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5027 steve

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Everything posted by 5027 steve

  1. So if the bolt is removed there is a zerc fitting behind it ???? I have a manual and all it shows is a bolt on in a angle and doesn't explain it....Or you remove bolt out zerc fitting in and grease then remove zerc and out bolt back in ???? Thanks
  2. Nevermind on #1 because u have to pull the hubs to remove backing plate I get it now looking at it but still confused on the bolt
  3. The bolt looks like it's threaded into the axle tube....
  4. Merle thanks and that's pretty much like our other Mopar axles....I guess 2 questions #1 why pull the hubs off and #2 what is the bolt that is at about 5 o clock behind the backing plate does that need to be removed before we remove axle????? Thanks again
  5. Why does the brake backing plate have to come off I guess....????
  6. Ok I'm not understanding how to remove rear axles for seal replacement ...for what I'm understanding the hub can stay on axle and pull the whole assembly out????? What retains the axle then..Where is the rear axle drive shaft key?????? Head scratcher ......
  7. Yep we have a x on ours and no brackets or sign of colum shift linkages anywhere....but have underdash parking lever ...lol we have a unique one Merle...
  8. Yea but I have regular rims from a 50 dodge car no holes in rim for the bolts lol
  9. Are there bushings available for the wiper arm to motor stud????
  10. Anyone see the problem here????? I can't believe someone would do this ....we had massive wobble in the back end ..........unreal
  11. Yes I believe we have a late B1 that was rebadged a B2 by Dodge....on our door plate it is stamped B1+1 and I've seen others that are stamped B2 not B+1+1 I think the b1 had a 3 speed floor shift but I don't know too much about these I'm still a virgin.....but learning more each day .....Thanks for all the help Merle
  12. Yes Merle we have a 1950 b2b with a 3 speed floor shift
  13. How does a person remove the switches and cable knobs out of the dash????
  14. Ok spent the whole day with my son under the truck and removing some stuff and will have a few questions but first we have the 3 speed manual trany and looks like we have to pull it ...Does the shifter handle come out or do u have to try and pull the trany out with it on????? We are trying to Figuire it out...Thanks
  15. Ok so the shop manual talks that it's so easy to remove the front clip ....but looking at it it seems a million nuts and bolts to do , anyone have some insight???
  16. Ol' Yeller. Looks good
  17. I found these sweet old hubcaps and they fit my non stock wheels perfectly..whew dodged a bullet ...get it ???? Dodged a bullet. LOL.
  18. Sounds like a plan and I just found out I can order a new wiring harness WITH directional wires in it already.....so it will look like factory but have directionals
  19. Yes originally I believe they only had the drivers side tailight....I will be adding the passenger side for safety....so the sheet Metal mounts are what came from the factory correct????
  20. Damm I thought it was working correctly.......
  21. Ok last night playing with the drivers door....I think I have the locking Figuired out but then again maybe not...LOL....do u have to lock the drivers door from the outside handle????? It locks when I lifer the outside handle but doesn't lock using the inside handle .....Once again THANKS !!!!!!
  22. Can someone please help me with the taillights on my truck, 1950 2b2 -did they come with the cast iron type mounts or the stamped sheet metal mounts,i see DCM has both but doesn't list any difference in models ....Thanks
  23. Thank you very much
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