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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Hey all, many years back I applied and received my 9 digit Social Security Card, the card for US citizens, and for all of those who have lawful access to living and working in the United States. I was just looking at my card, and have no idea if it is still valid, or if they are required to be renewed, I got this one in 1989, but chose to remain and work in Canada. So if anyone knows if the Social Security card can expire, can you inform me. I want to keep it valid, which I am sure it is, you never know, may need to use it someday, if I ever really get sick and tired of this cold winter weather.............Fred
  2. Am I detecting there is a wee bit of cool weather blowing in to Oklahoma from the North. Actually started to warm a bit above 0 f, and sunny, no snow like Minneapolis and Chicago, now that is snow, all the way to Murfeesboro Tenn.....LOL
  3. Wish we had a little more snow up here, as it was cold last night -18 f , and tonight maybe -12 to -15 f range. My kid played outdoor hockey today at -5 or so, we be tough Northerners. Here a pic of the 47 and my Son with his 110 cc quad, and the same Son playing outdoor hockey today, at -8f, now that isa cool game....
  4. Chris, that looks great, aren't you afraid of salt/snow rust damage to your car. Most likely it is too cold and relatively solid packed snow on the roads, so not as bad as slushy melting snow, when temps are near freezing....
  5. This is true Pat, but fulton had the entire visor and brackets painted with this stuff, the dealer would paint the matching color on the exterior and brackets...
  6. That is celsius, so about 10 above f last week and about 28-30 f now, that is mild weather by our winter standards.....go for a ride if the roads dry up....
  7. This is the reason, I left mine alone on the underside, it is in fairly good shape, and it does reduce glare. I tried not to sand through it on the top side, so the scratches, and some paint pitting, are still a bit noticeable. The next time will sand the topsdie right down, then prmer with epoxy primer first, then a high buld primer, blocking and paint. Right now I can live with the results, which are not too shabby.....Fred
  8. Thanx Bob, go the magazine bundle today here near the North Pole, very much appreciated....Fred
  9. Good question, Front tires that are too wide, can produce this result, rubbing when turning.
  10. You know what's missing on this thread, Norm'scoupe, telling us why He loves 4 seasons, winter in Wisconsin, and no reason to relocate to the sun belt of the Southern States. Norm enjoyed winter, that way He could justify only having his P 15 go as far as the driveway, not bad for a Gent who was raised in Louisville Kentucky. Norm your gone, but still not forgotten.
  11. Mechanics gloves, piece of SM styro boad to lie on, keep tools as warm as possible, clothing dressed in layers to keep cold from penetrating...
  12. Sonds just like here Lee, except no snow in our forecast, just cold nights ahead. http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/forecast/city_e.html?mb-38&unit=i
  13. Here you go folks, a Cold weather Chrysler, temp about 2 above, sunny, and brisk.
  14. Here are 2 pics of my Fulton Visor back on the car, this morning
  15. Quit whining, what 25 f, that is not that cold, you should be able to work on your P15 outside in that weather. Now try -20 witha windchill of -40, then were talking. Today it will be about 2 f, witha windchill value near -20 f, and that ain't as cold as it will get in january up here...... I pic of the outside thermometer, 1 inside my garage with the heat on the lowest setting for about 1 hour, just enogh to take the edge off, to allow me to install my Fulton Visor
  16. The neigbours (average joe schmuck), does not understand an Old Mopar Nut, motivated to work on his old girl, even in the middle of a Canadian winter. They probably thought you were 'temporarily insane", when the fact is you had flat head fever..LOL
  17. With the right shop, right temp, and right equipment no problem, look what body shops in Canada do all winter. I am not saying I have this kind of equipment, but I got the job done, but after I finished, I thought, what the heck did I do this for, on a day like this, but the visor looks 10 time better painted the same color as my car......Fred
  18. Maybe next winter, if I ever do the complete removal, will rebuild engine, or have my 251 rebuilt and ready to go. I know a local mechanic who has a hoist, who could probably make short work of this project. The trans, clutch housing were detailed and painted just 3 years ago, my engine is not bad, but if I ever pull this engine, will paint everything again, including the firewall too.......
  19. Hey all, could not change rear motor mounts today, that left me frustrated, as I am a goal oriented person. I removed the visor, prepped, taped/masked, and shot paint, not easy ia cooler building, paint had to be warmed up, but it came off not too bad, "at least it is 1 color as the car". The garage temp was about 55-60 f, it was 20-25 f outside, witha howling wind, and some snow flurries. I had warmed up the paint, and solvent in the house, but it was too cold, when I mixed some for a first spray, but I thinned ita bit more, opened my fluid needle on my spray gun, and laid on 2 thin cover coats, back to back. Paint has no runs, a couple of tiny fisheyes, wee bit of dust. The substrate needs mor prep, I just scufeed and feathered the old finish, did not want to go through the green OEM Fulton paint. Next paint, will blast/sand, then use a high build primer, wet sand and paint. All in all, not bad. Tonight after the paint is dry, will bring visor in house for further overnight drying, then will assemble and re-install tomorrow or Saturday. It ticked me off I could not swap the motor mounts, so I had to do something, otherwise, I would not feel too good, can any of you relate to that.....LOL Here are 2 pics of the job......
  20. failure is only for the moment, not for the future, and the future starts the next minute. I will get this job done, don't forget it's cold up here, I have to heat up the shop, work on the floor, on some carpet. I am not sure how I am going to proceed, what may be the best course of action. Hey Don, did'nt you say you were retired, how about lending a hand in this one.......
  21. Okay here's what happened, Got the nuts off bottom of motor mounts, jacked up engine, under the trans. I could not get clearance to remove the top rubber and tube spacers. I had one "H" of a time getting the bolt back trhough the spacer tube, and lined up, this is why. The rear engine mount brace, has been moved forward, this was to accomodate for dry clutch, when flui drive was removed, I did not do this job. The mount brace, should be either moved forward slightly or something, to allow the 7/16 bolts to line up with mounts, easier. There were no bottom rubbers, and the bolts sued were 3 1/2 fine thread 7/16 bolts. I buttoned everything back up, not sure what I am going to do next. I think the trans should come out, possibly the rear mount brace moved slightly. I am not going to do this job until spring, or maybe take it toa small shop near by. I am a little tired, banged my head on the cement floor too, good thing I was wearing a winter knit hat......Fred
  22. Thanx Guys, I have no intention of ever pulling the floor plate, I have it well sealed, and sound deadener, and carpet over it, do not want to remove it for any reason, except, if forced to do so. I will try and seeeeee what I can do today.....Fred
  23. I did some searches, it seems there is a way to change these mounts with the trans in. Now can anyone tell me what might work, in order to change these rear motor mounts. I am determined to swap them, but do not feel like pulling the trans out just yet...Fred
  24. Hi Tommy, just crawled under the car, and had a looksy. It appears the trans will not lift very much, for clearance to allow spacer tubes to lift out. Looks like I have to pull the trans, not in the mood for this tomorrow, so it will wait until warm spring weather....Thanx Fred
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