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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hi all, getting set to chance rear motor mounts, but want to buy new bolts ahead of time. Now I know they are 3/8 bolts, and nut, are they NFT or NCT? What length are they? I plan to buy grade # 8 bolts..........thanx Fred
  2. Thanx Moose, thought maybe this thread is a little too boring, yawn yawn:rolleyes:. Here isa pic of the ole Girl in the driveway, it's only 5 above, and sunny and calm, let her warm up, and drove down the orad and back, nice and toasty warm inside. So I am on the look-out for the parts I need, may have to fab something temporarily, after I paint the visor. I hear someone on Epay sells these brackets.......
  3. Hey all, did a preliminary fit test on my visor. I still need a center bracket, and left side end adjuster retainer piece. Please does anyone have any of these parts, I really can use them I do not want to fab up something that is not a Fulton piece. Here are 2 pics, of it on my car, it needs to be prepped and painted yet......Fred
  4. Hey all, did a preliminary fit test on my visor. I still need a center bracket, and left side end adjuster retainer piece. Please does anyone have any of these parts, I really can ues them I do ot want to fab up something that is not a Fulton piece. Here are 2 pics, of it on my car, it needs to be prepped and painted yet......Fred
  5. In western Canada, we use standard 110 volt electric block heaters, they work very well. I have also used a 110 volt battery blanket, magnetic 110 volt heaters, you stick em to the block or oil pan. The dip stick oil heaters are vintage, I have not seen one in years. I have seen people slide a metal pan with fire embers, slid under the oil pan, or a tiger torch, especially if your out in some remote place ,such as hunting somewhere in the bush. In the old days, some people would bring the battery in the house, drain the water, because they had no antifreeze, and warm up the oil, they all worked. _10 f, thats nothing, try it at -30 to -40 f, then you have a challenge. I find modern vehicles, with fuel injection, block heaters, and the use of synthetic oils work effecttively. I have started many a vehicle at -30 f, up here where I call home. I have also used recirculating block heaters, probably 1500 watts, they plumb into a heater hose, big trucks and heavy equipment use them, I had one ona 4 cylinder engine once, almost instant warm air, the engine did not take long to heat up, even at -30 f.......Fred ps on seriously cold nights, at work say at temps of -30 and colder, I will start my car and let it run 10 minutes evrey 2 or 3 hours, it works well for me, especially with a command start
  6. Hey Deez, this is the type of 2 arm bracket I need, as well as the outer bracket attachment piece, as well as 3 shoulder/set screws. Here is 2 pics of the Visor I intend to use on my 47
  7. Here you go Boys, winter hit here with a vengeance, a day or so back, here is the old Girl warming up, on a 10 f -12C morning. We got about 4 inches of snow, and wicked winds for 24 hours.....
  8. I was also thinking 34, but not really a Ford man, just the look of the grille.
  9. Reg, I have some parts for this type of Fulton Visor, I would gladly trade them for a center bracket for the Fulton Visor in Bob Ts pic. I can post pics of what I have or email them to you if your interested.......Fred
  10. Nice Old truck Joel, too bad I am so far away, if I were close by, would definately have a look.......Fred
  11. I can relate, "been there", "done that", and am young enough to do it again.......LOL
  12. The Trim Rings are not to my liking, I prefer the chrome look on the wheels. They are for sale, anyone interested contact me through PM.........Fred
  13. I also had my 47 out today, didn't go to far, went to the car wash, and washed the underside, had a nice ride.........Fred
  14. With a no-limit cash budget, you could have had your car rebuilt by quality restorers. Most of us don't have this money, time, or equipment,skills that is why those with the means can have someone in the know do all the work, and they write the cheque, and go win trophies at the car show. Please in no way is this a put down, it is a fact, in my case, if the funds would have been available, much of the work especially body and paint would have been done by pros too........
  15. Greg this outfit has decent prices.
  16. I, 2nd this motion, Michael you have been asked this before, re-size the pics for this board.....
  17. My 47 Chrysler C 38 CC
  18. Hey Chet the car looks fantastic, and maybe I should follow your lead on the "Steele" window rubber, was it an easy install? Don, mentions scratches, I have been super lucky in a year and a half, only a couple tiny scratches, touch wood. My son road along side with his bicycle, and did slight marr with handle bars, he was throwin a handfull of stones, and it hit the car door, and did nothing, so far so good........Fred
  19. No it is cut off a roll, and you glue it to the door bottom.....Fred
  20. They also sell it in 1 piece, that has a break in it off a roll, look on there website. There is nothing wrong with a 1 piece rubber, witha joint if it is installed correctly and sealant is being used. Not everyone is as priviledged as others who have unlimited budgets. I have used Roberts rubber products with success to date, and may or may not use them for the front window, not sure.
  21. Good morning, this morning went for a test drive to see how the door weatherstrip is working out. It seems to be working well, no drafts, aand wind noise, the car is much quieter as a result. the wind noise, is still coming around the front window seal, which on my car is very rough, so crappy seal. I plan to install a new rubber seal around the front window in spring, or sometime this winter. Has anyone done this recently, and what rubber should I use Roberts(cheaper) or Steele (more money)........Thanx Fred
  22. Rodney, I have the door sitting nice and firm against the weather strip now, but this door was problematic, from the beginning of my time with the car, and it was probably smucked way back when. I would not have been able to close the door without adjusting the striker plate, at the very least, it seems to be settling in now, it is making a good seal, and I drove the car, it is much quieter. If I have too, will do the job over again on this door, but it seems to be not bad, will see if the rubber compresses a bit in time. Does the rubber settle in and compress after a while?
  23. Today installed the driver side, it went on fine, but the door could barely close, I re-adjusted latch, and had to adjust the hinges, , and trim a bit of weatherstrip, in some spots. This really sucks, I have always had trouble with this door, the door was smucked at one point. Will the weatherstrip relax over time, the door is closed now, but is quite tight on the latch, the spacing is okay, but it is out a bit along the B latch pillar. Any Ideas,please.........Fred
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