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5027 steve

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Everything posted by 5027 steve

  1. So just let me know if I can't come here and ask questions????? I look in all my books first ,it's not like they contain everything in detail ......because they don't....
  2. It does not ......it just lists the studs at 3/8-16 studs no lengths so how exactly does a parts book help .....???? I have 3 different Dodge b2b books ....
  3. Ok so still dealing with 2 broken studs in head but stupid me ...I see now I removed the rest of the studs pretty easy BUT I didn't notice till this morning I have 2 different stud lengths ...same thread pitch but different lengths ....I assume the longer 4 are for outer exhaust manifold flange ??????
  4. I'm not understanding why I can't drill into the studs ????? Heat hardened???? They certainly are not stainless
  5. Ok can someone confirm the thread count on the studs????
  6. Is it possible to use a cutting torch to blast the bolt out ???? Is it possible from me to hurt the head in any way????
  7. Nope barely have 1/8 to get a vice grips on and it ain't working ....so I tried to go get my drill /easy out set and I can't even get a drill bit to even make a dimple in the stud?????? And drill bits are brand new titanium....WTH???? NOW WHAT ....
  8. HELP.....IM going to work on removing broken studs in the head this weekend it's a goal......but wanna make sure of something....am I correct that the stud thread that goes in the block is 3/8 -16 and the manifold side is 3/8 -24????
  9. I think I found why the truck wouldn't down shift.....lol
  10. Being under the truck now a few times lol -A question that comes to mind is what is supposed to stop the travel of the clutch and brake pedals when released???? It seems on ours it's the bottom of the floor boards and I don't think that's correct ....Thanks
  11. Where did u find videos on taking the front clip off????
  12. Yes I do ...a good friend has his own cabinet shop ....Thanks
  13. Ok I understand the strips what about a source for the wood if we don't have the tools to make our own???? Does anyone know what Dodge used for the original wood????? Ash???
  14. I've searched the threads for a finished close up pic of the bed done with the correct strips and bolts...and couldn't find one....our truck came with a piece of plywood in the bed so I have no idea of what it is supposed to look like when it came from the factory ,we did have some large bolts and massive round washers under the plywood but nothing else ...Thanks Steve...
  15. Got the bed off tonight now on to cleaning up the frame and cross members
  16. The only reason I said that is fel-pro lists them as push rod covers lol .... obviously there are no push rods ....THANKS steve
  17. Good evening men...We got the intake/exhaust manifold off today(whew that was a challenge) we took what is called the push rod covers off and #1 we were pleasantly surprised how clean the interior of motor is ..no real gunk or build up .....#2 But are perplexed that the covers had no gaskets or anything the would resemble gasket sealer...I got gaskets at Napa today (actually in stock) did these motors come with gaskets from the factory???? I'm surprised it really didn't leak oil when we ran it although no pressure is built up in that area of the motor....
  18. Thanks my son figured it out this morning....THANKS AGAIN GUYS
  19. Ok my phone crashed and had to get a new one and before any time I visited this site it automatically took me to this thread and now I can't even find this thread without going thru my notifications...anyone ???? Thanks
  20. Wow thank you very much....I'm still trying to use search function....I just have a hard time with it....steve
  21. Does anyone have pics/exploded view of the heat damper assembly between the exhaust and intake manifold???? The three service manuals I have and the parts book do not have one pic about how to service repair it...Thanks Steve
  22. I would like to just take a second and thank all of you who have helped thus far on this project....THANK You for being reponsive to my sometimes dilly questions....Steve & Braxton
  23. While studying service man..it says nothing about removing the retainer split bracket...I also finnaly was able to search posts here although I found nothing about that retaining bracket...
  24. Ok ......just removed flywheel for turning and found this oily mess... Went to service book to read about rear main oil seal .....Those with experience how big of a job is it to replace this seal......Thanks Steve....
  25. Outstanding Merle thank you guess we have to do more digging I wouldn't have ever thought of that unless you replied....Wisdom thanks Merle
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