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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Try www.tanksinc.com I bought a tank for my 47 Chrysler, it isn't a dead ringer for the OEM tank, but fits pretty decent, they come in SS or Steel. The only glitch is this, the sender unit goes into the tank with the float in the opposite direct of the OEM tank, again not a big deal. I am happy i bought this tank, all nice and new, and very reasonably priced too........Fred
  2. Now that's how Santa should look.................
  3. My Sister lived in a haunted home, it was not fun for Her and the family, as the presence was quite annoying.......
  4. Now Tim, could you repeat that, the 10000 posts, I mean............LOL
  5. This should work just fine Rob, not surew you recall me making similar clips for my rocker trims. These new custom made bolt down clips, will be very strong and durable, I will be something the very same, when i remove all of mine again someday, actually, could also get or make some of these myself, and start 1 trim piece at a time, and the trim can get polished at the same time. Very creative, thanks for posting this......Fred
  6. Here you go 47heaven, this is where you really need to worry about heat:rolleyes:, and fan speeds. Taken 15 minutes ago, near Winnipeg Manitoba, temp as you see in the pic about 10 -15 f, sunny, no wind. The old 47 warming up, went fora short ride down the dry gravel road, this thing runs nice and is cozy warm in winte:Dr.......Fred PS get a little quad for some winter fun
  7. I dunno about that, but the next Rural Municipality( aka County) over from St Andrews where I live is Rockwood RM, there is a Rockwood Prison, there is a Rockwood Lumber, and a host of other Rockwood places....
  8. Keith this was in Elie Manitoba, about 30 miles west of the City of Winnipeg on the Trans Canada Hwy, about 55 miles straight as the crow flies from here. That day, there were huge t/storms in our area, this was quite the twister.....Fred
  9. You gotta loosen the center bar molding, and let the bracket clips seat in good and secure, if tightened you should be good to go. Speaking of Norm, been almost a year without Him, how time flies........Fred
  10. Bob and Tim, thanx for the advice, it was well taken. I did use the other Futon bracket, I did drill 4 holes thorugh the center section, then used the machine screws that were used on the fulton bracket on the other fulton visor. Here are 2 pics, next step, prep and paint. I am planning on sanding with 320 to 500, on this just to get the old finish off, but try and reatin the original green under it, for a good base to stick on the aluminum. Not going to paint till spring, don't feel like heating the shop right up now, it's only 45 in there today.
  11. Hi Ed, if there are any issues with any 46-48 Chrysler, which I highly doubt, I would be interested in any of those....Thanx Fred
  12. Do any of yall think I should use this bracket, instead of the original type, on this visor. Would I be making a mistake altering it a bit........Fred
  13. Hi all, decided to see how a Fulton Model #1000 center bracket may or may not work on my Fulton #700 Visor. The good news is it attaches as it should to the center bar, the bracket that attached to the visor is different. I am going to figure out a plan to attach this to my visor without damaging it, or making extra holes. My plan is to utilize the 2 slots on the center section of the visor, to make some type of attachments throught the slots, which the center brackets can be fastened to, via 4 machine or self tapping screws. If an when I get the correct 2 arm brackets, will change, this out. I would gladly swap this fulton bracket to anyone in ned for the correct 2 arm brackets, with attachment points that go through the slots on the center section of the visor. I will still need the end mount bracket attachment from Dan Hiebert, if he has one. Here are 2 pics showing the bracket mounted on the centerbar, but not attached to the visor yet.
  14. Here are 3pics, the socket set and igniton tools, and old wrench were my Grandfathers, either 30s or early 40s, as he died in 1943. The hub pullers is a must, the Streib Brake Adjuster, the impact driver,are all essential tools. The old craftsman torque wrench I bought in my final year of high school.
  15. I was wondering why Darren was ignoring my suggestion, there is variable ways of doing this task, employing a chain and some leverage( 2X4 piece of wood) or hydraulic tools.....Fred
  16. How about a chain, attached to he bottom spring hook, then attach spring to a piece of 2 X 4 to create a lever. Use the leverage to pull the chain down and onto its perch/mount. This can be done, as I have done this myself on my car. Another way would be to use a length of chain, place on bottom spring hook, then attach/hook the chain to the floor, lif car, this will stretch the spring down easily, allowing it to be placed onto is spring mount notch.........just some ideas
  17. Right on, good go, it's a nice feeling driving these old girls the 1st time under there own steam....
  18. Thanx Rob, once the visor is painted, and I get either another set of bumpers, or mine rechromed, she will look very classy..........Fred
  19. One of my fellow officer has a stache like that, .........
  20. It would be if a) your not dressed for the weather, but my car is inside a shop, even without the heat on in there it's still 40 above. I had to put a new plug end on my block heater cord, my bare hands did geta bit cold after a while. It really isa beautiful early winter day, did some snow blowing earlier, kid road the small quad around the yard on trails I cut for him, life is good.......
  21. They are very pricey to replate, and outrageously expensive to buy an NOS specimen.
  22. Here is a pic of my new used shiny hood lip trim. I bought this from a great Guy out of Modesto Cal. I also bought 2 dent free shiny headlight bezels too. I really need to get new or re-chromed bumpers, to finish the job, as well as the stainless and pot metal items need attention too, all in it's own time I suppose.
  23. Hi all, this is a super ot thread, but here goes. My 8 YO SOn, has the DS, the Gameboys, but he likes the more Vintage Gameboy Advance SP. He buys another one not long ago, but it has a beat up case, so he buys a new case for it from Hong Kong. When it arrives, he starts to take his old circhuit board and screen out of the old case, then calls me. What a night mare, the swap isn't all that hard, with 1 exception, the main ribbon circuit that goes from the board to the screen. The terminal that is on the board gets torn up, now the fun starts. I had a super electronis genius, micro solder this connectin back on. I then take everything home, and have the task of getting the ribbon to seat into the terminal contact, this took me 3 hours to complete, as well as the entire swap of cases. A few choice words followwed, I had worked a 12.5 hour shift before doing this task. The bottom line is, my Son got up this morning, and is a happy camper. The things we do for our Kids, and the obsession I had to not give up and kept trying till I got it right......
  24. I agree Ed, this engine block looks good.......
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