Hey Rob, sorry to hear you want to depart to explore other venues, hope you change your mind. I have a 7 year old Boy tugging on my arm to go outside, will add more later.
I think there is a number of issues lately that has become a real turn-off, with 1 individual at the forefront of these issues. I am not blaming this individual for your wanting to leave the flock, but that person has rasied the "devil" in a lot of us.
I am with the majority, if there is a decent or a very complete original then stock certainly is my answer, but scrap heaps, that may get crushed and melted, a tasteful hot rodding is nice too.
I know a Gent from the Yahoo 46-48 Chrysler board, he has 3 such vehicles 2 rag tops, all original, except he is currently installing a hemi under the hood of one of the 48 Chrysler rag tops, the body, and interior will remain bone stock. The engine trans and diff, are getting upgraded to hemi power. I think this is cool, but there would be a lot of people cringing on what he is doing toa 48 Chrysler convertible. I think it has been said, when people spend there money and build what they want who am I to say, and vice versa. I certainly have enjoyed your posts Rob,and you have been a big help via email and PMs, hope to keep intouch..Fred