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5027 steve

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Everything posted by 5027 steve

  1. I'm still trying to find the classifieds.....all I see on top of page is butchs parts....but I'm smart phone dumb also
  2. Wow thank you very much good info....
  3. Thanks well if I have one made I'll have to start selling them here......
  4. I must be stupid because I can't find where the classifieds are here also does anyone know if DCM is a real company???? I have tried to contact several times and no one answered the phone?????
  5. So I'm to assume no one makes a aftermarket parking brake cable???? That's confusing cause I can literally find every nut and bolt on this Truck???? Thanks .....some of this gets kind of confusing....
  6. Source or part # for parking brake cable ...checked DCM and doesn't look like they have them....Thanks
  7. Thanks for the info
  8. How much do I have to lift the cab to get new bushings/bolts in ????
  9. The previous owner put these floor boards in
  10. Does this mean I'm missing cab bolts?????
  11. Ok I just was in the shop checking the truck out trying to grasp how the cab is bolted to the frame......the shop manual is not a great help in location of the cab to frame bolts ,anyone want to explain please,the guy before me fabricated new floors and I think he covered up the front two bolts???? I see what looks like plugs behind the seat is that where the rear ones are???? Thanks
  12. Any original badge that goes on those 2 holes in top of my tailgate????? Thanks
  13. I will look into that thanks
  14. Can someone post a pic of the floorboard by the pedals please that has a finished cab/floor......does each pedal get a boot on it ???? Or does something cover all three to seal them from the elements....Thanks Steve
  15. Thanks I was thinking fire extinguisher but Figuired it was too small because back then fire extinguisher were very large...
  16. Any guesses on this bracket on the steering columsteering
  17. Thanks yep I think I'll stay with what I got and try and find some dodge hubcaps ordog dishes dodge
  18. Thanks for the info ...
  19. So are the original rims 2 piece rims rivited together to the hub???? I'm just trying to get my pea brain to understand
  20. I'm trying to follow this ,you are saying the rims are rivited to the hubs from the factory???? Wow what were they thinking?????
  21. So now what do I do......ugggggg
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