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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I bought the 2 door rubber, it is specific to 2 door cars I think, as the rubber isa slightly different shape......Fred ps no snow here, but ver cool damp rain and sleet today, clearing now, and cooler
  2. Tommy, the weathertrip does not go around the hinges on a Chrysler, there is a weatherstrip along this area that is seperate. It was not overly hard to install, the door is much tighter to close right now, and hopefully this will loosen up some, as the rubber finds it's comfort fit....Fred
  3. I accidentally ordered 2 gas pedal grommets from Roberts, they fit Plyms, Dodge Chrysler, Desotos, 40s 50s. I paid $7.50 each, if anyone needs them $7.50 US each plus postage from Canada( about $1.00)
  4. Today, after 1:00PM, decided to install weatherstrip on passenger door of my Coupe. I had ordered new door rubber from Roberts, I cleaned the door edges, removed all the old rubber, and spent 2 hours prepping the door, then installed the rubber using 3M weatherstrip adhesive, it worked out pretty good. The door was a tighter close, right off the bat, but the rubber is relaxing a bit already, it looks good, and the seal seems very good too. Tomorrow will do other door, and if weather holds up, will test drive the car and check for drafts and noise etc. I learned 1 lesson, the doors should have been removed, while I was painting the car, and the rubber should have been removed at that time too, the paint and metal were in decent shape, except on the bottom side of the door, a little rougher. I plan to paint the car again in the future, this rubber will replaced then, and the job done more professional. Here are the pics, of the rubber on the door......
  5. I adjusted the throw out rod today, that made a huge difference. i still have to install new motor mounts, that should help matters to. I had my flywheel machined, the clutch and pressure plate, were both NOS Borg and Beck, and should be okay. This past spring, the clutch was doing the chatter on take off, then it suddenly stopped doing this, and reappeared in fall, so what gives......
  6. No, they are in need of painting, and my OEM chrysler hubcaps aren't that great. I really like the 49 Hubcaps I am using, they look like the OEM cap with a trim ring, but are full disc of course. I am going to clean and prep the WW rings, and paint them soon, maybe a pic then......Fred
  7. Hi Ed, I might have to do a draw, for a lucky winner, if there are so many interested, at this point, I am not sure which way I am leanin, as far as keepin em. I wasn't sure how much interest there might or might not be in these trims rings.....Fred ps I think they had some of those, will verify, next Monday, as the stroe is in Winnipeg, and I go there next Monday for another dreaded Dentist appt
  8. Okay, you asked first, the place where I got these had a lot of 46-49 Dodge hubcaps, and Plyms too, and many other vintage for that matter, here are the pics.........Fred
  9. Hi all, today found a set of 4 white wall trim rings, they are not lyons but are like Neil Hobacks, they 15 inch, have 1949 Plymouth and Dodge on the back side. I do not know if I like these on my car, compared to my 1949 full disc Chrysler hub caps. These may be for sale soon, will post pics later, they are in good shape, but need to be cleaned and painted........
  10. Hi all, okay so I have had some vibration from the driveline, on take off lately. My clutch was new 2 years ago, flywheel machined, no oil is leaking in there either. My rear motor mounts are toast, the new ones from Roberts arrived today, so they will be installed maybe tomorrow. I did an adjustment on the clutch linkage, it helped quite a bit. I am hoping the new rear mounts will also help a lot too. I have installed brand new U-joints last week. My question, is how many of you have had similar problems. I know last year I was having chatter/vibration on take off, and after I adjusted the carb, it was much smoother, coincidence, or not..........Fred
  11. That is good info, and too bad this happened. I have not had a tire blow apart for years and years, could this be a load thing on the tire, speed, heat , and other conditions. My daily driver tires were made last years, the snow tires 3 years ago, my 47 Chrysler has 12 year old Good Year radials, gonna replace them next spring, they have lots of tread left, no cracking, but are getting old.......Fred
  12. Lookin real fine my friend, and it looks like you weren't afaraid to get your own hands dirty, gotta respect that.........Fred
  13. I think 40 year old tires would be in the replacement category, but a 6 year old well stored tire, that I really have trouble buying into. I think there would bea reasonable time frame based on conditions, wear, tire quality etc, but 6 years give me a break, and I know you did not mention this Tod, so not coming down on you or anyone else for it, I really have trouble with this 6 year tire limit idea.........Fred
  14. Not all Canadians drink Beer, some like Crown Royal too......LOL Car looks great Rob..................Fred
  15. I don't know if I completely buy into this concept, I think driving conditons, environmental factors, driving habits, can contribute to tire breakdown. i am not attacking or critcizing you, just not sure if this is all fact or hidden agenda propaganda.............fred
  16. Here ya go, well worn Bias ply tires, Plym wire wheels, these should be okay for a another 10000 miles. Have these in 1 of my sheds......
  17. Tommy Place car securely on ramps, stands hoist, get her up, safely. Loosen front engine mounts place floor jack under trans with wooden piece between jack and trans unbolt rear motor mounts, and remove bolts lift trans with jack, just enough to be able to slip motor mounts out install new mounts, and bolt into place (use new fresh grade 8 bolts,nut,washer) retighten front engine mount re-adjust shifter linkage if necessary Call the Boo Bird Flock and let em know you did the job........LOL
  18. Yah I was afraid of that, and my current Good Year Radials are also 12 YO, new ones before next season......Fred
  19. There is some bad corrosion on the bottom inside corner, so doubtful on this unit, will check the other tomorrow, if I still have it, will let you know ASAP. ...Fred
  20. Hey, this is still a free country, your car, your money, your dream, why should anyone condemn you for this. In my youth I was a big Chevy fan, especially the 283 and 265 SBC. At least you are going to get this car built, drive it and have some fun, another P15 saved from extinction, I think Walter P built enough P15s, for a few hot rodded versions now and again. Post some pics as you go along, and put a video on you tube if you can. Now wait a minute, I am a Canadian telling you about a free country, our's is still free too, God Bless North America..........Fred
  21. Alan, found this one so far, and it is not in very good shape, your welcome to this and the other, if you want them. Here is a pic of the one.
  22. I might have a set, will check it out tomorrow morning as it is night here now, and they are in a shed without electricity. If I find them tonight, will post a pic later......Fred
  23. Just ran into an Old Car Friend in town, he just bought a 56 Caddy, a Texas car, he has WW Bias tires on it, they are 12 years old, and mine if I want them, not sure if I should install them with radial tires tubes and use them or not. I have not seen them yet, so do not know what kind they are, maybe they are Firestones, which are my favorite........Fred
  24. My pinion seal is leaking, need to fix that, and new rear springs are in the future...........Fred
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