dry till today of course, did not stay that long. My windows drip a wee bit, but my car ran and drove great, gravel road was packed down and dry , so not much crud on my car from the rain. Not a whole lot of interest in my car, maybe no too many 40s Mopar fans around, a few older Guys came over and asked a few questions. I found people were a little peeved off with the weather and mosquitos. Here are the pics......
  16. Hey Joel , very glad to here you started this ole girl, sure wish I would have been there to see it first hand. Sounds a likea real decent project, sseems to me that Oklahoma and Manitoba vehicles are similar in not being rusty as cars in the east. What's the next plan for this great old car..........Fred
  17. Roberts, Bernbombs, JC Whitney, also sell window channel, and window side sweep stripping.........Fred
  18. What material? You mean some type of window sweep fuzzy stuff, or weatherstrip? I would contact thewindow manufacturer, or go to Home Depot or Loews for generic stuff, they will have lots of different items.....Fred
  19. Randy, just go ahaead and do it your way, or if you want follow or heed any of the advice you would like. Okay so it will be Rustoleum, follow the recipe, try say a door first, and see what the results are. If your happy with that, go to work, and either paint fenders/doors/hood body seperate, or do as a unit. Once it's done, and if you don't like the results, sand down paint, and do something else, its as simple as that, paint not to your standards, sand off, and re-do. Or let the rustoleum cure good and long, block sand and shoot on epoxy primer and paint. As far as fading and chalking, polsih the alkyd paint back to shine, that shouldn't be a problem. I would start witha door, fender or hood, and see what you think, post your steps/results, and pics, and let's see you get this idea you have been planning come to life. I know the body and paint folks would cringe, and state , this type of painting should be frowned upon, I have seen good examples of this type of painting, so go for it. Also check out the paint rolloing thread on Mopars for further advice.
  20. Hi all, 3 weeks ago I sold 2 NOS u-joints sets for 1940-52 Chrysler 6 cyl models. I packaged the itmes, took them to the post office, the post office put a plastic sealed bag around the parcel, which was small, then attached the the labels. It went to Chicago to US customs first, then to Sapulpa Ok, where the reciever, upon inspection at his post office would not take delivery, they are on the way home. The gent that bought these joints stated they were all apart, and the box I shipped them in was flattened, and he refused to take them. I told him, as long as all the pieces were there, and the needle bearing were intat, why not take them. Now what should I do, a) refund him immediately, wait until the u-joints return to me, then refund him, c) if they are damaged wait until I get my insurance claim then refund them. I phoned Canada Post, and they assured me the package I shipped was intact, when it left for Chicago, would US customs rip it all apart. I have shipped a few packages in my day to the US, and this has nver happened before........Fred
  21. Don, you pulled your engine with the front clip on correct? But you removed the hood first. Did you take the trans off before lifting the engine out? If I ever pull my engine, not sure I want to mess with the front fender clip assembly, especially painted half way decent. Will the engines come out okay with the front clip still on?........Fred PS still have a 251 full flow oil filtration, designated to go into my car at some point, it even has the right engine number for a 47 Chrysler Royal
  22. It's old, there is some wear on the thiing. I don't know how old, but she is not a repro or anything new, nice vintage addition to the old 47.....Fred
  23. Better the flat glass then the back window, they are curved, and not as easy to source, as brand new cut flat glass......Fred __________________
  24. Better the flat glass then the back window, they are curved, and not as easy to source, as brand new cut flat glass......Fred
  25. Here is a pic of the steering wheel spinner a friend just gave me. He is the same friend who gave me the Fulton Visor model#700. This Guy is super generous, he has a few old cars,a 50 Chevy more door,a 56 Chevy more door, and a 36 International 1/2 ton. Not sure how old this spinner is, might be vintage....Fred
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